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# Copyright 2019 Red Hat
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import tobiko
from tobiko import config
from tobiko.openstack import glance
from tobiko.openstack.stacks import _nova
CONF = config.CONF
class CentosImageFixture(glance.URLGlanceImageFixture):
image_url = CONF.tobiko.centos.image_url or CENTOS_IMAGE_URL
image_name = CONF.tobiko.centos.image_name
image_file = CONF.tobiko.centos.image_file
disk_format = CONF.tobiko.centos.disk_format or "qcow2"
container_format = CONF.tobiko.centos.container_format or "bare"
username = CONF.tobiko.centos.username or 'centos'
password = CONF.tobiko.centos.password
connection_timeout = CONF.tobiko.centos.connection_timeout or 800.
class Centos7ImageFixture(glance.URLGlanceImageFixture):
image_url = CONF.tobiko.centos7.image_url or CENTOS7_IMAGE_URL
image_name = CONF.tobiko.centos7.image_name
image_file = CONF.tobiko.centos7.image_file
disk_format = CONF.tobiko.centos7.disk_format or "qcow2"
container_format = CONF.tobiko.centos7.container_format or "bare"
username = CONF.tobiko.centos7.username or 'centos'
password = CONF.tobiko.centos7.password
connection_timeout = CONF.tobiko.centos7.connection_timeout or 800.
class CentosFlavorStackFixture(_nova.FlavorStackFixture):
ram = 512
swap = 1024
class CentosServerStackFixture(_nova.CloudInitServerStackFixture):
#: Glance image used to create a Nova server instance
image_fixture = tobiko.required_setup_fixture(CentosImageFixture)
#: Flavor used to create a Nova server instance
flavor_stack = tobiko.required_setup_fixture(CentosFlavorStackFixture)
class Centos7ServerStackFixture(CentosServerStackFixture):
#: Glance image used to create a Nova server instance
image_fixture = tobiko.required_setup_fixture(Centos7ImageFixture)
class CentosTrunkServerStackFixture(
CentosServerStackFixture, _nova.TrunkServerStackFixture):
interface = 'eth0'
def user_data(self):
return ("#cloud-config\n"
"- path: {path}/ifcfg-{interface}.{index}\n"
" owner: \"root\"\n"
" permissions: \"777\"\n"
" content: |\n"
" DEVICE=\"{interface}.{index}\"\n"
" BOOTPROTO=\"none\"\n"
" ONBOOT=\"yes\"\n"
" VLAN=\"yes\"\n"
"- [ sh, -c , \"systemctl restart NetworkManager\" ]".format(
interface=self.interface, index=self.trunk_subport_vlan))