From 93268da5c295be65c78ca806809e14a6fa488d54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Adit Sarfaty <>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2018 09:50:20 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] AdminUtil NSX-v3: recreate dhcp server for a network

nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o nsx-recreate --property net-id=<neutron-net-id>

Change-Id: Ib6e6e8285db95636c912d772b0d3ee543ebba8b6
 doc/source/admin_util.rst                     |  4 ++
 .../plugins/nsxv3/resources/   | 54 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../admin/plugins/nsxv3/resources/    |  3 --
 vmware_nsx/shell/                 |  3 +-
 4 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/source/admin_util.rst b/doc/source/admin_util.rst
index 9ef2cffb66..91126af4a4 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin_util.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin_util.rst
@@ -391,6 +391,10 @@ DHCP Bindings
     nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o nsx-update --property dhcp_profile_uuid=<dhcp_profile_uuid>
+- Recreate dhcp server for a neutron network::
+    nsxadmin -r dhcp-binding -o nsx-recreate --property net-id=<neutron-net-id>
 Orphaned DHCP Servers
diff --git a/vmware_nsx/shell/admin/plugins/nsxv3/resources/ b/vmware_nsx/shell/admin/plugins/nsxv3/resources/
index c2f08e117e..b30527df66 100644
--- a/vmware_nsx/shell/admin/plugins/nsxv3/resources/
+++ b/vmware_nsx/shell/admin/plugins/nsxv3/resources/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import netaddr
 from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry
 from neutron_lib import constants as const
+from neutron_lib import context as neutron_context
+from neutron_lib import exceptions
 from oslo_config import cfg
 from oslo_log import log as logging
@@ -143,9 +145,61 @@ def nsx_update_dhcp_bindings(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
                      {'mac': mac, 'ip': ip, 'port': port_id})
+def nsx_recreate_dhcp_server(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
+    """Recreate DHCP server & binding for a neutron network"""
+    if not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata:
+        LOG.error("Native DHCP is disabled.")
+        return
+    errmsg = ("Need to specify net-id property. Add --property net-id=<id>")
+    if not kwargs.get('property'):
+        LOG.error("%s", errmsg)
+        return
+    properties = admin_utils.parse_multi_keyval_opt(kwargs['property'])
+    net_id = properties.get('net-id')
+    if not net_id:
+        LOG.error("%s", errmsg)
+        return
+    context = neutron_context.get_admin_context()
+    with utils.NsxV3PluginWrapper() as plugin:
+        # verify that this is an existing network with dhcp enabled
+        try:
+            network = plugin._get_network(context, net_id)
+        except exceptions.NetworkNotFound:
+            LOG.error("Network %s was not found", net_id)
+            return
+        if plugin._has_no_dhcp_enabled_subnet(context, network):
+            LOG.error("Network %s has no DHCP enabled subnet", net_id)
+            return
+        dhcp_relay = plugin.get_network_az_by_net_id(
+            context, net_id).dhcp_relay_service
+        if dhcp_relay:
+            LOG.error("Native DHCP should not be enabled with dhcp relay")
+            return
+        # find the dhcp subnet of this network
+        subnet_id = None
+        for subnet in network.subnets:
+            if subnet.enable_dhcp:
+                subnet_id =
+                break
+        if not subnet_id:
+            LOG.error("Network %s has no DHCP enabled subnet", net_id)
+            return
+        dhcp_subnet = plugin.get_subnet(context, subnet_id)
+        # disable and re-enable the dhcp
+        plugin._enable_native_dhcp(context, network, dhcp_subnet)
+                   constants.DHCP_BINDING,
+                   shell.Operations.NSX_RECREATE.value)
diff --git a/vmware_nsx/shell/admin/plugins/nsxv3/resources/ b/vmware_nsx/shell/admin/plugins/nsxv3/resources/
index 36e425d61e..564b5dc306 100644
--- a/vmware_nsx/shell/admin/plugins/nsxv3/resources/
+++ b/vmware_nsx/shell/admin/plugins/nsxv3/resources/
@@ -174,9 +174,6 @@ class NsxV3PluginWrapper(plugin.NsxV3Plugin):
     def _init_port_security_profile(self):
         return True
-    def _init_dhcp_switching_profile(self):
-        pass
     def _extend_get_network_dict_provider(self, context, net):
         self._extend_network_dict_provider(context, net)
         # skip getting the Qos policy ID because get_object calls
diff --git a/vmware_nsx/shell/ b/vmware_nsx/shell/
index 36f0b557f7..48e09a70c1 100644
--- a/vmware_nsx/shell/
+++ b/vmware_nsx/shell/
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ nsxv3_resources = {
     constants.DHCP_BINDING: Resource(constants.DHCP_BINDING,
-                                      Operations.NSX_UPDATE.value]),
+                                      Operations.NSX_UPDATE.value,
+                                      Operations.NSX_RECREATE.value]),
     constants.METADATA_PROXY: Resource(constants.METADATA_PROXY,