
346 lines
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# Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import functools
from neutron.services.flavors import flavors_plugin
from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc
from oslo_log import helpers as log_helpers
from oslo_log import log as logging
from vmware_nsx._i18n import _
from vmware_nsx.db import db as nsx_db
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas import lb_const
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import load_balancer as nsxlib_lb
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ADV_RULE_NAME = 'LB external VIP advertisement'
def get_tags(plugin, resource_id, resource_type, project_id, project_name):
resource = {'project_id': project_id,
'id': resource_id}
tags = plugin.nsxlib.build_v3_tags_payload(
resource, resource_type=resource_type,
return tags
def get_network_from_subnet(context, plugin, subnet_id):
subnet = plugin.get_subnet(context.elevated(), subnet_id)
if subnet:
return plugin.get_network(context.elevated(), subnet['network_id'])
def get_router_from_network(context, plugin, subnet_id):
subnet = plugin.get_subnet(context.elevated(), subnet_id)
network_id = subnet['network_id']
ports = plugin._get_network_interface_ports(
context.elevated(), network_id)
if ports:
router = plugin.get_router(context.elevated(), ports[0]['device_id'])
if router.get('external_gateway_info'):
return router['id']
def get_lb_flavor_size(flavor_plugin, context, flavor_id, flavor):
# Octavia will have a flavor obj here
if flavor:
return flavor.get('lb_size', lb_const.DEFAULT_LB_SIZE)
if not flavor_id:
return lb_const.DEFAULT_LB_SIZE
flavor = flavors_plugin.FlavorsPlugin.get_flavor(
flavor_plugin, context, flavor_id)
flavor_size = flavor['name']
if flavor_size in lb_const.LB_FLAVOR_SIZES:
return flavor_size.upper()
err_msg = (_("Invalid flavor size %(flavor)s, only 'small', "
"'medium', or 'large' are supported") %
{'flavor': flavor_size})
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(error_message=err_msg)
def validate_lb_subnet(context, plugin, subnet_id):
'''Validate LB subnet before creating loadbalancer on it.
To create a loadbalancer, the network has to be either an external
network or private network that connects to a tenant router. The
tenant router needs to connect to gateway. It will throw
exception if the network doesn't meet this requirement.
:param context: context
:param plugin: core plugin
:param subnet_id: loadbalancer's subnet id
:return: True if subnet meet requirement, otherwise return False
network = get_network_from_subnet(context, plugin, subnet_id)
valid_router = get_router_from_network(
context, plugin, subnet_id)
if network.get('router:external') or valid_router:
return True
return False
def validate_lb_member_subnet(context, plugin, subnet_id, lb):
'''Validate LB member subnet before creating a member.
The member subnet should belong to an external network or be connected
to the same T1 router as the Lb vip.
It will throw exception if the subnet doesn't meet this requirement.
:param context: context
:param plugin: core plugin
:param subnet_id: loadbalancer's subnet id
:return: True if subnet meet requirement, otherwise return False
network = get_network_from_subnet(context, plugin, subnet_id)
if network.get('router:external'):
return True
member_router_id = get_router_from_network(
context, plugin, subnet_id)
lb_router_id = get_router_from_network(
context, plugin, lb['vip_subnet_id'])
if lb_router_id:
# Lb on non-external network. member must be on the same router
if lb_router_id == member_router_id:
return True
return False
# LB on external network. member subnet must have a router
if member_router_id:
return True
return False
def get_rule_match_conditions(policy):
match_conditions = []
# values in rule have already been validated in LBaaS API,
# we won't need to valid anymore in driver, and just get
# the LB rule mapping from the dict.
for rule in policy['rules']:
match_type = lb_const.LB_RULE_MATCH_TYPE[rule['compare_type']]
if rule['type'] == lb_const.L7_RULE_TYPE_COOKIE:
header_value = rule['key'] + '=' + rule['value']
{'type': 'LbHttpRequestHeaderCondition',
'match_type': match_type,
'header_name': 'Cookie',
'header_value': header_value})
elif rule['type'] == lb_const.L7_RULE_TYPE_FILE_TYPE:
{'type': 'LbHttpRequestUriCondition',
'match_type': match_type,
'uri': '*.' + rule['value']})
elif rule['type'] == lb_const.L7_RULE_TYPE_HEADER:
{'type': 'LbHttpRequestHeaderCondition',
'match_type': match_type,
'header_name': rule['key'],
'header_value': rule['value']})
elif rule['type'] == lb_const.L7_RULE_TYPE_HOST_NAME:
{'type': 'LbHttpRequestHeaderCondition',
'match_type': match_type,
'header_name': 'Host',
'header_value': rule['value']})
elif rule['type'] == lb_const.L7_RULE_TYPE_PATH:
{'type': 'LbHttpRequestUriCondition',
'match_type': match_type,
'uri': rule['value']})
msg = (_('l7rule type %(type)s is not supported in LBaaS') %
{'type': rule['type']})
