Federico Ressi 65ad99bec5 Add fixture_id parameter to allow multiple fixtures of the same class
Change-Id: Ida615ac7f2cdec4a54f3d46aa510ccfc862ece3a
2020-07-01 14:48:21 +02:00

443 lines
13 KiB

# Copyright 2018 Red Hat
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import inspect
import fixtures
from oslo_log import log
import six
import testtools
import tobiko
from tobiko.common import _detail
from tobiko.common import _exception
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
def is_fixture(obj):
'''Returns whenever obj is a fixture or not'''
return (getattr(obj, '__tobiko_fixture__', False) or
isinstance(obj, fixtures.Fixture) or
(inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, fixtures.Fixture)))
def get_fixture(obj, fixture_id=None, manager=None):
'''Returns a fixture identified by given :param obj:
It returns registered fixture for given :param obj:. If none has been
registered it creates a new one.
:param obj: can be:
- an instance of fixtures.Fixture class: on such case it would return
obj itself
- the unique fully qualified name or an object that refers to a fixture
class or an instance to a fixture.
- the class of the fixture. It must be a subclass of fixtures.Fixture
:returns: an instance of fixture class identified by obj, or obj itself
if it is instance of fixtures.Fixture class.
if isinstance(obj, fixtures.Fixture):
return obj
manager = manager or FIXTURES
return manager.get_fixture(obj, fixture_id=fixture_id)
def get_fixture_name(obj):
'''Get unique fixture name'''
name = getattr(obj, '__tobiko_fixture_name__', None)
if name is None:
if not is_fixture(obj):
raise TypeError('Object {obj!r} is not a fixture.'.format(obj=obj))
name = get_object_name(obj)
obj.__tobiko_fixture__ = True
obj.__tobiko_fixture_name__ = name
return name
def get_fixture_class(obj):
'''Get fixture class'''
if isinstance(obj, six.string_types):
obj = tobiko.load_object(obj)
if not inspect.isclass(obj):
obj = type(obj)
assert issubclass(obj, fixtures.Fixture)
return obj
def get_fixture_dir(obj):
'''Get directory of fixture class source code file'''
return os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(get_fixture_class(obj)))
def remove_fixture(obj, fixture_id=None, manager=None):
'''Unregister fixture identified by given :param obj: if any'''
manager = manager or FIXTURES
return manager.remove_fixture(obj, fixture_id=fixture_id)
def setup_fixture(obj, fixture_id=None, manager=None):
'''Get registered fixture and setup it up'''
fixture = get_fixture(obj, fixture_id=fixture_id, manager=manager)
with _exception.handle_multiple_exceptions():
return fixture
def reset_fixture(obj, fixture_id=None, manager=None):
'''Get registered fixture and reset it'''
fixture = get_fixture(obj, fixture_id=fixture_id, manager=manager)
with _exception.handle_multiple_exceptions():
return fixture
def cleanup_fixture(obj, fixture_id=None, manager=None):
'''Get registered fixture and clean it up'''
fixture = get_fixture(obj, fixture_id=fixture_id, manager=manager)
with _exception.handle_multiple_exceptions():
return fixture
def get_name_and_object(obj):
'''Get (name, obj) tuple identified by given :param obj:'''
if isinstance(obj, six.string_types):
return obj, tobiko.load_object(obj)
return get_object_name(obj), obj
def visit_objects(objects):
if not isinstance(objects, list):
raise TypeError("parameter 'objects' is not a list")
visited = set()
while objects:
obj = objects.pop()
name, obj = get_name_and_object(obj)
except Exception:
LOG.exception('Unable to get (name, object) pair from {!r}'.format(
if name not in visited:
yield name, obj
def list_required_fixtures(objects):
'''List fixture names required by given objects'''
result = []
objects = list(objects)
for name, obj in visit_objects(objects):
if is_fixture(obj):
if not inspect.isclass(obj):
obj = type(obj)
elif is_test_method(obj):
# Test methods also require test class fixtures
if '.' in name:
parent_name = name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
return result
def is_test_method(obj):
'''Returns whenever given object is a test method'''
return ((inspect.isfunction(obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj)) and
def get_required_fixtures(obj):
'''Get fixture names required by given :param obj:'''
required_names = getattr(obj, '__tobiko_required_fixtures__', None)
if required_names is None:
if is_test_method(obj):
# Get fixtures from default values that are fixtures
required = {default
for default in six.get_function_defaults(obj) or []
if is_fixture(default)}
elif inspect.isclass(obj):
# Get fixtures from members of type RequiredFixtureProperty
required = {prop.fixture
for prop in get_required_fixture_properties(obj)}
# Other types have no fixtures
required = set()
# Return every fixture name only once
required_names = sorted([get_fixture_name(fixture)
for fixture in required])
# try to cache list for later use
obj.__tobiko_required_fixtures__ = required_names
except AttributeError:
return required_names
def get_required_fixture_properties(cls):
"""Get list of members of type RequiredFixtureProperty of given class"""
# inspect.getmembers() would iterate over such many testtools.TestCase
# members too, so let exclude members from those very common base classes
# that we know doesn't have members of type RequiredFixtureProperty
base_classes = cls.__mro__
