# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import abc import os import re import shutil import socket import StringIO import sys import netaddr from oslo.config import cfg from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib from neutron.agent.linux import utils from neutron.openstack.common import jsonutils from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt('dhcp_confs', default='$state_path/dhcp', help=_('Location to store DHCP server config files')), cfg.StrOpt('dhcp_domain', default='openstacklocal', help=_('Domain to use for building the hostnames')), cfg.StrOpt('dnsmasq_config_file', default='', help=_('Override the default dnsmasq settings with this file')), cfg.StrOpt('dnsmasq_dns_server', help=_('Use another DNS server before any in ' '/etc/resolv.conf.')), ] IPV4 = 4 IPV6 = 6 UDP = 'udp' TCP = 'tcp' DNS_PORT = 53 DHCPV4_PORT = 67 DHCPV6_PORT = 547 METADATA_DEFAULT_IP = '' WIN2k3_STATIC_DNS = 249 class DhcpBase(object): __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, conf, network, root_helper='sudo', device_delegate=None, namespace=None, version=None): self.conf = conf self.network = network self.root_helper = root_helper self.device_delegate = device_delegate self.namespace = namespace self.version = version @abc.abstractmethod def enable(self): """Enables DHCP for this network.""" @abc.abstractmethod def disable(self, retain_port=False): """Disable dhcp for this network.""" def restart(self): """Restart the dhcp service for the network.""" self.disable(retain_port=True) self.enable() @abc.abstractproperty def active(self): """Boolean representing the running state of the DHCP server.""" @abc.abstractmethod def release_lease(self, mac_address, removed_ips): """Release a DHCP lease.""" @abc.abstractmethod def reload_allocations(self): """Force the DHCP server to reload the assignment database.""" @classmethod def existing_dhcp_networks(cls, conf, root_helper): """Return a list of existing networks ids that we have configs for.""" raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def check_version(cls): """Execute version checks on DHCP server.""" raise NotImplementedError class DhcpLocalProcess(DhcpBase): PORTS = [] def _enable_dhcp(self): """check if there is a subnet within the network with dhcp enabled.""" for subnet in self.network.subnets: if subnet.enable_dhcp: return True return False def enable(self): """Enables DHCP for this network by spawning a local process.""" interface_name = self.device_delegate.setup(self.network, reuse_existing=True) if self.active: self.restart() elif self._enable_dhcp(): self.interface_name = interface_name self.spawn_process() def disable(self, retain_port=False): """Disable DHCP for this network by killing the local process.""" pid = self.pid if self.active: cmd = ['kill', '-9', pid] utils.execute(cmd, self.root_helper) if not retain_port: self.device_delegate.destroy(self.network, self.interface_name) elif pid: LOG.debug(_('DHCP for %(net_id)s pid %(pid)d is stale, ignoring ' 'command'), {'net_id': self.network.id, 'pid': pid}) else: LOG.debug(_('No DHCP started for %s'), self.network.id) self._remove_config_files() def _remove_config_files(self): confs_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(self.conf.dhcp_confs)) conf_dir = os.path.join(confs_dir, self.network.id) shutil.rmtree(conf_dir, ignore_errors=True) def get_conf_file_name(self, kind, ensure_conf_dir=False): """Returns the file name for a given kind of config file.""" confs_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(self.conf.dhcp_confs)) conf_dir = os.path.join(confs_dir, self.network.id) if ensure_conf_dir: if not os.path.isdir(conf_dir): os.makedirs(conf_dir, 0o755) return os.path.join(conf_dir, kind) def _get_value_from_conf_file(self, kind, converter=None): """A helper function to read a value from one of the state files.""" file_name = self.get_conf_file_name(kind) msg = _('Error while reading %s') try: with open(file_name, 'r') as f: try: return converter and converter(f.read()) or