Gerrit Code Review 6d6e16b06e Update notes for submitted changes
* NSX Admin: Fix plugin identification
* NSX|v: Fix LBaaS session persistence
* NSXv BGP: Return with error for invalid bgp-peer-remove request
* NSXv BGP: Raise an error if user add duplicate networks or peers
* NSXv BGP: Add policy rules
* Skip DHCP options tests in v3 tempest
* NSXv BGP: Use elevated context inside callbacks
* NSX|V: Support tftp-server dhcp option
* NSX|V: Skip md-proxy routers in fwaas
* Tempest: Tempest test NSX security groups failing
* Fix nsx-migration script
* NSX|V fix crash when enabling subnets dhcp
* NSXv3: Fix devstack issue on compute node
* NSX|v: keep snat status when changing router type
* [Tempest]: Adding of more cases for FWaaS
* NSX|V: Fix broken unit tests
* Fixes vmware_nsx_tempest tempest plugin issues with tempest
* Tempest: Port Types network cleanup fix
* NSX|V3: ensure that network rollback works correctly
* NSX|V: ensure that the subinterface validations are atomic
* Update fwaas driver in devstack.rst
* Use vmware_nsx aliases for neutron core plugins
* use extra_dhcp_opt api-def from neutron-lib
* Add firewall_drivers entry_point in setup
* NSX|V: Fix use case with no FWaaS for a router
* use is_port_trusted from neutron-lib
* NSXv BGP: Use BGP peering password correctly
* NSXv BGP: Allow BGP only on networks with address-scope
* NSX|V: ensure that FLAT provider network is deleted
* NSXv: Enforce address scopes for no-NAT routers
* AdminUtils: Fix crash in nsx-v router-recreate
* AdminUtils: Fix security-group migrate
* AdminUtils: Fix firewall-section list of operations
* [Tempest]: Adding of FWaaS api testcases.
* NSX|V: fix missing spoofguard ID validation
* NSXv: Mask passwords when logging debug messages
* NSX|v: Add fip to exclusive router after migration
* AdminUtils:Fix NSX-v metadata secret
* Add vmware_nsxv entry_point in setup
* NSX|V3: treat missing exclude list entry on delete
* Rename api-replay to nsx-migration
* NSX|v: Distributed router type update failure
* Tempest|DVS: Add _list_ports for dvs scenario test case
* NSXAdmin: Block cert commands when feature is off
* [Tempest]: Adding of removed method from upstream in vmware_nsx_tempest repo
* Address network filtering issue
* NSXv BGP: Fixing get-advertise-routes
* AdminUtil:NSX|V3: change metadata server
* AdminUtil:NSX|V3: Fix plugin calls
* Basic QoS scenarios: Testing bandwidth-limit, DSCP rule with traffic root@prome-mdt-dhcp412:/opt/stack/tempest# python -m testtools.run vmware_nsx_tempest.tests.scenario.test_qos_ops Tests running... tempest/clients.py:45: DeprecationWarning: Using the 'client_parameters' argument is deprecated   client_parameters=self._prepare_configuration()) Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
* Update changes for _get_marker_obj
* NSX-v3| fix delete-router when there is no backend id
* NSX-v| Fix FWAAS rules in DB
* use neutron-lib port security api-def
* Update code to work with oslo.config enforcements
* Fix OSC client to work with versions greater than 3.10
* NSX|V3: admin util for migrating exlcude list ports
* Fix client breakages
* use neutron-lib constants rather than plugin constants
* Correct config help information error
* NSX|V3: Support specific IP allocations in IPAM
* OSC 3.10 integration
* [Tempest]: Changes done in allowed address pair scenrio testcases.
* [tempest]: Changes done for port security scenario testcases.
* NSX-v+v3| remive unused QoS definition
* Tempest: Adding network config param
* Tempest: OpenStack Port Types Support API tests
* Adding pyshark requirements for QoS scenario testing
* Adjust qos supported rules to Neutron
* NSX|v: Support more than 2 hostgroups
* NSX|v fix some host group placement issues
* NSX|V3: Fix exclude port issue during delete port
* NSX|V fix FWaaS rules order when router is added to FW
* NSX|V Fail dist router set gw if edge not found
* NSX-V| add IPv6 link-local address to spoofguard
* Tempest:Deploy and Validate Neutron resources using HEAT Template on NSXT|V
* NSXv: Use BGP protocol to learn default gateways
2017-05-23 14:03:25 +00:00

9 lines
274 B

Code-Review+2: garyk <gkotton@vmware.com>
Workflow+1: garyk <gkotton@vmware.com>
Verified+2: Jenkins
Submitted-by: Jenkins
Submitted-at: Tue, 23 May 2017 14:03:24 +0000
Reviewed-on: https://review.openstack.org/467171
Project: openstack/vmware-nsx
Branch: refs/heads/master