pkomarov e8eb4ff759 Fixes for podman client (client tunnel discovery, client creation and tests)
We have to pass ssh_client object to tobiko/podman/
otherwise that methid has no way to get the actual socket url:

In [27]: import six
    ...: import tobiko
    ...: from tobiko.tripleo import overcloud
    ...: from import sh

In [28]: ssh_client = overcloud.overcloud_ssh_client('controller-0')

In [30]:     cmd = "systemctl list-sockets | grep podman | awk '{print $1}'"

In [31]:     result = sh.execute(cmd, stdin=False, stdout=True, stderr=True,expect_exit_status=None)

In [32]: result
Out[32]: < at 0x7f3a232f2b70>

In [33]: result.stdout
Out[33]: '0 sockets listed.\nPass --all to see loaded but inactive sockets, too.\n'

In [35]:     ssh_client = overcloud.overcloud_ssh_client('controller-1')

In [36]: output = sh.execute("systemctl list-sockets | grep podman | awk '{print $1}'" ,ssh_client=ssh_cli
    ...: ent).stdout

In [37]: output
Out[37]: '/run/podman/io.podman\n'

import six
if six.PY3:
    from podman import client as podman_client
    from podman.libs import containers

    from tobiko import podman
    from tobiko.openstack import topology
ssh_client = None

for node in topology.list_openstack_nodes(group='controller'):
               ssh_client = node.ssh_client

client = podman.get_podman_client(

from tobiko.podman import _exception
from tobiko.podman import _shell
from import ssh
import podman

Now we get this error:
~/tobiko/test/lib/python3.6/site-packages/podman/ in factory(cls, uri, interface, *args, **kwargs)
     55         local_path = urlparse(uri).path
     56         if local_path == '':
---> 57             raise ValueError('path is required for uri,'
     58                              ' expected format "unix://path_to_socket"')

this is because :

uri = ssh.get_port_forward_url(ssh_client=ssh_client, url=uri)
Out[18]: 'tcp://'

the Base client checks for 'path' in :  urlparse(uri2)
Out[27]: ParseResult(scheme='tcp', netloc='localhost:38005', path='', params='', query='', fragment='')
and throws an error because uri is a net link, not file.

even If I use socat to create a file link :
[stack@undercloud-0 ~]$ socat PIPE:/tmp/podman_tunnel TCP:

It still gives me an error becsause of permissions :


In [34]: client = podman.Client(uri=uri_via_socat)

~/tobiko/test/lib/python3.6/site-packages/varlink/ in open_unix()
    510                 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX)
    511                 s.setblocking(True)
--> 512                 s.connect(address)
    513                 return s

ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused

This just works :
import podman
podman_client = podman.Client(uri='unix:/tmp/podman.sock', remote_uri='ssh://heat-admin@controller-0/run/podman/io.podman',identity_file='~/.ssh/id_rsa')
list(map(print, podman_client.images.list()))
{'id': 'c076fddbbcb3a1b7aa8765a51bb315938a9964849c5a09753b4f3596cddb7b87',

not to go through loops to make podman client use the netcat tunnel
and let it use it's native podman clients' ssh tunnel instead , thus reducing code vulnerability

podman.Client(uri='unix:/tmp/podman.sock', remote_uri='ssh://{}@{}/run/podman/io.podman'.format(ssh_client.connect_parameters['username'],,identity_file='~/.ssh/id_rsa')

this works :
In [78]: list(map(print, podman_client.images.list()))
debug1: Connection to port -2 forwarding to /run/podman/io.podman port -2 requested.
debug1: channel 1: new []
{'id': 'c076fddbbcb3a1b7aa8765a51bb315938a9964849c5a09753b4f3596cddb7b87',

lastly :
fix the list containers test in :

this will always return true , if the for loop
comes up with an empty list then there will nothing to fail this test on,
so we have to verify we get an actual container list first...

Change-Id: If069a640f0fc5251e5879cb2fd65115e299337f3
2020-01-22 16:42:52 +00:00
.. Podman integration 2019-12-23 11:19:40 +01:00 Podman integration 2019-12-23 11:19:40 +01:00 Podman integration 2019-12-23 11:19:40 +01:00