# Copyright 2016 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import re import netaddr from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry from neutron_lib import constants as const from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from vmware_nsx.common import config # noqa from vmware_nsx.common import utils as nsx_utils from vmware_nsx.dhcp_meta import rpc as nsx_rpc from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v3 import availability_zones as nsx_az from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import constants from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import formatters from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import utils as admin_utils from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.nsxv3.resources import utils import vmware_nsx.shell.resources as shell from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions as nsx_exc from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) neutron_client = utils.NeutronDbClient() def _is_metadata_network(network): # If a Neutron network has only one subnet with CIDR, # then it is an internal metadata network. if len(network['subnets']) == 1: subnet = neutron_client.get_subnet(network['subnets'][0]) if subnet['cidr'] == nsx_rpc.METADATA_SUBNET_CIDR: return True return False @admin_utils.output_header def list_metadata_networks(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs): """List Metadata networks in Neutron.""" if not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_metadata_route: meta_networks = [network for network in neutron_client.get_networks() if _is_metadata_network(network)] LOG.info(formatters.output_formatter(constants.METADATA_PROXY, meta_networks, ['id', 'name', 'subnets'])) else: nsxlib = utils.get_connected_nsxlib() tags = [{'scope': 'os-neutron-net-id'}] ports = nsxlib.search_by_tags(resource_type='LogicalPort', tags=tags) for port in ports['results']: if port['attachment']['attachment_type'] == 'METADATA_PROXY': net_id = None for tag in port['tags']: if tag['scope'] == 'os-neutron-net-id': net_id = tag['tag'] break uri = '/md-proxies/%s/%s/status' % (port['attachment']['id'], port['logical_switch_id']) status = nsxlib.client.get(uri) LOG.info("Status for MD proxy on neutron network %s (logical " "switch %s) is %s", net_id, port['logical_switch_id'], status.get('proxy_status', 'Unknown')) @admin_utils.output_header def nsx_update_metadata_proxy(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs): """Update Metadata proxy for NSXv3 CrossHairs.""" nsxlib = utils.get_connected_nsxlib() nsx_version = nsxlib.get_version() if not nsx_utils.is_nsx_version_1_1_0(nsx_version): LOG.error("This utility is not available for NSX version %s", nsx_version) return metadata_proxy_uuid = None if kwargs.get('property'): properties = admin_utils.parse_multi_keyval_opt(kwargs['property']) metadata_proxy_uuid = properties.get('metadata_proxy_uuid') if not metadata_proxy_uuid: LOG.error("metadata_proxy_uuid is not defined") return cfg.CONF.set_override('dhcp_agent_notification', False) cfg.CONF.set_override('native_dhcp_metadata', True, 'nsx_v3') cfg.CONF.set_override('metadata_proxy', metadata_proxy_uuid, 'nsx_v3') with utils.NsxV3PluginWrapper() as plugin: # For each Neutron network, check if it is an internal metadata # network. # If yes, delete the network and associated router interface. # Otherwise, create a logical switch port with MD-Proxy attachment. for network in neutron_client.get_networks(): if _is_metadata_network(network): # It is a metadata network, find the attached router, # remove the router interface and the network. filters = {'device_owner': const.ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS, 'fixed_ips': { 'subnet_id': [network['subnets'][0]], 'ip_address': [nsx_rpc.METADATA_GATEWAY_IP]}} ports = neutron_client.get_ports(filters=filters) if not ports: continue router_id = ports[0]['device_id'] interface = {'subnet_id': network['subnets'][0]} plugin.remove_router_interface(None, router_id, interface) LOG.info("Removed metadata interface on router %s", router_id) plugin.delete_network(None, network['id']) LOG.info("Removed metadata network %s", network['id']) else: lswitch_id = neutron_client.net_id_to_lswitch_id( network['id']) if not lswitch_id: continue tags = nsxlib.build_v3_tags_payload( network, resource_type='os-neutron-net-id', project_name='admin') name = nsx_utils.get_name_and_uuid('%s-%s' % ( 'mdproxy', network['name'] or 'network'), network['id']) # check if this logical port already exists existing_ports = nsxlib.logical_port.find_by_display_name( name) if not existing_ports: # create a new port with the md-proxy nsxlib.logical_port.create( lswitch_id, metadata_proxy_uuid, tags=tags, name=name, attachment_type=nsx_constants.ATTACHMENT_MDPROXY) LOG.info("Enabled native metadata proxy for network %s", network['id']) else: # update the MDproxy of this port port = existing_ports[0] nsxlib.logical_port.update( port['id'], metadata_proxy_uuid, attachment_type=nsx_constants.ATTACHMENT_MDPROXY) LOG.info("Updated native metadata proxy for network %s", network['id']) @admin_utils.output_header def nsx_update_metadata_proxy_server_ip(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs): """Update Metadata proxy server ip on the nsx.""" nsxlib = utils.get_connected_nsxlib() nsx_version = nsxlib.get_version() if not nsx_utils.is_nsx_version_1_1_0(nsx_version): LOG.error("This utility is not available for NSX version %s", nsx_version) return server_ip = None az_name = nsx_az.DEFAULT_NAME if kwargs.get('property'): properties = admin_utils.parse_multi_keyval_opt(kwargs['property']) server_ip = properties.get('server-ip') az_name = properties.get('availability-zone', az_name) if not server_ip or not netaddr.valid_ipv4(server_ip): LOG.error("Need to specify a valid server-ip parameter") return config.register_nsxv3_azs(cfg.CONF, cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.availability_zones) if (az_name != nsx_az.DEFAULT_NAME and az_name not in cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.availability_zones): LOG.error("Availability zone %s was not found in the configuration", az_name) return az = nsx_az.NsxV3AvailabilityZones().get_availability_zone(az_name) az.translate_configured_names_to_uuids(nsxlib) if (not az.metadata_proxy or not cfg.CONF.nsx_v3.native_dhcp_metadata): LOG.error("Native DHCP metadata is not enabled in the configuration " "of availability zone %s", az_name) return metadata_proxy_uuid = az._native_md_proxy_uuid try: mdproxy = nsxlib.native_md_proxy.get(metadata_proxy_uuid) except nsx_exc.ResourceNotFound: LOG.error("metadata proxy %s not found", metadata_proxy_uuid) return # update the IP in the URL url = mdproxy.get('metadata_server_url') url = re.sub(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', server_ip, url) LOG.info("Updating the URL of the metadata proxy server %(uuid)s to " "%(url)s", {'uuid': metadata_proxy_uuid, 'url': url}) nsxlib.native_md_proxy.update(metadata_proxy_uuid, server_url=url) LOG.info("Done.") registry.subscribe(list_metadata_networks, constants.METADATA_PROXY, shell.Operations.LIST.value) registry.subscribe(nsx_update_metadata_proxy, constants.METADATA_PROXY, shell.Operations.NSX_UPDATE.value) registry.subscribe(nsx_update_metadata_proxy_server_ip, constants.METADATA_PROXY, shell.Operations.NSX_UPDATE_IP.value)