NSX|V Fill VIF data for upgraded ports

Ports from older neutron versions will not have a DB entry for port bondings.
This patch will manually fill the data Nova need.

Change-Id: I7d27844b2f642403c6a16d59879aebbac36aaf1e
This commit is contained in:
Adit Sarfaty 2018-10-24 09:46:02 +03:00
parent f17bc33284
commit 811edf1dd1
1 changed files with 29 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ from neutron_lib.api.definitions import l3 as l3_apidef
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import multiprovidernet as mpnet_apidef
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port as port_def
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port_security as psec
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings as pbin
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import provider_net as pnet
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import subnet as subnet_def
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import vlantransparent as vlan_apidef
@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc
from vmware_nsx.common import l3_rpc_agent_api
from vmware_nsx.common import locking
from vmware_nsx.common import managers as nsx_managers
from vmware_nsx.common import nsx_constants
from vmware_nsx.common import nsxv_constants
from vmware_nsx.common import utils as c_utils
from vmware_nsx.db import (
@ -2045,6 +2047,7 @@ class NsxVPluginV2(addr_pair_db.AllowedAddressPairsMixin,
port_model = self._get_port(context, port_data['id'])
resource_extend.apply_funcs('ports', port_data, port_model)
self._extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(context, port_data)
kwargs = {'context': context, 'port': neutron_db}
registry.notify(resources.PORT, events.AFTER_CREATE, self, **kwargs)
@ -2144,6 +2147,7 @@ class NsxVPluginV2(addr_pair_db.AllowedAddressPairsMixin,
with locking.LockManager.get_lock('port-update-%s' % id):
original_port = super(NsxVPluginV2, self).get_port(context, id)
self._extend_get_port_dict_qos_and_binding(context, original_port)
is_compute_port = self._is_compute_port(original_port)
device_id = original_port['device_id']
if is_compute_port and device_id:
@ -2513,14 +2517,32 @@ class NsxVPluginV2(addr_pair_db.AllowedAddressPairsMixin,
registry.notify(resources.PORT, events.AFTER_UPDATE, self, **kwargs)
return ret_port
def _extend_get_port_dict_qos(self, context, port):
def _extend_get_port_dict_qos_and_binding(self, context, port):
self._extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(context, port)
# add the qos policy id from the DB (always None in this plugin)
port[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] = qos_com_utils.get_port_policy_id(
context, port['id'])
if 'id' in port:
port[qos_consts.QOS_POLICY_ID] = qos_com_utils.get_port_policy_id(
context, port['id'])
def _extend_nsx_port_dict_binding(self, context, port_data):
# Extend port dict binding in case the data was not updated from the
# DB by _extend_port_portbinding, which means this is an older port
if pbin.VIF_TYPE not in port_data:
port_data[pbin.VIF_TYPE] = nsx_constants.VIF_TYPE_DVS
if pbin.VNIC_TYPE not in port_data:
port_data[pbin.VNIC_TYPE] = pbin.VNIC_NORMAL
if pbin.VIF_DETAILS not in port_data:
port_data[pbin.VIF_DETAILS] = {pbin.CAP_PORT_FILTER: True}
if 'network_id' in port_data:
net_bindings = nsxv_db.get_network_bindings(
context.session, port_data['network_id'])
if net_bindings:
port_data[pbin.VIF_DETAILS][pbin.VIF_DETAILS_VLAN] = (
def get_port(self, context, id, fields=None):
port = super(NsxVPluginV2, self).get_port(context, id, fields=None)
self._extend_get_port_dict_qos(context, port)
self._extend_get_port_dict_qos_and_binding(context, port)
return db_utils.resource_fields(port, fields)
def get_ports(self, context, filters=None, fields=None,
@ -2533,6 +2555,9 @@ class NsxVPluginV2(addr_pair_db.AllowedAddressPairsMixin,
super(NsxVPluginV2, self).get_ports(
context, filters, fields, sorts,
limit, marker, page_reverse))
# Add the relevant port extensions
for port in ports[:]:
self._extend_get_port_dict_qos_and_binding(context, port)
return (ports if not fields else
[db_utils.resource_fields(port, fields) for port in ports])