========================= Openstack Valence Project ========================= Valence is a service for lifecycle management of pooled bare-metal hardware infrastructure such as Intel(R) Rack Scale architecture which uses Redfish(TM) as one of the management protocols. :Free software: Apache license :Wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Valence :Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/rsc :Bugs: http://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-valence =========================== Download and Installation =========================== The following steps capture how to install valence. All installation steps require super user permissions. ******************************************* Valence installation ******************************************* 1. Install software dependencies ``$ sudo apt-get install git python-pip`` 2. Clone the Valence code from git repo. ``$ git clone https://git.openstack.org/openstack/rsc`` 3. Execute the 'install_valence.sh' file present in the Valence root directory. The install script will automatically install the dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file. ``$ sudo bash install_valence.sh`` 4. Check the values in valence.conf located at /etc/valence/valence.conf ``set the ip/credentials of podm for which this Valence will interact`` 5. Check the PYTHON_HOME and other variables in /etc/init/valence.conf 6. Start valence service ``$ sudo service valence start`` 7. Logs are located at /var/logs/valence/ **************** GUI installation **************** Please refer to the installation steps in the ui/README file. ********** Components ********** Valence follows the typical OpenStack project setup. The components are listed below: valence-api ----------- A pecan based daemon to expose Valence REST APIs. The api service communicates to the controller through AMQP. valence-controller -------------- The controller implements all the handlers for Plasma-api. It reads requests from the AMQP queue, process it and send the reponse back to the caller. valence-ui -------- valence-ui provides a GUI interface to invoke Valence APIs. ========== Features ========== Please refer the Valence blueprints for supported and in-the-pipeline features. ``https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-valence``