[Designate] Adding few more designate tests

Provider vxlan, vlan and reverse lookup tests

Change-Id: Id421fe8bb0f448417394a3d56a5ea675cc5ada9d
This commit is contained in:
Deepthi Kandavara Jayarama 2018-07-12 21:21:21 +00:00
parent e31ac9e179
commit f5bbbd368f
6 changed files with 236 additions and 143 deletions

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@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ REJECT = "REJECT"
# ZONE Designate
REGION_NAME = "RegionOne"
ZONE_NAME = 'tempest-dns-network.com.'
PEER_ID = ""
PFS = "group14"

View File

@ -193,6 +193,40 @@ class ApplianceManager(manager.NetworkScenarioTest):
self.topology_networks[network_name] = network
return network
def create_provider_network(self, net_type,
networks_client = self.cmgr_adm.networks_client
if net_type == constants.VXLAN_TYPE:
name = "provider_network_vxlan"
body = {"provider:physical_network": tz_id,
"provider:network_type": net_type,
"admin_state_up": admin_state_up,
"dns_domain": zone_name}
elif net_type == constants.VLAN_TYPE:
name = "provider_network_vlan"
if vlan_id_unique is not None:
vlan_id_no = vlan_id_unique
vlan_id_no = constants.VLAN
if tz_id is None:
body = {"provider:segmentation_id": vlan_id_no,
"provider:network_type": net_type,
"admin_state_up": admin_state_up,
"dns_domain": zone_name}
body = {"provider:segmentation_id": vlan_id_no,
"provider:network_type": net_type,
"provider:physical_network": tz_id,
"admin_state_up": admin_state_up,
"dns_domain": zone_name}
network = self.create_topology_network(name,
return network
def update_topology_network(
self, network_id, networks_client=None, **update_kwargs):
if not networks_client:

View File

@ -124,6 +124,12 @@ class FeatureManager(traffic_manager.IperfManager,
cls.ptr_client = openstack_network_clients.DesignatePtrClient(
# FwaasV2 base class
@ -944,14 +950,12 @@ class FeatureManager(traffic_manager.IperfManager,
return email_id
def create_zone(self, name=None, email=None, description=None,
wait_until=False, tenant_id=None):
"""Create a zone with the specified parameters.
:param name: The name of the zone.
Default: Random Value
:param email: The email for the zone.
Default: Random Value
:param ttl: The ttl for the zone.
Default: Random Value
:param description: A description of the zone.
Default: Random Value
:param wait_until: Block until the zone reaches the desired status
@ -967,7 +971,6 @@ class FeatureManager(traffic_manager.IperfManager,
_, body = self.zones_v2_client.create_zone(wait_until, **zone)
self.delete_zone, body['id'])
# Create Zone should Return a HTTP 202
return body
def delete_zone(self, uuid):
@ -991,30 +994,18 @@ class FeatureManager(traffic_manager.IperfManager,
return self.zones_v2_client.list_zones()
def update_zone(self, uuid, email=None, ttl=None,
description=None, wait_until=False):
"""Update a zone with the specified parameters.
:param uuid: The unique identifier of the zone.
:param email: The email for the zone.
Default: Random Value
:param ttl: The ttl for the zone.
Default: Random Value
:param description: A description of the zone.
Default: Random Value
:param wait_until: Block until the zone reaches the desiered status
:return: A tuple with the server response and the updated zone.
zone = {
'email': email or self.rand_email(),
'ttl': ttl or self.rand_ttl(),
'description': description or self.rand_name('test-zone'),
_, body = self.zones_v2_client.update_zone(uuid, wait_until, **zone)
return body
def list_record_set_zone(self, uuid):
def list_record_set_zone(self, uuid, user=None):
"""list recordsets of a zone.
:param uuid: The unique identifier of the zone.
body = self.zones_v2_client.list_recordset_zone(uuid)
self.assertGreater(len(body), 0)
return body
def show_ptr_record(self, region, fip_id, user=None):
"""list ptr recordsets associated with floating ip.
:param fip_id: Unique FloatingIP ID.
ptr_id = region + ":" + fip_id
body = self.ptr_client.show_ptr_record(ptr_id)
return body

