# Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils from vmware_nsx._i18n import _ from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc from vmware_nsx.db import db as nsx_db from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas import base_mgr from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas import lb_common from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas import lb_const from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_v3.implementation import lb_utils from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions as nsxlib_exc from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class EdgeListenerManagerFromDict(base_mgr.Nsxv3LoadbalancerBaseManager): def _get_virtual_server_kwargs(self, context, listener, vs_name, tags, app_profile_id, certificate=None): # If loadbalancer vip_port already has floating ip, use floating # IP as the virtual server VIP address. Else, use the loadbalancer # vip_address directly on virtual server. filters = {'port_id': [listener['loadbalancer']['vip_port_id']]} floating_ips = self.core_plugin.get_floatingips(context, filters=filters) if floating_ips: lb_vip_address = floating_ips[0]['floating_ip_address'] else: lb_vip_address = listener['loadbalancer']['vip_address'] kwargs = {'enabled': listener['admin_state_up'], 'ip_address': lb_vip_address, 'port': listener['protocol_port'], 'application_profile_id': app_profile_id, 'description': listener.get('description')} if vs_name: kwargs['display_name'] = vs_name if tags: kwargs['tags'] = tags if listener['connection_limit'] != -1: kwargs['max_concurrent_connections'] = \ listener['connection_limit'] if 'default_pool_id' in listener: if listener['default_pool_id']: pool_binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_pool_binding( context.session, listener['loadbalancer']['id'], listener['default_pool_id']) if pool_binding: kwargs['pool_id'] = pool_binding.get('lb_pool_id') else: # Remove the default pool kwargs['pool_id'] = None kwargs['persistence_profile_id'] = '' ssl_profile_binding = self._get_ssl_profile_binding( tags, certificate=certificate) if (listener['protocol'] == lb_const.LB_PROTOCOL_TERMINATED_HTTPS and ssl_profile_binding): kwargs.update(ssl_profile_binding) return kwargs def _get_ssl_profile_binding(self, tags, certificate=None): tm_client = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.trust_management if certificate: # First check if NSX already has certificate with same pem. # If so, use that certificate for ssl binding. Otherwise, # create a new certificate on NSX. cert_ids = tm_client.find_cert_with_pem( certificate.get('certificate')) if cert_ids: nsx_cert_id = cert_ids[0] else: nsx_cert_id = tm_client.create_cert( certificate.get('certificate'), private_key=certificate.get('private_key'), passphrase=certificate.get('passphrase'), tags=tags) return { 'client_ssl_profile_binding': { 'ssl_profile_id': self.core_plugin.client_ssl_profile, 'default_certificate_id': nsx_cert_id } } def _get_listener_tags(self, context, listener): tags = lb_utils.get_tags(self.core_plugin, listener['id'], lb_const.LB_LISTENER_TYPE, listener['tenant_id'], context.project_name) tags.append({ 'scope': lb_const.LB_LB_NAME, 'tag': listener['loadbalancer']['name'][:utils.MAX_TAG_LEN]}) tags.append({ 'scope': lb_const.LB_LB_TYPE, 'tag': listener['loadbalancer_id']}) return tags def _validate_default_pool(self, context, listener, vs_id, completor, old_listener=None): if listener.get('default_pool_id'): pool_binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_pool_binding( context.session, listener['loadbalancer']['id'], listener['default_pool_id']) if (pool_binding and pool_binding['lb_vs_id'] and (vs_id is None or pool_binding['lb_vs_id'] != vs_id)): completor(success=False) msg = (_('Default pool %s is already used by another ' 'listener') % listener['default_pool_id']) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-pool', msg=msg) lb_common.validate_session_persistence( listener.get('default_pool'), listener, completor) def _update_default_pool_and_binding(self, context, listener, vs_data, completor, old_listener=None): vs_client = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer.virtual_server if listener.get('default_pool_id'): vs_id = vs_data['id'] lb_id = (listener.get('loadbalancer_id') or listener.get('loadbalancer', {}).get('id')) pool_id = listener['default_pool_id'] pool = listener['default_pool'] old_pool = None if old_listener: old_pool = old_listener.get('default_pool') try: switch_type = lb_common.session_persistence_type_changed( pool, old_pool) (persistence_profile_id, post_process_func) = lb_utils.setup_session_persistence( self.core_plugin.nsxlib, pool, lb_utils.get_pool_tags(context, self.core_plugin, pool), switch_type, listener, vs_data) except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): completor(success=False) LOG.error("Failed to configure session persistence " "profile for listener %s", listener['id']) try: # Update persistence profile and pool on virtual server vs_client.update( vs_id, persistence_profile_id=persistence_profile_id) LOG.debug("Updated