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# Copyright 2015 OpenStack Foundation
# Copyright 2016 VMware Inc
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import netaddr
from tempest import config
from tempest import test
from tempest.lib.common.utils import data_utils
from tempest.lib.common.utils import test_utils
from tempest.lib import decorators
from tempest.lib import exceptions as lib_exc
from vmware_nsx_tempest.common import constants
from vmware_nsx_tempest.services import base_l2gw
CONF = config.CONF
NON_EXIST_UUID = "12341234-0000-1111-2222-000000000000"
LOG = constants.log.getLogger(__name__)
class L2GatewayConnectionNegative(base_l2gw.BaseL2GatewayTest):
Negative L2GW tests.
def resource_setup(cls):
Setting up the resources for the test.
super(L2GatewayConnectionNegative, cls).resource_setup()
# Create a network.
cls.network = cls.create_network()
# Create subnet on the network just created.
cls.SUBNET_1_NETWORK_CIDR = CONF.l2gw.subnet_1_cidr
network_cidr = cls.SUBNET_1_NETWORK_CIDR.split("/")
cls.SUBNET_1_MASK = network_cidr[1]
subnet_info = {}
# cidr must be presented & in IPNetwork structure.
cls.CIDR = netaddr.IPNetwork(cls.SUBNET_1_NETWORK_CIDR)
cls.subnet = cls.create_subnet(cls.network, cidr=cls.CIDR,
def resource_cleanup(cls):
Clean all the resources used during the test.
super(L2GatewayConnectionNegative, cls).resource_cleanup()
cls.networks_client.delete_network, cls.network["id"])
def l2gw_cleanup(cls):
Delete created L2GWs and L2GWCs.
for l2gwc_id in cls.l2gwc_created.keys():
for l2gw_id in cls.l2gw_created.keys():
def test_active_l2_gateway_delete(self):
Delete l2 gateway with active mapping.
LOG.info("Testing test_l2_gateway_create api")
cluster_info = self.nsx_bridge_cluster_info()
device_name, interface_name = cluster_info[0][0], cluster_info[0][1]
l2gw_name = data_utils.rand_name(constants.L2GW)
device_1 = {"dname": device_name, "iname": interface_name}
l2gw_param = [device_1]
l2gw_rsp, _ = self.create_l2gw(l2gw_name, l2gw_param)
l2gwc_param = {"l2_gateway_id": l2gw_rsp[constants.L2GW]["id"],
"network_id": self.network["id"],
"segmentation_id": self.VLAN_1}
l2gwc_rsp = self.create_l2gw_connection(l2gwc_param)
# Assert if create fails.
"Response code is not %(code)s" % {
"code": constants.EXPECTED_HTTP_RESPONSE_201})
l2gw_id = l2gw_rsp[constants.L2GW]["id"]
# Delete l2gw must raise Conflict exception.
self.assertRaises(lib_exc.Conflict, self.delete_l2gw, l2gw_id)
def test_recreate_l2_gateway_connection(self):
Recreate l2 gateway connection using same parameters.
LOG.info("Testing test_l2_gateway_connection_create api")
cluster_info = self.nsx_bridge_cluster_info()
device_name, interface_name = cluster_info[0][0], cluster_info[0][1]
l2gw_name = data_utils.rand_name(constants.L2GW)
device_1 = {"dname": device_name, "iname": interface_name,
"vlans": [self.VLAN_1]}
l2gw_param = [device_1]
l2gw_rsp, _ = self.create_l2gw(l2gw_name, l2gw_param)
l2gwc_param = {"l2_gateway_id": l2gw_rsp[constants.L2GW]["id"],
"network_id": self.network["id"]}
l2gwc_rsp = self.create_l2gw_connection(l2gwc_param)
# Assert if create fails.
"Response code is not %(code)s" % {
"code": constants.EXPECTED_HTTP_RESPONSE_201})
self.assertRaises(lib_exc.Conflict, self.create_l2gw_connection,
def test_create_l2gwc_with_nonexist_l2gw(self):
Create l2 gateway connection using non exist l2gw uuid.
LOG.info("Testing test_l2_gateway_connection_create api")
non_exist_l2gw_uuid = NON_EXIST_UUID
cluster_info = self.nsx_bridge_cluster_info()
device_name, interface_name = cluster_info[0][0], cluster_info[0][1]
l2gw_name = data_utils.rand_name(constants.L2GW)
device_1 = {"dname": device_name, "iname": interface_name}
l2gw_param = [device_1]
l2gw_rsp, _ = self.create_l2gw(l2gw_name, l2gw_param)
l2gwc_param = {"l2_gateway_id": non_exist_l2gw_uuid,
"network_id": self.network["id"],
"segmentation_id": self.VLAN_1}
# Delete l2gw must raise Conflict exception.
self.assertRaises(lib_exc.NotFound, self.create_l2gw_connection,
def test_create_l2gwc_with_nonexist_network(self):
Create l2 gateway connection using non exist l2gw uuid.
LOG.info("Testing test_l2_gateway_connection_create api")
non_exist_network_uuid = NON_EXIST_UUID
cluster_info = self.nsx_bridge_cluster_info()
device_name, interface_name = cluster_info[0][0], cluster_info[0][1]
l2gw_name = data_utils.rand_name(constants.L2GW)
device_1 = {"dname": device_name, "iname": interface_name}
l2gw_param = [device_1]
l2gw_rsp, _ = self.create_l2gw(l2gw_name, l2gw_param)
l2gwc_param = {"l2_gateway_id": l2gw_rsp[constants.L2GW]["id"],
"network_id": non_exist_network_uuid,
"segmentation_id": self.VLAN_1}
# Delete l2gw must raise Conflict exception.
self.assertRaises(lib_exc.NotFound, self.create_l2gw_connection,
def test_create_l2gw_with_invalid_seg_id(self):
Create l2 gateway connection using invalid seg id.
LOG.info("Testing l2_gateway_create api with segmentation ID")
invalid_seg_id = 20000
cluster_info = self.nsx_bridge_cluster_info()
device_name, interface_name = cluster_info[0][0], cluster_info[0][1]
l2gw_name = data_utils.rand_name(constants.L2GW)
device_1 = {"dname": device_name, "iname": interface_name,
"vlans": [invalid_seg_id]}
l2gw_param = [device_1]
self.assertRaises(lib_exc.BadRequest, self.create_l2gw, l2gw_name,
def test_create_l2gw_with_non_int_seg_id(self):
Create l2 gateway connection using invalid seg id.
LOG.info("Testing l2_gateway_create api with segmentation ID")
invalid_seg_id = 2.45
cluster_info = self.nsx_bridge_cluster_info()
device_name, interface_name = cluster_info[0][0], cluster_info[0][1]
l2gw_name = data_utils.rand_name(constants.L2GW)
device_1 = {"dname": device_name, "iname": interface_name,
"vlans": [invalid_seg_id]}
l2gw_param = [device_1]
self.assertRaises(lib_exc.BadRequest, self.create_l2gw, l2gw_name,