# Copyright 2015 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import pprint from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import constants from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import formatters import vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common.utils as admin_utils import vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.nsxv.resources.utils as utils import vmware_nsx.shell.resources as shell from neutron.callbacks import registry from neutron_lib import exceptions from vmware_nsx._i18n import _LE, _LI from vmware_nsx.common import nsxv_constants from vmware_nsx.db import nsxv_db from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v import availability_zones as nsx_az import vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v.vshield.common.exceptions as nsxv_exceptions LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) nsxv = utils.get_nsxv_client() @admin_utils.output_header def nsx_list_edges(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs): """List edges from NSXv backend""" edges = utils.get_nsxv_backend_edges() LOG.info(formatters.output_formatter(constants.EDGES, edges, ['id', 'name', 'type', 'size'])) def get_router_edge_bindings(): edgeapi = utils.NeutronDbClient() return nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_bindings(edgeapi.context) @admin_utils.output_header def neutron_list_router_edge_bindings(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs): """List NSXv edges from Neutron DB""" edges = get_router_edge_bindings() LOG.info(formatters.output_formatter(constants.EDGES, edges, ['edge_id', 'router_id'])) def get_orphaned_edges(): nsxv_edge_ids = set() for edge in utils.get_nsxv_backend_edges(): nsxv_edge_ids.add(edge.get('id')) neutron_edge_bindings = set() for binding in get_router_edge_bindings(): neutron_edge_bindings.add(binding.edge_id) return nsxv_edge_ids - neutron_edge_bindings @admin_utils.output_header def nsx_list_orphaned_edges(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs): """List orphaned Edges on NSXv. Orphaned edges are NSXv edges that exist on NSXv backend but don't have a corresponding binding in Neutron DB """ LOG.info(_LI("NSXv edges present on NSXv backend but not present " "in Neutron DB\n")) orphaned_edges = get_orphaned_edges() if not orphaned_edges: LOG.info(_LI("\nNo orphaned edges found." "\nNeutron DB and NSXv backend are in sync\n")) else: LOG.info(constants.ORPHANED_EDGES) data = [('edge_id',)] for edge in orphaned_edges: data.append((edge,)) LOG.info(formatters.tabulate_results(data)) @admin_utils.output_header def nsx_delete_orphaned_edges(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs): """Delete orphaned edges from NSXv backend""" orphaned_edges = get_orphaned_edges() LOG.info(_LI("Before delete; Orphaned Edges: %s"), orphaned_edges) if not kwargs.get('force'): if len(orphaned_edges): user_confirm = admin_utils.query_yes_no("Do you want to delete " "orphaned edges", default="no") if not user_confirm: LOG.info(_LI("NSXv Edge deletion aborted by user")) return nsxv = utils.get_nsxv_client() for edge in orphaned_edges: LOG.info(_LI("Deleting edge: %s"), edge) nsxv.delete_edge(edge) LOG.info(_LI("After delete; Orphaned Edges: \n%s"), pprint.pformat(get_orphaned_edges())) def get_missing_edges(): nsxv_edge_ids = set() for edge in utils.get_nsxv_backend_edges(): nsxv_edge_ids.add(edge.get('id')) neutron_edge_bindings = set() for binding in get_router_edge_bindings(): neutron_edge_bindings.add(binding.edge_id) return neutron_edge_bindings - nsxv_edge_ids def get_router_edge_vnic_bindings(edge_id): edgeapi = utils.NeutronDbClient() return nsxv_db.get_edge_vnic_bindings_by_edge( edgeapi.context.session, edge_id) @admin_utils.output_header def nsx_list_missing_edges(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs): """List missing edges and networks serviced by those edges. Missing edges are NSXv edges that have a binding in Neutron DB but are currently missing from the NSXv backend. """ LOG.info(_LI("NSXv edges present in Neutron DB but not present " "on the NSXv backend\n")) missing_edges = get_missing_edges() if not missing_edges: LOG.info(_LI("\nNo edges are missing." "\nNeutron DB and NSXv backend are in sync\n")) else: data = [('edge_id', 'network_id')] for edge in missing_edges: # Retrieve all networks which are serviced by this edge. edge_serviced_networks = get_router_edge_vnic_bindings(edge) if not edge_serviced_networks: # If the edge is missing on the backend but no network # is serviced by this edge, output N/A. data.append((edge, 'N/A')) for bindings in edge_serviced_networks: data.append((edge, bindings.network_id)) LOG.info(formatters.tabulate_results(data)) def change_edge_ha(ha, edge_id): request = { 'featureType': 'highavailability_4.0', 'enabled': ha} try: nsxv.enable_ha(edge_id, request, async=False) except nsxv_exceptions.