NSX virtual server %(vs_id)s with " "persistence profile %(prof)s", {'vs_id': vs_id, 'prof': persistence_profile_id}) if post_process_func: post_process_func() except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): completor(success=False) LOG.error("Failed to attach persistence profile %s to " "virtual server %s", persistence_profile_id, vs_id) # Update the DB binding of the default pool nsx_db.update_nsx_lbaas_pool_binding( context.session, lb_id, pool_id, vs_id) def _remove_default_pool_binding(self, context, listener): if not listener.get('default_pool_id'): return # Remove the current default pool from the DB bindings lb_id = (listener.get('loadbalancer_id') or listener.get('loadbalancer', {}).get('id')) pool_id = listener['default_pool_id'] pool_binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_pool_binding( context.session, lb_id, pool_id) if pool_binding: nsx_db.update_nsx_lbaas_pool_binding( context.session, lb_id, pool_id, None) def create(self, context, listener, completor, certificate=None): lb_id = listener['loadbalancer_id'] nsxlib_lb = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer app_client = nsxlib_lb.application_profile vs_client = nsxlib_lb.virtual_server service_client = nsxlib_lb.service vs_name = utils.get_name_and_uuid(listener['name'] or 'listener', listener['id']) tags = self._get_listener_tags(context, listener) if (listener['protocol'] == lb_const.LB_PROTOCOL_HTTP or listener['protocol'] == lb_const.LB_PROTOCOL_TERMINATED_HTTPS): profile_type = lb_const.LB_HTTP_PROFILE elif (listener['protocol'] == lb_const.LB_PROTOCOL_TCP or listener['protocol'] == lb_const.LB_PROTOCOL_HTTPS): profile_type = lb_const.LB_TCP_PROFILE else: completor(success=False) msg = (_('Cannot create listener %(listener)s with ' 'protocol %(protocol)s') % {'listener': listener['id'], 'protocol': listener['protocol']}) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-listener', msg=msg) # Validate default pool self._validate_default_pool(context, listener, None, completor) try: app_profile = app_client.create( display_name=vs_name, resource_type=profile_type, tags=tags) app_profile_id = app_profile['id'] kwargs = self._get_virtual_server_kwargs( context, listener, vs_name, tags, app_profile_id, certificate) virtual_server = vs_client.create(**kwargs) except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError: completor(success=False) msg = _('Failed to create virtual server at NSX backend') raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-listener', msg=msg) # If there is already lb:lb_service binding, add the virtual # server to the lb service binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_loadbalancer_binding( context.session, lb_id) if not binding: completor(success=False) msg = _('Failed to get loadbalancer %s binding') % lb_id raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-listener', msg=msg) lb_service_id = binding['lb_service_id'] try: service_client.add_virtual_server(lb_service_id, virtual_server['id']) except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError: completor(success=False) msg = _('Failed to add virtual server to lb service ' 'at NSX backend') # delete the backend virtual server vs_client.delete(virtual_server['id']) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-listener', msg=msg) nsx_db.add_nsx_lbaas_listener_binding( context.session, lb_id, listener['id'], app_profile_id, virtual_server['id']) self._update_default_pool_and_binding( context, listener, virtual_server, completor) completor(success=True) def update(self, context, old_listener, new_listener, completor, certificate=None): nsxlib_lb = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer vs_client = nsxlib_lb.virtual_server app_client = nsxlib_lb.application_profile vs_name = None tags = None if new_listener['name'] != old_listener['name']: vs_name = utils.get_name_and_uuid( new_listener['name'] or 'listener', new_listener['id']) tags = self._get_listener_tags(context, new_listener) binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_listener_binding( context.session, old_listener['loadbalancer_id'], old_listener['id']) if not binding: msg = (_('Cannot find listener %(listener)s binding on NSX ' 'backend'), {'listener': old_listener['id']}) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-listener', msg=msg) # Validate default pool self._validate_default_pool( context, new_listener, binding['lb_vs_id'], completor, old_listener=old_listener) try: vs_id = binding['lb_vs_id'] app_profile_id = binding['app_profile_id'] updated_kwargs = self._get_virtual_server_kwargs( context, new_listener, vs_name, tags, app_profile_id, certificate) vs_data = vs_client.update(vs_id, **updated_kwargs) if vs_name: app_client.update(app_profile_id, display_name=vs_name, tags=tags) except Exception as e: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): completor(success=False) LOG.error('Failed to update listener %(listener)s with ' 'error %(error)s', {'listener': old_listener['id'], 'error': e}) # Update default pool and session persistence (do this even if the # default pool did not change, as