Implement create backup for Cinder-API-GW

1.What is the problem?
In Trio2o, backup service in Cinder-API-GW is unimplemented,
there are six features in this service as followed:
*List backups with details;
*Show backup details;
*Delete backup;
*Restore backup;
*Create backup;
*List backups;

2.What is the solution to the problem?
This patch adds the unimplement feature "create backup" in

3.What the features need to be implemented to the Tricircle
  to realize the solution?
"Create backup" is implemented in this patch.

Change-Id: Ifc1962c9c33c4bc995e8c8dbaaed737e6090092b
This commit is contained in:
hejiawei 2016-11-30 15:36:19 +08:00 committed by hejiawei
parent a4e30a9f64
commit 57ca1b8473
3 changed files with 227 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# Copyright 2016 OpenStack Foundation.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from pecan import expose
from pecan import request
from pecan import rest
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from trio2o.common import constants as cons
import trio2o.common.context as t_context
from trio2o.common import httpclient as hclient
from trio2o.common.i18n import _
from trio2o.common import utils
import trio2o.db.api as db_api
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class VolumeBackupController(rest.RestController):
def __init__(self, tenant_id):
self.tenant_id = tenant_id
@expose(generic=True, template='json')
def post(self, **kwargs):
context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()
if 'backup' not in kwargs:
return utils.format_cinder_error(
400, _("Missing required element 'backup' in request body."))
volume_id = kwargs['backup']['volume_id']
volume_mappings = db_api.get_bottom_mappings_by_top_id(
context, volume_id, cons.RT_VOLUME)
if not volume_mappings:
return utils.format_cinder_error(
404, _('Volume %(volume_id)s could not be found.') % {
'volume_id': volume_id
pod_name = volume_mappings[0][0]['pod_name']
t_release = cons.R_MITAKA
b_release = cons.R_MITAKA
s_ctx = hclient.get_pod_service_ctx(
b_headers = hclient.convert_header(t_release,
t_vol = kwargs['backup']
b_vol_req = hclient.convert_object(t_release, b_release, t_vol,
b_body = jsonutils.dumps({'backup': b_vol_req})
resp = hclient.forward_req(
b_status = resp.status_code
b_ret_body = jsonutils.loads(resp.content)
resp.status = b_status
if b_status == 200:
if b_ret_body.get('backup') is not None:
b_backup_ret = b_ret_body['backup']
vol_ret = hclient.convert_object(b_release, t_release,
return {'backup': vol_ret}
return b_ret_body

