.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode ===================================================== Provide Python client library API and CLI for valence ===================================================== https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-valence/+spec/python-valenceclient As we known, valence project is a collection of all things Rack Scale Control, which can consider computer, storage and network as disaggregated resource that can be composed on the fly to meet various needs in a data center or cloud. But there hava no valence client for user to call the valence api gracefully or get information conveniently in console as other OpenStack "Big Tent" project. So not only it's necessary to provide a valence client for user but also for valence developer. Problem description =================== There have no valence client for user to call the valence api by python client library API or command-line script. Proposed change =============== Create a new project named python-valenceclient for valence on the OpenStack API to support gracefully and conveniently Python API call and command-line. So this blueprint will be implemented into 2 phases. **Phase I.** Support Python client library API - In this phase, add the Python client library API support. So developer can call the Python client library API to get valence information directly. **Phase II.** Support command-line - Base on the phase I, the python-valenceclient will support the command-line for user to get the valence information. Alternatives ------------ None Data model impact ----------------- None REST API impact --------------- None Versioning impact ----------------- None Other end user impact --------------------- To use the python-valenceclient need to install the python-valenceclient package by pip or other repo management tool. Deployer impact --------------- None Developer impact ---------------- None Implementation ============== Assignee(s) ----------- Primary Assignees ----------------- Primary assignee: Jinxing Fang Yufei Zhang Shuquan Huang Other contributors: Work Items ---------- * Add python-valenceclient initially file to openstack repo * Add the abstract and base http request(PUT,POST,GET,DELETE...) process * Add the RSD power API - power off - power on - soft power off - soft power on - inject NMI * Add nodes API * Add flavor API * Add storage API * Add systems API Dependencies ============ Depends on valence project, only the package is installed that the valence client can work. Testing ======= - write functional tests to cover all REST API - unit tests Documentation ============= - Python client library Reference - Python client library API User's Guide References ========== None