f.read() except ValueError: msg = _('Unable to convert value in %s') except IOError: msg = _('Unable to access %s') LOG.debug(msg % file_name) return None @property def pid(self): """Last known pid for the DHCP process spawned for this network.""" return self._get_value_from_conf_file('pid', int) @property def active(self): pid = self.pid if pid is None: return False cmd = ['cat', '/proc/%s/cmdline' % pid] try: return self.network.id in utils.execute(cmd, self.root_helper) except RuntimeError: return False @property def interface_name(self): return self._get_value_from_conf_file('interface') @interface_name.setter def interface_name(self, value): interface_file_path = self.get_conf_file_name('interface', ensure_conf_dir=True) utils.replace_file(interface_file_path, value) @abc.abstractmethod def spawn_process(self): pass class Dnsmasq(DhcpLocalProcess): # The ports that need to be opened when security policies are active # on the Neutron port used for DHCP. These are provided as a convenience # for users of this class. PORTS = {IPV4: [(UDP, DNS_PORT), (TCP, DNS_PORT), (UDP, DHCPV4_PORT)], IPV6: [(UDP, DNS_PORT), (TCP, DNS_PORT), (UDP, DHCPV6_PORT)], } _TAG_PREFIX = 'tag%d' NEUTRON_NETWORK_ID_KEY = 'NEUTRON_NETWORK_ID' NEUTRON_RELAY_SOCKET_PATH_KEY = 'NEUTRON_RELAY_SOCKET_PATH' MINIMUM_VERSION = 2.59 @classmethod def check_version(cls): ver = 0 try: cmd = ['dnsmasq', '--version'] out = utils.execute(cmd) ver = re.findall("\d+.\d+", out)[0] is_valid_version = float(ver) >= cls.MINIMUM_VERSION if not is_valid_version: LOG.warning(_('FAILED VERSION REQUIREMENT FOR DNSMASQ. ' 'DHCP AGENT MAY NOT RUN CORRECTLY! ' 'Please ensure that its version is %s ' 'or above!'), cls.MINIMUM_VERSION) except (OSError, RuntimeError, IndexError, ValueError): LOG.warning(_('Unable to determine dnsmasq version. ' 'Please ensure that its version is %s ' 'or above!'), cls.MINIMUM_VERSION) return float(ver) @classmethod def existing_dhcp_networks(cls, conf, root_helper): """Return a list of existing networks ids that we have configs for.""" confs_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(conf.dhcp_confs)) class FakeNetwork: def __init__(self, net_id): self.id = net_id return [ c for c in os.listdir(confs_dir) if (uuidutils.is_uuid_like(c) and cls(conf, FakeNetwork(c), root_helper).active) ] def spawn_process(self): """Spawns a Dnsmasq process for the network.""" env = { self.NEUTRON_NETWORK_ID_KEY: self.network.id, } cmd = [ 'dnsmasq', '--no-hosts', '--no-resolv', '--strict-order', '--bind-interfaces', '--interface=%s' % self.interface_name, '--except-interface=lo', '--pid-file=%s' % self.get_conf_file_name( 'pid', ensure_conf_dir=True), #TODO (mark): calculate value from cidr (defaults to 150) #'--dhcp-lease-max=%s' % ?, '--dhcp-hostsfile=%s' % self._output_hosts_file(), '--dhcp-optsfile=%s' % self._output_opts_file(), '--leasefile-ro', ] for i, subnet in enumerate(self.network.subnets): # if a subnet is specified to have dhcp disabled if not subnet.enable_dhcp: continue if subnet.ip_version == 4: mode = 'static' else: # TODO(mark): how do we indicate other options # ra-only, slaac, ra-nameservers, and ra-stateless. mode = 'static' if self.version >= self.MINIMUM_VERSION: set_tag = 'set:' else: set_tag = '' cmd.append('--dhcp-range=%s%s,%s,%s,%ss' % (set_tag, self._TAG_PREFIX % i, netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet.cidr).network, mode, self.conf.dhcp_lease_duration)) cmd.append('--conf-file=%s' % self.conf.dnsmasq_config_file) if self.conf.dnsmasq_dns_server: cmd.append('--server=%s' % self.conf.dnsmasq_dns_server) if self.conf.dhcp_domain: cmd.append('--domain=%s' % self.conf.dhcp_domain) if self.namespace: ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.root_helper, self.namespace) ip_wrapper.netns.execute(cmd, addl_env=env) else: # For normal sudo prepend the env vars before command cmd = ['%s=%s' % pair for pair in env.items()] + cmd utils.execute(cmd, self.root_helper) def release_lease(self, mac_address, removed_ips): """Release a DHCP