So far, the Tobiko docs were duplicated in some places, different (although duplicated), and some fragments were not relevant (or outdated). This patch refactors the Tobiko test cases run guide by modularizing the fragments ("spilling" fragments instead of coping them), correcting typos, and deleting/updating irrelevant information. Note: in order to see how the change will appear, download it with `git review -d <change_url>`, run the `tox -e docs` command, and then double click (with the file explorer) tobiko/doc/build/html/<file-you-want>. Change-Id: I4c8ba2cb89075ef25afd77fedeaed8a896df74e7
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Tobiko Test Cases Execution Guide
This document describes how to execute Tobiko test cases.
See also
For a quick and simpler start you can jump to the tobiko-quick-start-guide
To install Tobiko inside a virtualenv please read tobiko-installation-guide
To configure Tobiko please read tobiko-configuration-guide
Prepare Your System
Before running Tobiko test cases, you need to be sure you are doing
it from Tobiko source files folder and that you have activated a
virtualenv where Tobiko is, and its requirements are installed. Please
refer to tobiko-installation-guide
and tobiko-configuration-guide
know how to setup your system before running test cases.
Prepare some logging (Optional and recommended)
To see if we are now being able to execute Tobiko test cases, please open a new terminal and keep it open, where you could watch tobiko.log receive logs on real time. Change directory to reach the directory where tobiko.log file is and run the following command:
tail -F tobiko.log