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log
from tempest import config
@ -475,3 +476,17 @@ class ZonesV2Client(designate_base.DnsClientBase):
request = self.resource_base_path + '/' + zone_id + '/recordsets'
resp, body = self._list_request(request)
return resp, body
class DesignatePtrClient(designate_base.DnsClientBase):
Request resources via API for Designate PTR RecordSet Client
PTR recordset show request
path = "v2/reverse/floatingips/"
def show_ptr_record(self, ptr_id):
Show FloatingIP PTR record
return self._show_request(self.path, ptr_id)

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@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
# Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo_log import log as logging
from tempest import config
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators
from vmware_nsx_tempest_plugin.lib import feature_manager
CONF = config.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class TestZonesV2Ops(feature_manager.FeatureManager):
def skip_checks(cls):
super(TestZonesV2Ops, cls).skip_checks()
def setup_credentials(cls):
cls.admin_mgr = cls.get_client_manager('admin')
super(TestZonesV2Ops, cls).setup_credentials()
def setup_clients(cls):
Create various client connections. Such as NSX.
super(TestZonesV2Ops, cls).setup_clients()
class TestZones(TestZonesV2Ops):
excluded_keys = ['created_at', 'updated_at', 'version', 'links',
'status', 'action']
def test_create_zone(self):
"""Creating a v2 Zone"""
LOG.info('Create a zone')
zone = self.create_zone(wait_until=True)
LOG.info('Ensure we respond with CREATE+PENDING')
self.assertEqual('CREATE', zone['action'])
self.assertEqual('PENDING', zone['status'])
def test_delete_zone(self):
LOG.info('Create a zone')
zone = self.create_zone()
LOG.info('Delete the zone')
body = self.delete_zone(zone['id'])
LOG.info('Ensure we respond with DELETE+PENDING')
self.assertEqual('DELETE', body['action'])
self.assertEqual('PENDING', body['status'])
def test_show_zone(self):
LOG.info('Create a zone')
zone = self.create_zone()
LOG.info('Fetch the zone')
body = self.show_zone(zone['id'])
LOG.info('Ensure the fetched response matches the created zone')
self.assertEqual(zone['links'], body[1]['links'])
self.assertEqual(zone['name'], body[1]['name'])
self.assertEqual(zone['email'], body[1]['email'])
self.assertEqual(zone['ttl'], body[1]['ttl'])
def test_list_zones(self):
LOG.info('Create a zone')
LOG.info('List zones')
body = self.list_zones()
self.assertGreater(len(body[1]['zones']), 0)
def test_update_zone(self):
LOG.info('Create a zone')
zone = self.create_zone()
# Generate a random description
description = data_utils.rand_name()
LOG.info('Update the zone')
zone = self.update_zone(
zone['id'], email=zone['email'], ttl=zone['ttl'],
description=description, wait_until=True)
LOG.info('Ensure we respond with UPDATE+PENDING')
self.assertEqual('UPDATE', zone['action'])
self.assertEqual('PENDING', zone['status'])
LOG.info('Ensure we respond with updated values')
self.assertEqual(description, zone['description'])