lease.""" for ip in removed_ips or []: cmd = ['dhcp_release', self.interface_name, ip, mac_address] if self.namespace: ip_wrapper = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.root_helper, self.namespace) ip_wrapper.netns.execute(cmd) else: utils.execute(cmd, self.root_helper) def reload_allocations(self): """Rebuild the dnsmasq config and signal the dnsmasq to reload.""" # If all subnets turn off dhcp, kill the process. if not self._enable_dhcp(): self.disable() LOG.debug(_('Killing dhcpmasq for network since all subnets have ' 'turned off DHCP: %s'), self.network.id) return self._output_hosts_file() self._output_opts_file() if self.active: cmd = ['kill', '-HUP', self.pid] utils.execute(cmd, self.root_helper) else: LOG.debug(_('Pid %d is stale, relaunching dnsmasq'), self.pid) LOG.debug(_('Reloading allocations for network: %s'), self.network.id) def _output_hosts_file(self): """Writes a dnsmasq compatible hosts file.""" r = re.compile('[:.]') buf = StringIO.StringIO() for port in self.network.ports: for alloc in port.fixed_ips: name = 'host-%s.%s' % (r.sub('-', alloc.ip_address), self.conf.dhcp_domain) buf.write('%s,%s,%s\n' % (port.mac_address, name, alloc.ip_address)) name = self.get_conf_file_name('host') utils.replace_file(name, buf.getvalue()) return name def _output_opts_file(self): """Write a dnsmasq compatible options file.""" if self.conf.enable_isolated_metadata: subnet_to_interface_ip = self._make_subnet_interface_ip_map() options = [] for i, subnet in enumerate(self.network.subnets): if not subnet.enable_dhcp: continue if subnet.dns_nameservers: options.append( self._format_option(i, 'dns-server', ','.join(subnet.dns_nameservers))) gateway = subnet.gateway_ip host_routes = [] for hr in subnet.host_routes: if hr.destination == "": gateway = hr.nexthop else: host_routes.append("%s,%s" % (hr.destination, hr.nexthop)) # Add host routes for isolated network segments enable_metadata = ( self.conf.enable_isolated_metadata and not subnet.gateway_ip and subnet.ip_version == 4) if enable_metadata: subnet_dhcp_ip = subnet_to_interface_ip[subnet.id] host_routes.append( '%s/32,%s' % (METADATA_DEFAULT_IP, subnet_dhcp_ip) ) if host_routes: options.append( self._format_option(i, 'classless-static-route', ','.join(host_routes))) options.append( self._format_option(i, WIN2k3_STATIC_DNS, ','.join(host_routes))) if subnet.ip_version == 4: if gateway: options.append(self._format_option(i, 'router', gateway)) else: options.append(self._format_option(i, 'router')) name = self.get_conf_file_name('opts') utils.replace_file(name, '\n'.join(options)) return name def _make_subnet_interface_ip_map(self): ip_dev = ip_lib.IPDevice( self.interface_name, self.root_helper, self.namespace ) subnet_lookup = dict( (netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet.cidr), subnet.id) for subnet in self.network.subnets ) retval = {} for addr in ip_dev.addr.list(): ip_net = netaddr.IPNetwork(addr['cidr']) if ip_net in subnet_lookup: retval[subnet_lookup[ip_net]] = addr['cidr'].split('/')[0] return retval def _format_option(self, index, option, *args): """Format DHCP option by option name or code.""" if self.version >= self.MINIMUM_VERSION: set_tag = 'tag:' else: set_tag = '' option = str(option) if not option.isdigit(): option = 'option:%s' % option return ','.join((set_tag + self._TAG_PREFIX % index, option) + args) @classmethod def lease_update(cls): network_id = os.environ.get(cls.NEUTRON_NETWORK_ID_KEY) dhcp_relay_socket = os.environ.get(cls.NEUTRON_RELAY_SOCKET_PATH_KEY) action = sys.argv[1] if action not in ('add', 'del', 'old'): sys.exit() mac_address = sys.argv[2] ip_address = sys.argv[3] if action == 'del': lease_remaining = 0 else: lease_remaining = int(os.environ.get('DNSMASQ_TIME_REMAINING', 0)) data = dict(network_id=network_id, mac_address=mac_address, ip_address=ip_address, lease_remaining=lease_remaining) if os.path.exists(dhcp_relay_socket): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(dhcp_relay_socket) sock.send(jsonutils.dumps(data)) sock.close()