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_LE("Edge %s not found"), edge_id) except exceptions.NeutronException as e: LOG.error(_LE("%s"), str(e)) def change_edge_appliance_size(properties): size = properties.get('size') if size not in nsxv_constants.ALLOWED_EDGE_SIZES: LOG.error(_LE("Edge appliance size not in %(size)s"), {'size': nsxv_constants.ALLOWED_EDGE_SIZES}) return try: nsxv.change_edge_appliance_size( properties.get('edge-id'), size) except nsxv_exceptions.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_LE("Edge %s not found"), properties.get('edge-id')) except exceptions.NeutronException as e: LOG.error(_LE("%s"), str(e)) def _get_edge_az_and_size(edge_id): edgeapi = utils.NeutronDbClient() binding = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_binding_by_edge( edgeapi.context.session, edge_id) if binding: return binding['availability_zone'], binding['appliance_size'] # default fallback return nsx_az.DEFAULT_NAME, nsxv_constants.LARGE def change_edge_appliance(edge_id): """Update the appliances data of an edge Update the edge appliances data according to its current availability zone and the nsx.ini config, including the resource pool, edge_ha, datastore & ha_datastore. The availability zone of the edge will not be changed. This can be useful when the global resource pool/datastore/edge ha configuration is updated, or when the configuration of a specific availability zone was updated. """ # find out what is the current resource pool & size, so we can keep them az_name, size = _get_edge_az_and_size(edge_id) az = nsx_az.ConfiguredAvailabilityZones().get_availability_zone(az_name) appliances = [{'resourcePoolId': az.resource_pool, 'datastoreId': az.datastore_id}] if az.ha_datastore_id and az.edge_ha: appliances.append({'resourcePoolId': az.resource_pool, 'datastoreId': az.ha_datastore_id}) request = {'appliances': appliances, 'applianceSize': size} try: nsxv.change_edge_appliance(edge_id, request) except nsxv_exceptions.ResourceNotFound as e: LOG.error(_LE("Edge %s not found"), edge_id) except exceptions.NeutronException as e: LOG.error(_LE("%s"), str(e)) else: # also update the edge_ha of the edge change_edge_ha(az.edge_ha, edge_id) @admin_utils.output_header def nsx_update_edge(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs): """Update edge properties""" usage_msg = _LE("Need to specify edge-id parameter and " "attribute to update. Add --property edge-id= " "and --property highavailability= or " "--property size= or --property appliances=True") if not kwargs.get('property'): LOG.error(usage_msg) return properties = admin_utils.parse_multi_keyval_opt(kwargs['property']) if not properties.get('edge-id'): LOG.error(_LE("Need to specify edge-id. " "Add --property edge-id=")) return LOG.info(_LI("Updating NSXv edge: %(edge)s with properties\n%(prop)s"), {'edge': properties.get('edge-id'), 'prop': properties}) if properties.get('highavailability'): change_edge_ha(properties['highavailability'].lower() == "true", properties['edge-id']) elif properties.get('size'): change_edge_appliance_size(properties) elif (properties.get('appliances') and properties.get('appliances').lower() == "true"): change_edge_appliance(properties['edge-id']) else: # no attribute was specified LOG.error(usage_msg) registry.subscribe(nsx_list_edges, constants.EDGES, shell.Operations.NSX_LIST.value) registry.subscribe(neutron_list_router_edge_bindings, constants.EDGES, shell.Operations.NEUTRON_LIST.value) registry.subscribe(nsx_list_orphaned_edges, constants.ORPHANED_EDGES, shell.Operations.LIST.value) registry.subscribe(nsx_delete_orphaned_edges, constants.ORPHANED_EDGES, shell.Operations.CLEAN.value) registry.subscribe(nsx_list_missing_edges, constants.MISSING_EDGES, shell.Operations.LIST.value) registry.subscribe(nsx_update_edge, constants.EDGES, shell.Operations.NSX_UPDATE.value)