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
from vmware_nsx_tempest_plugin.common import constants as const
from vmware_nsx_tempest_plugin.lib import feature_manager
from vmware_nsx_tempest_plugin.services import nsxv3_client
CONF = config.CONF
@ -45,6 +46,25 @@ class TestZonesV2Ops(feature_manager.FeatureManager):
super(TestZonesV2Ops, cls).setup_clients()
cls.cmgr_adm = cls.get_client_manager('admin')
def resource_setup(cls):
super(TestZonesV2Ops, cls).resource_setup()
cls.nsx = nsxv3_client.NSXV3Client(CONF.nsxv3.nsx_manager,
out = cls.nsx.get_transport_zones()
vlan_flag = 0
vxlan_flag = 0
for tz in out:
if "transport_type" in tz.keys() and (vlan_flag == 0
or vxlan_flag == 0):
if vxlan_flag == 0 and tz['transport_type'] == "OVERLAY":
cls.overlay_id = tz['id']
vxlan_flag = 1
if vlan_flag == 0 and tz['transport_type'] == "VLAN":
cls.vlan_id = tz['id']
vlan_flag = 1
def define_security_groups(self, tenant_id):
sec_rule_client = self.os_admin.security_group_rules_client
sec_client = self.os_admin.security_groups_client
@ -62,13 +82,28 @@ class TestZonesV2Ops(feature_manager.FeatureManager):
ruleclient=sec_rule_client, secclient=sec_client,
def create_designate_zone(self):
LOG.info('Create a zone')
zone = self.create_zone(wait_until=True)
LOG.info('Ensure we respond with CREATE+PENDING')
self.assertEqual('CREATE', zone['action'])
self.assertEqual('PENDING', zone['status'])
return zone
def create_zone_provider_vlan_vxlan_topology(self, network_type,
if network_type == 'vlan':
network_designate = self.create_provider_network(
elif network_type == 'vxlan':
network_designate = self.create_provider_network(
tenant_id = network_designate['tenant_id']
subnet_client = self.os_adm.subnets_client
routers_client = self.os_adm.routers_client
router_designate = self.create_topology_router("router_designate",
network_designate, subnets_client=subnet_client,
routers_client=routers_client, router_id=router_designate['id'])
return network_designate
def create_zone_topology(self, zone_name):
networks_client = self.cmgr_adm.networks_client
@ -129,7 +164,7 @@ class TestZonesScenario(TestZonesV2Ops):
Verify recordset only has SOA and NS record types
image_id = self.get_glance_image_id(['cirros', 'esx'])
zone = self.create_designate_zone()
zone = self.create_zone()
network_designate = self.create_zone_topology(zone['name'])
self.assertEqual(network_designate['dns_domain'], zone['name'])
LOG.info('Show recordset of the zone')
@ -144,6 +179,58 @@ class TestZonesScenario(TestZonesV2Ops):
recordset = self.list_record_set_zone(zone['id'])
self.verify_recordset(recordset, 2)
def test_zone_list_without_fip_instance_provider_vxlan(self):
Create a zone, check zone exits
Create a network and subnet
Update network with the zone
Boot a VM
Verify recordset only has SOA and NS record types
image_id = self.get_glance_image_id(['cirros', 'esx'])
zone = self.create_zone()
network_designate = self.create_zone_provider_vlan_vxlan_topology(
'vxlan', zone['name'])
self.assertEqual(network_designate['dns_domain'], zone['name'])
LOG.info('Show recordset of the zone')
recordset = self.list_record_set_zone(zone['id'])
self.verify_recordset(recordset, 2)
"dns_vm", [network_designate],
security_groups=[{'name': self.designate_sg['name']}],
create_floating_ip=False, image_id=image_id)
LOG.info('Show recordset of the zone')
recordset = self.list_record_set_zone(zone['id'])
self.verify_recordset(recordset, 3)
def test_zone_list_without_fip_instance_provider_vlan(self):
Create a zone, check zone exits
Create a network and subnet
Update network with the zone
Boot a VM
Verify recordset only has SOA and NS record types
image_id = self.get_glance_image_id(['cirros', 'esx'])
zone = self.create_zone()
network_designate = self.create_zone_provider_vlan_vxlan_topology(
'vxlan', zone['name'])