there might have been an error the # last time) self._remove_default_pool_binding(context, old_listener) self._update_default_pool_and_binding(context, new_listener, vs_data, completor, old_listener) completor(success=True) def delete(self, context, listener, completor): lb_id = listener['loadbalancer_id'] nsxlib_lb = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer service_client = nsxlib_lb.service vs_client = nsxlib_lb.virtual_server app_client = nsxlib_lb.application_profile binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_listener_binding( context.session, lb_id, listener['id']) if binding: vs_id = binding['lb_vs_id'] app_profile_id = binding['app_profile_id'] lb_binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_loadbalancer_binding( context.session, lb_id) if not lb_binding: completor(success=False) msg = (_('Failed to delete virtual server: %(listener)s: ' 'loadbalancer %(lb)s mapping was not found') % {'listener': listener['id'], 'lb': lb_id}) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-listener', msg=msg) try: lbs_id = lb_binding.get('lb_service_id') lb_service = service_client.get(lbs_id) vs_list = lb_service.get('virtual_server_ids') if vs_list and vs_id in vs_list: service_client.remove_virtual_server(lbs_id, vs_id) except (nsxlib_exc.ResourceNotFound, nsx_exc.NsxResourceNotFound): LOG.error('Loadbalancing service %s not found at backend' % lbs_id) except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError: completor(success=False) msg = (_('Failed to remove virtual server: %(listener)s ' 'from lb service %(lbs)s') % {'listener': listener['id'], 'lbs': lbs_id}) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-listener', msg=msg) try: persist_profile_id = None if listener.get('default_pool_id'): vs_data = vs_client.update(vs_id, pool_id='') persist_profile_id = vs_data.get('persistence_profile_id') # Update pool binding to disassociate virtual server self._remove_default_pool_binding(context, listener) vs_client.delete(vs_id) # Also delete the old session persistence profile if persist_profile_id: lb_utils.delete_persistence_profile( self.core_plugin.nsxlib, persist_profile_id) except (nsxlib_exc.ResourceNotFound, nsx_exc.NsxResourceNotFound): LOG.error("virtual server not found on nsx: %(vs)s" % {'vs': vs_id}) except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError: completor(success=False) msg = (_('Failed to delete virtual server: %(listener)s') % {'listener': listener['id']}) raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-listener', msg=msg) try: app_client.delete(app_profile_id) except (nsxlib_exc.ResourceNotFound, nsx_exc.NsxResourceNotFound): LOG.error("application profile not found on nsx: %s", app_profile_id) except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError as e: # This probably means that the application profile is being # used by a listener outside of openstack LOG.error("Failed to delete application profile %s from the " "NSX: %s", app_profile_id, e) # Delete imported NSX cert if there is any cert_tags = [{'scope': lb_const.LB_LISTENER_TYPE, 'tag': listener['id']}] results = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.search_by_tags( tags=cert_tags) # Only delete object related to certificate used by listener for res_obj in results['results']: res_type = res_obj.get('resource_type') if res_type in lb_const.LB_CERT_RESOURCE_TYPE: tm_client = self.core_plugin.nsxlib.trust_management try: tm_client.delete_cert(res_obj['id']) except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError: LOG.error("Exception thrown when trying to delete " "certificate: %(cert)s", {'cert': res_obj['id']}) nsx_db.delete_nsx_lbaas_listener_binding( context.session, lb_id, listener['id']) completor(success=True) def delete_cascade(self, context, listener, completor): self.delete(context, listener, completor) def stats_getter(context, core_plugin, ignore_list=None): """Update Octavia statistics for each listener (virtual server)""" stat_list = [] lb_service_client = core_plugin.nsxlib.load_balancer.service # Go over all the loadbalancers & services lb_bindings = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_loadbalancer_bindings( context.session) for lb_binding in lb_bindings: if ignore_list and lb_binding['loadbalancer_id'] in ignore_list: continue lb_service_id = lb_binding.get('lb_service_id') try: # get the NSX statistics for this LB service rsp = lb_service_client.get_stats(lb_service_id) if rsp and 'virtual_servers' in rsp: # Go over each virtual server in the response for vs in rsp['virtual_servers']: # look up the virtual server in the DB vs_bind = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_listener_binding_by_vs_id( context.session, vs['virtual_server_id']) if vs_bind and 'statistics' in vs: vs_stats = vs['statistics'] stats = copy.copy(lb_const.LB_EMPTY_STATS) stats['id'] = vs_bind.listener_id stats['request_errors'] = 0 # currently unsupported for stat in lb_const.LB_STATS_MAP: lb_stat = lb_const.LB_STATS_MAP[stat] stats[stat] += vs_stats[lb_stat] stat_list.append(stats) except nsxlib_exc.ManagerError: pass return stat_list