View File

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ echo "Running Trio2o functional test suite..."
# all test cases with following prefix
# add new test cases like following line for volume_type test
# TESTCASES="$TESTCASES|tempest.api.volume.admin.test_volumes_type"
@ -160,7 +161,7 @@ ostestr --regex $TESTCASES
# tempest.api.volume.admin.test_volumes_actions.VolumesActionsV2Test.test_volume_reset_status[id-d063f96e-a2e0-4f34-8b8a-395c42de1845]
# tempest.api.volume.admin.test_volumes_backup.VolumesBackupsV1Test.test_volume_backup_create_get_detailed_list_restore_delete[id-a66eb488-8ee1-47d4-8e9f-575a095728c6]
# tempest.api.volume.admin.test_volumes_backup.VolumesBackupsV1Test.test_volume_backup_export_import[id-a99c54a1-dd80-4724-8a13-13bf58d4068d]
# tempest.api.volume.admin.test_volumes_backup.VolumesBackupsV2Test.test_volume_backup_create_get_detailed_list_restore_delete[id-a66eb488-8ee1-47d4-8e9f-575a095728c6]
# **DONE** tempest.api.volume.admin.test_volumes_backup.VolumesBackupsV2Test.test_volume_backup_create_get_detailed_list_restore_delete[id-a66eb488-8ee1-47d4-8e9f-575a095728c6]
# tempest.api.volume.admin.test_volumes_backup.VolumesBackupsV2Test.test_volume_backup_export_import[id-a99c54a1-dd80-4724-8a13-13bf58d4068d]
# tempest.api.volume.test_availability_zone.AvailabilityZoneV1TestJSON.test_get_availability_zone_list[id-01f1ae88-eba9-4c6b-a011-6f7ace06b725]
# tempest.api.volume.test_availability_zone.AvailabilityZoneV2TestJSON.test_get_availability_zone_list[id-01f1ae88-eba9-4c6b-a011-6f7ace06b725]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
# Copyright (c) 2015 Huawei Tech. Co., Ltd.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from mock import patch
import pecan
import unittest
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from trio2o.cinder_apigw.controllers import volume_backup as backup
from trio2o.common import constants
from trio2o.common import context
from trio2o.common import httpclient as hclient
from trio2o.db import api
from trio2o.db import core
from trio2o.db import models
class FakeResponse(object):
def __new__(cls, code=500):
cls.status = code
cls.status_code = code
cls.content = None
return super(FakeResponse, cls).__new__(cls)
class FakeRequest(object):
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
cls.url = '/lodfdfdf'
cls.header = None
return super(FakeRequest, cls).__new__(cls)
class VolumeBackupsTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.context = context.Context()
self.project_id = 'test_project'
self.context.tenant = self.project_id
self.controller = backup.VolumeBackupController(self.project_id)
def _prepare_pod(self, bottom_pod_num=1):
t_pod = {'pod_id': 't_pod_uuid', 'pod_name': 't_region',
'az_name': ''}
api.create_pod(self.context, t_pod)
b_pods = []
if bottom_pod_num == 1:
b_pod = {'pod_id': 'b_pod_uuid', 'pod_name': 'b_region',
'az_name': 'b_az'}
api.create_pod(self.context, b_pod)
for i in xrange(1, bottom_pod_num + 1):
b_pod = {'pod_id': 'b_pod_%d_uuid' % i,
'pod_name': 'b_region_%d' % i,
'az_name': 'b_az_%d' % i}
api.create_pod(self.context, b_pod)
return t_pod, b_pods
def _prepare_volume(self, pod):
t_volume_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
b_volume_id = t_volume_id
with self.context.session.begin():
self.context, models.ResourceRouting,
{'top_id': t_volume_id, 'bottom_id': b_volume_id,
'pod_id': pod['pod_id'], 'project_id': self.project_id,
'resource_type': constants.RT_VOLUME})
return t_volume_id
def _prepare_pod_service(self, pod_id, service):
config_dict = {'service_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
'pod_id': pod_id,
'service_type': service,
'service_url': 'fake_pod_service'}
api.create_pod_service_configuration(self.context, config_dict)
def _prepare_server(self, pod):
t_server_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
b_server_id = t_server_id
with self.context.session.begin():
self.context, models.ResourceRouting,
{'top_id': t_server_id, 'bottom_id': b_server_id,
'pod_id': pod['pod_id'], 'project_id': self.project_id,
'resource_type': constants.RT_SERVER})
return t_server_id
@patch.object(pecan, 'response', new=FakeResponse)
@patch.object(jsonutils, 'loads')
@patch.object(hclient, 'forward_req')
@patch.object(pecan, 'request')
@patch.object(context, 'extract_context_from_environ')
def test_create_backup(self, mock_context, mock_request,
mock_forward_req, mock_loads):
mock_context.return_value = self.context
pecan.core.state = mock_request
mock_forward_req.return_value = FakeResponse(200)
fake_resp = {'fakeresp': 'fakeresp'}
mock_loads.return_value = fake_resp
t_pod, b_pods = self._prepare_pod()
self._prepare_pod_service(b_pods[0]['pod_id'], constants.ST_CINDER)
t_volume_id = self._prepare_volume(b_pods[0])
body = {"backup": {"container": None,
"description": None,
"name": "backup001",
"volume_id": t_volume_id,
"incremental": True}}
res =**body)
self.assertEqual(fake_resp, res)
def tearDown(self):