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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
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# under the License.
Utilities for using merge.py to generate overcloud.yaml to hand over to Heat.
Translates Tuskar resources into the overcloud heat template, using merge.py
from upstream tripleo-heat-templates.
import os
from oslo.config import cfg
from tripleo_heat_merge import merge
# The name of the compute Overcloud role - defined for special case handling
def generate_scaling_params(overcloud_roles):
"""Given a dictionary containing a key value mapping of Overcloud Role name
to a count of the nodes return the scaling parameters to be used by
:param overcloud_roles: Dictionary with role names and a count of the nodes
:type overcloud_roles: dict
:return: scaling parameters dict
:rtype: dict
scaling = {}
for overcloud_role, count in overcloud_roles.items():
overcloud_role = overcloud_role.lower()
if overcloud_role == OVERCLOUD_COMPUTE_ROLE:
scaling = dict(scaling.items() +
merge.parse_scaling(["NovaCompute=%s" % (count)]).items())
return scaling
def _join_template_path(file_name):
return os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cfg.CONF.tht_local_dir), file_name)
def merge_templates(overcloud_roles):
"""Merge the Overcloud Roles with overcloud.yaml using merge from
See tripleo-heat-templates for further details.
# TODO(dmatthews): Add exception handling to catch merge errors
scale_params = generate_scaling_params(overcloud_roles)
overcloud_src_path = _join_template_path("overcloud-source.yaml")
ssl_src_path = _join_template_path("ssl-source.yaml")
swift_src_path = _join_template_path("swift-source.yaml")
template = merge.merge(
[overcloud_src_path, ssl_src_path, swift_src_path], None, None,
included_template_dir=cfg.CONF.tht_local_dir, scaling=scale_params
return template