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-l7rule', msg=msg)
return match_conditions
def get_rule_actions(context, l7policy):
lb_id = l7policy['listener']['loadbalancer_id']
if l7policy['action'] == lb_const.L7_POLICY_ACTION_REDIRECT_TO_POOL:
pool_binding = nsx_db.get_nsx_lbaas_pool_binding(
context.session, lb_id, l7policy['redirect_pool_id'])
if pool_binding:
lb_pool_id = pool_binding['lb_pool_id']
actions = [{'type': lb_const.LB_SELECT_POOL_ACTION,
'pool_id': lb_pool_id}]
msg = _('Failed to get LB pool binding from nsx db')
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-l7rule-create',
elif l7policy['action'] == lb_const.L7_POLICY_ACTION_REDIRECT_TO_URL:
actions = [{'type': lb_const.LB_HTTP_REDIRECT_ACTION,
'redirect_status': lb_const.LB_HTTP_REDIRECT_STATUS,
'redirect_url': l7policy['redirect_url']}]
elif l7policy['action'] == lb_const.L7_POLICY_ACTION_REJECT:
actions = [{'type': lb_const.LB_REJECT_ACTION,
'reply_status': lb_const.LB_HTTP_REJECT_STATUS}]
msg = (_('Invalid l7policy action: %(action)s') %
{'action': l7policy['action']})
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource='lbaas-l7rule-create',
return actions
def convert_l7policy_to_lb_rule(context, policy):
return {
'match_conditions': get_rule_match_conditions(policy),
'actions': get_rule_actions(context, policy),
'phase': lb_const.LB_RULE_HTTP_FORWARDING,
'match_strategy': 'ALL'
def remove_rule_from_policy(rule):
l7rules = rule['policy']['rules']
rule['policy']['rules'] = [r for r in l7rules if r['id'] != rule['id']]
def update_rule_in_policy(rule):
def update_router_lb_vip_advertisement(context, core_plugin, router,
# Add a rule to advertise external vips on the router
external_subnets = core_plugin._find_router_gw_subnets(
context.elevated(), router)
external_cidrs = [s['cidr'] for s in external_subnets]
if external_cidrs:
adv_rule = {
'display_name': ADV_RULE_NAME,
'action': nsx_constants.FW_ACTION_ALLOW,
'networks': external_cidrs,
'rule_filter': {'prefix_operator': 'GE',
'match_route_types': ['T1_LB_VIP']}}
nsx_router_id, [adv_rule], name_prefix=ADV_RULE_NAME)
def delete_persistence_profile(nsxlib, persistence_profile_id):
if persistence_profile_id:
def build_persistence_profile_tags(pool_tags, listener):
tags = pool_tags[:]
# With octavia loadbalancer name might not be among data passed
# down to the driver
lb_data = listener.get('loadbalancer')
if lb_data and lb_data.get('name'):
'scope': lb_const.LB_LB_NAME,
'tag': lb_data['name'][:utils.MAX_TAG_LEN]})
'scope': lb_const.LB_LB_TYPE,
'tag': listener['loadbalancer_id']})
'scope': lb_const.LB_LISTENER_TYPE,
'tag': listener['id']})
return tags
def get_pool_tags(context, core_plugin, pool):
return get_tags(core_plugin, pool['id'],
lb_const.LB_POOL_TYPE, pool.get('tenant_id', ''),
def setup_session_persistence(nsxlib, pool, pool_tags,
switch_type, listener, vs_data):
sp = pool.get('session_persistence')
pers_type = None
cookie_name = None
cookie_mode = None
if not sp:
LOG.debug("No session persistence info for pool %s", pool['id'])
elif sp['type'] == lb_const.LB_SESSION_PERSISTENCE_HTTP_COOKIE:
pers_type = nsxlib_lb.PersistenceProfileTypes.COOKIE
cookie_name = sp.get('cookie_name')
if not cookie_name:
cookie_mode = "INSERT"
elif sp['type'] == lb_const.LB_SESSION_PERSISTENCE_APP_COOKIE:
pers_type = nsxlib_lb.PersistenceProfileTypes.COOKIE
# In this case cookie name is mandatory
cookie_name = sp['cookie_name']
cookie_mode = "REWRITE"
pers_type = nsxlib_lb.PersistenceProfileTypes.SOURCE_IP
if pers_type:
# There is a profile to create or update
pp_kwargs = {
'resource_type': pers_type,
'display_name': "persistence_%s" % utils.get_name_and_uuid(
pool['name'] or 'pool', pool['id'], maxlen=235),
'tags': build_persistence_profile_tags(pool_tags, listener)
if cookie_name:
pp_kwargs['cookie_name'] = cookie_name
pp_kwargs['cookie_mode'] = cookie_mode
pp_client = nsxlib.load_balancer.persistence_profile
persistence_profile_id = vs_data.get('persistence_profile_id')
if persistence_profile_id and not switch_type:
# NOTE: removal of the persistence profile must be executed
# after the virtual server has been updated
if pers_type:
# Update existing profile
LOG.debug("Updating persistence profile %(profile_id)s for "
"listener %(listener_id)s with pool %(pool_id)s",
{'profile_id': persistence_profile_id,
'listener_id': listener['id'],
'pool_id': pool['id']})
pp_client.update(persistence_profile_id, **pp_kwargs)
return persistence_profile_id, None
# Prepare removal of persistence profile
return (None, functools.partial(delete_persistence_profile,
nsxlib, persistence_profile_id))
elif pers_type:
# Create persistence profile
pp_data = pp_client.create(**pp_kwargs)
LOG.debug("Created persistence profile %(profile_id)s for "
"listener %(listener_id)s with pool %(pool_id)s",
{'profile_id': pp_data['id'],
'listener_id': listener['id'],
'pool_id': pool['id']})
if switch_type:
# There is also a persistence profile to remove!
return (pp_data['id'],
nsxlib, persistence_profile_id))
return pp_data['id'], None
return None, None