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# Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import random
import re
from oslo_log import log
import tobiko
from tobiko.openstack import topology
from import sh
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
def get_filtered_node_containers(node, containers_regex):
"""Search all containers are matched with containers_regex list
:param node: Node to search containers on
:type node: class: tobiko.openstack.topology.OpenStackTopologyNode
:param containers_regex: List of regex that can be matched to containers
:type containers_regex: list of strings
:return: List of contatiner names
:rtype: list of strings
filtered_containers = []
all_node_containers = sh.execute(
'sudo podman ps --format "{{.Names}}"',
for container in all_node_containers:
container = container.strip('"')
if any(re.fullmatch(reg, container) for reg in containers_regex):
return filtered_containers
def get_nodes_for_groups(groups):
"""Search for all nodes that are matched with the specified groups
:param groups: List of groups nodes can belong to
:type groups: list
:return: List of nodes that belong to the specified groups
:rtype: list of tobiko.openstack.topology.OpenStackTopologyNode
nodes = []
for node in topology.list_openstack_nodes():
for group in node.groups:
if group in groups:
def get_config_files(node, kolla_jsons, conf_ignorelist, scripts_to_check):
"""Return the list of configuration files according to kolla JSONs
Kolla has the container execution commands in the matched JSON files.
Need to get all the '--config-file <file_name>' parameters from those
JSON files.
It is possible that the container is executed with the set of commands
are written in a separate script instead of a single command so need
to follow those scripts to get configuration files from there too.
:param node: Node to search configuration files on
:type node: class: tobiko.openstack.topology.OpenStackTopologyNode
:param kolla_jsons: Path to kolla json files to get commands from
:type kolla_jsons: list
:param conf_ignorelist: Configuration files to ignore
:type conf_ignorelist: list
:param scripts_to_check: Sripts to look for configuration files in if those
scripts will be found in kolla json files. Dictionary contains script
path on the container as the key and the path on the overcloud node
as the value.
:type scripts_to_check: dict
:return: List of config files paths within containers
:rtype: list
cmds = sh.execute(
f'sudo jq \'.command\' {" ".join(kolla_jsons)}',
LOG.debug(f'{} run containers with commands {cmds}')
config_files = set()
for cmd in cmds:
if cmd in scripts_to_check.keys():
LOG.debug(f'{cmd} is recognized as script to search '
'for config files in')
cmd = sh.execute(
f'sudo cat {scripts_to_check[cmd]}',
cmd = cmd.strip('"')
temp_conf_files = re.findall('--config-file [^ \n]*', cmd)
for conf_file in temp_conf_files:
conf_file = conf_file.split(' ')[1]
if conf_file in conf_ignorelist:
LOG.debug(f'{conf_file} is in ignore list')
LOG.debug(f'There are {config_files} on {}')
return config_files
def get_node_neutron_containers(node):
"""Return list of all neutron containers are available on the node
:param node: Node to search containers on
:type node: class: tobiko.openstack.topology.OpenStackTopologyNode
:return: List of neutron containers names
:rtype: list of strings
neutron_containers = [
return get_filtered_node_containers(node, neutron_containers)
def get_node_neutron_config_files(node):
"""Return all relevant neutron config files
:param node: Overcloud node to search log files on
:type node: class: tobiko.openstack.topology.OpenStackTopologyNode
:return: List of config files paths within neutron containers
:rtype: list of strings
kolla_jsons = ['/var/lib/kolla/config_files/neutron*',
conf_ignorelist = ['/usr/share/neutron/neutron-dist.conf']
scripts_to_check = {'"/"':
config_files = get_config_files(node,
return config_files
def get_container_logfile(node, container):
""" Return the logfile of the process that is executed on the container
:param node: Node the container is running on
:type node: class: tobiko.openstack.topology.OpenStackTopologyNode
:param container: Name of the container
:type container: string
:return: Path to the logfiles on the container
:rtype: string
cmd = sh.execute(
f'sudo podman exec -it -u root {container} cat /run_command',
if ' ' not in cmd: # probably script as no space in the command
cmd = sh.execute(
f'sudo podman exec -it -u root {container} cat {cmd}',
LOG.debug(f'The following command is executed in {container} container '
f'on {} node:\n{cmd}')
log_file = re.findall('--log-file=[^ \n]*', cmd)
if log_file:
log_file = log_file[0].split('=')[1]
return log_file
def log_random_msg(node, container, logfile):
"""Print random message to the container log file
:param node: Node the container is running on
:type node: class: tobiko.openstack.topology.OpenStackTopologyNode
:param container: Name of the container
:type container: string
:param logfile: Path to the logfile on the container
:type logfile: string
:return: Message that has been printed to container log file
:rtype: string
symbols = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
random_msg = ''.join(random.choice(symbols) for i in range(30))
LOG.debug(f'Trying to print {random_msg} string to {logfile} log file '
f'in {container} container on {} node')
log_msg(node, container, logfile, random_msg)
return random_msg
def log_msg(node, container, logfile, msg):
"""Print random message to the container log file
:param node: Node the container is running on
:type node: class: tobiko.openstack.topology.OpenStackTopologyNode
:param container: Name of the container
:type container: string
:param logfile: Path to the logfile on the container
:type logfile: string
:param msg: Message to log
:type msg: string
cmd = f"sh -c 'echo {msg} >> {logfile}'"
error = sh.execute(f'sudo podman exec -it -u root {container} {cmd}',
if error:'Cannot edit {logfile} in {container} on {} '
f'got the following error:\n{error}')
def find_msg_in_file(node, logfile, message, rotated=False):
"""Search for the message in the logfile
:param node: Node the container is running on
:type node: class: tobiko.openstack.topology.OpenStackTopologyNode
:param logfile: Path of the logfile
:type logfile: string
:param message: Message to search for
:type message: string
:param rotated: Variable to flag that log file has to be rotated
so the name will be ended by '.1'
:type rotated: bool
:return: True if message exists in file or False otherwise
:rtype: bool
if rotated:
suffix = ".1"
suffix = "{,.1}"
LOG.debug(f'Searching for {message} in {logfile}{suffix} on {}')
result = sh.execute(f'sudo grep -h {message} {logfile}{suffix}',
if result.stderr:'Failed to read {logfile} on {}:\n'
elif result.stdout.strip() == message:
return True
return False
def rotate_logs(node):
"""Rotate all the container logs using 'logrotate'
:param node: Node to rotate logs on
:type node: class: tobiko.openstack.topology.OpenStackTopologyNode
containers = get_filtered_node_containers(node, ['logrotate.*', ])
if not containers:
tobiko.skip('No logrotate container has been found')
container = containers[0]
rotate = sh.execute(f'sudo podman exec -it -u root {container} logrotate '
'-f /etc/logrotate-crond.conf',
if rotate.stderr:'Failed rotate logs on {} node')