self.assertEqual(network_designate['dns_domain'], zone['name'])
LOG.info('Show recordset of the zone')
recordset = self.list_record_set_zone(zone['id'])
self.verify_recordset(recordset, 2)
"dns_vm", [network_designate],
security_groups=[{'name': self.designate_sg['name']}],
create_floating_ip=False, image_id=image_id)
LOG.info('Show recordset of the zone')
recordset = self.list_record_set_zone(zone['id'])
self.verify_recordset(recordset, 3)
def test_zone_list_with_fip_instance(self):
@ -217,7 +304,7 @@ class TestZonesScenario(TestZonesV2Ops):
Create a port
Verify zone record set has SOA and NS record typres
zone = self.create_designate_zone()
zone = self.create_zone()
network_designate = self.create_zone_topology(zone['name'])
self.assertEqual(network_designate['dns_domain'], zone['name'])
LOG.info('Show recordset of the zone')
@ -298,6 +385,51 @@ class TestZonesScenario(TestZonesV2Ops):
raise Exception('DNS response does not have entry '
'for the instance')
def test_zone_reverse_nslookup_from_extvm(self):
Create a zone
Update network with zone
Boot an instance and associate fip
Perform nslookup for the dns name from ext vm
image_id = self.get_glance_image_id(['cirros', 'esx'])
zone = self.create_zone()
network_designate = self.create_zone_topology(zone['name'])
self.assertEqual(network_designate['dns_domain'], zone['name'])
dns_vm = self.create_topology_instance(
"dns_vm", [network_designate],
security_groups=[{'name': self.designate_sg['name']}],
create_floating_ip=True, image_id=image_id)
fip = dns_vm['floating_ips'][0]['floating_ip_address']
fip_id = dns_vm['floating_ips'][0]['id']
ptr_rev_name = '.'.join(reversed(fip.split("."))) + ".in-addr.arpa"
LOG.info('Show recordset of the zone')
recordset = self.list_record_set_zone(zone['id'])
self.verify_recordset(recordset, 3)
record = self.verify_recordset_floatingip(recordset, fip)
if record is None:
raise Exception('fip is missing in the recordset')
my_resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver()
nameserver = CONF.dns.nameservers[0][:-3]
my_resolver.nameservers = [nameserver]
#wait for status to change from pending to active
region = const.REGION_NAME
#check PTR record
ptr_record = self.show_ptr_record(region, fip_id)
self.assertEqual(fip, ptr_record[1]['address'])
answer = my_resolver.query(ptr_rev_name, "PTR")
except Exception:
LOG.error('ns lookup failed on ext-vm')
if (ptr_rev_name not in answer.response.to_text()
or record['name'] not in answer.response.to_text()):
LOG.error('failed to perform reverse dns for the instance')
raise Exception('Reverse DNS response does not have entry '
'for the instance')
def test_zone_deletion_post_fip_association(self):
@ -306,7 +438,10 @@ class TestZonesScenario(TestZonesV2Ops):
Boot an instance and associate fip
Delete zone successfully
image_id = self.get_glance_image_id(['cirros', 'esx'])
except Exception:
LOG.error('cirros image is absent for esx HV')
zone = self.create_zone()
network_designate = self.create_zone_topology(zone['name'])
self.assertEqual(network_designate['dns_domain'], zone['name'])
@ -331,3 +466,26 @@ class TestZonesScenario(TestZonesV2Ops):
self.assertRaises(lib_exc.NotFound, self.delete_zone,
def test_negative_dns_network_update(self):
Create a zone
Update network with different dns name
Boot an instance and associate fip
Verify the recordset of the guestVM does not contain
'A' record type
image_id = self.get_glance_image_id(['cirros', 'esx'])
zone = self.create_zone()
network_designate = self.create_zone_topology(
self.assertNotEqual(network_designate['dns_domain'], zone['name'])
"dns_vm", [network_designate],
security_groups=[{'name': self.designate_sg['name']}],
create_floating_ip=True, image_id=image_id)
LOG.info('Show recordset of the zone')
recordset = self.list_record_set_zone(zone['id'])
self.verify_recordset(recordset, 2)