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Tobiko Quick Start Guide

Document Overview

This document describes how to install execute Tobiko scenarios test cases using Tox.

See also

To install Tobiko inside a virutalenv please read tobiko-installation-guide.

To configure Tobiko please read tobiko-configuration-guide.

To run Tobiko scenario test cases please look at tobiko-test-case-execution-guide.

Install Required Packages

Make sure Gcc, Git and base Python packages are installed on your system.

For instance on RHEL Linux you could type:

sudo yum install -y gcc git python python-devel

For instance on RHEL Linux 8 or CentOS 8 you could type:

sudo dnf install -y gcc git python3 python3-devel wget
sudo alternatives --set python /usr/bin/python3

Make sure pip and setuptools are installed and up-to date:

sudo python
PIP=$(which pip)

Make sure setuptools, wheel, virtualenv, and tox are installed and up to date:

sudo $PIP install --upgrade setuptools wheel virtualenv tox

Get Tobiko

Get Tobiko source code using Git:

git clone
cd tobiko

Configure Tobiko Credentials

In order to run the tests successfully you'll need to set up OpenStack credentials. You can do it in one of below ways:

  • credentials-from-env
  • credentials-from-config

Set Tobiko Credentials Via Environment Variables

See also

For more details about supported environment variables please read authentication-environment-variables section.

You can use an existing shell RC file that is valid for Python OpenStack client :

source openstackrc

An example of 'openstackrc' file could looks like below:

export OS_AUTH_URL=https://my_cloud:13000/v3
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=secret
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default

Set Tobiko Credentials Via tobiko-conf File

See also

For more details about supported configuration options please read authentication-configuration section.

Create a file at ~/.tobiko/tobiko.conf adding a section like below:

api_version = 3
auth_url = http://my_cloud:13000/v3
username = admin
password = secret
project_name = admin
user_domain_name = Default
project_domain_name = Default

Setup Required Resources

To be able to execute Tobiko scenario test cases there some OpenStack resources that has to be created before running test cases.

To execute commands from a virtualenv created by Tox you can type as below:

tox -e venv -- <your-commands>

You need to make sure ref:authentication-environment-variables are properly set:

tox -e venv -- openstack image list
tox -e venv -- openstack flavor list
tox -e venv -- openstack network list

Get an image for Nova instances created by Tobiko:

wget -c
tox -e venv -- openstack image create cirros \
  --file cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img \
  --disk-format qcow2 \
  --container-format bare \

Create a flavor to be used with above image:

tox -e venv -- openstack flavor create --vcpus 1 --ram 64 --disk 1 m1.tiny

Create an SSH key file to be used to ssh to Nova server instances:

ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -P ''

Add reference to above resources into your tobiko-conf file:

image = cirros
flavor = m1.tiny

Add reference to the network where Tobiko should create floating IP instances in tobiko-conf file:

floating_network = public

Run Test Cases

Finally run Tobiko scenario test cases using Tox:

tox -e scenario

List resources stacks created by test cases:

tox -e venv -- openstack stack list