for base_class in [testtools.TestCase, SharedFixture]:
if issubclass(cls, base_class):
base_classes = base_classes[:base_classes.index(base_class)]
# Get all members for selected class without calling properties or methods
members = {}
for base_class in reversed(base_classes):
# Return all members that are instances of RequiredFixtureProperty
return [member
for _, member in sorted(members.items())
if isinstance(member, RequiredFixtureProperty)]
def init_fixture(obj, name):
if (inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, fixtures.Fixture)):
obj = obj()
if isinstance(obj, fixtures.Fixture):
obj.__tobiko_fixture__ = True
obj.__tobiko_fixture_name__ = name
return obj
raise TypeError("Invalid fixture object type: {!r}".format(obj))
def fixture_property(*args, **kwargs):
return FixtureProperty(*args, **kwargs)
def required_fixture(obj):
'''Creates a property that gets fixture identified by given :param obj:
return RequiredFixtureProperty(obj)
def required_setup_fixture(obj):
'''Creates a property that sets up fixture identified by given :param obj:
return RequiredSetupFixtureProperty(obj)
def get_object_name(obj):
'''Gets a fully qualified name for given :param obj:'''
if isinstance(obj, six.string_types):
return obj
name = getattr(obj, '__tobiko_fixture_name__', None)
if name:
return name
if (not inspect.isfunction(obj) and
not inspect.ismethod(obj) and
not inspect.isclass(obj)):
obj = type(obj)
module = inspect.getmodule(obj).__name__
if six.PY2:
# Below code is only for old Python versions
if inspect.isclass(obj):
# This doesn't work for nested classes
return module + '.' + obj.__name__
method_class = getattr(obj, 'im_class', None)
if method_class:
# This doesn't work for nested classes
return module + '.' + method_class.__name__ + '.' + obj.__name__
if inspect.isfunction(obj):
return module + '.' + obj.func_name
# Only Python 3 defines __qualname__
name = getattr(obj, '__qualname__', None)
if name:
return module + '.' + name
msg = "Unable to get fixture name from object {!r}".format(obj)
raise TypeError(msg)
class FixtureManager(object):
def __init__(self):
self.fixtures = {}
def get_fixture(self, obj, fixture_id=None, init=None):
name, obj = get_name_and_object(obj)
if fixture_id:
name += '-' + str(fixture_id)
fixture = self.fixtures.get(name)
if fixture is None:
init = init or self.init_fixture
self.fixtures[name] = fixture = init(obj=obj, name=name)
assert isinstance(fixture, fixtures.Fixture)
return fixture
def init_fixture(self, obj, name):
return init_fixture(obj=obj, name=name)
def remove_fixture(self, obj, fixture_id=None):
name = get_object_name(obj)
if fixture_id:
name += '-' + str(fixture_id)
return self.fixtures.pop(name, None)
FIXTURES = FixtureManager()
class SharedFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
"""Base class for fixtures intended to be shared between multiple tests
Make sure that fixture setUp method can be called more than once, but
actually executing _setUp method only the first time. This allows the
fixture to be passed to useFixture methods multiple times without caring
about if has already been used before.
Fixture set up can anyway be forced by calling 'setup_shared_fixture'
Because cleanup policy in a shared fixture is different from a common
fixture, cleanUp method simply doesn't nothing.
Actual fixture cleanup is executed by calling
cleanup_shared_fixture method.
_setup_executed = False
_cleanup_executed = False
__tobiko_fixture__ = True
__tobiko_fixture_name__ = None
def __init__(self):
# make sure class states can be used before setUp
def get(cls, manager=None):
return get_fixture(cls, manager=manager)
def _remove_state(self):
# make sure class states can be used after cleanUp
super(SharedFixture, self)._clear_cleanups()
def setUp(self):
"""Executes _setUp/setup_fixture method only the first time is called
if not self._setup_executed:
LOG.debug('Set up fixture %r', self.fixture_name)
super(SharedFixture, self).setUp()
self._cleanup_executed = False
self._setup_executed = True
def cleanUp(self, raise_first=True):
"""Executes registered cleanups if any"""
if not self._cleanup_executed:
LOG.debug('Clean up fixture %r', self.fixture_name)
result = super(SharedFixture, self).cleanUp(raise_first=raise_first)
self._setup_executed = False
self._cleanup_executed = True
return result
def __enter__(self):
return setup_fixture(self)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # noqa
return False # propagate exceptions from the with body.
def _setUp(self):
def fixture_name(self):
return get_fixture_name(self)
def setup_fixture(self):
def cleanup_fixture(self):
class FixtureProperty(property):
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
instance = instance or tobiko.get_fixture(owner)
return super(FixtureProperty, self).__get__(instance, owner)
class RequiredFixtureProperty(object):
def __init__(self, fixture):
self.fixture = fixture
def __get__(self, instance, _):
if instance is None:
return self
return self.get_fixture(instance)
def get_fixture(self, _instance):
return get_fixture(self.fixture)
def __tobiko_required_fixtures__(self):
return [self.fixture]
class RequiredSetupFixtureProperty(RequiredFixtureProperty):
def get_fixture(self, _instance):
fixture = setup_fixture(self.fixture)
if (hasattr(_instance, 'addCleanup') and
hasattr(_instance, 'getDetails')):
return fixture