Oleg Bondarev 1761fce9ea Register agent schedulers options in one place
Currently agent schedulers options are defined in neutron.scheduler and
every plugin that supports scheduling should register them individually.
It is reasonable to define and register options in one place - agentschedulers_db.

Fixes NeutronManagerTestCase when running separately by importing missing config option

Fixes bug 1198904

Change-Id: Ia9c1ad3fb4b71796401ef5507f741f3cc024a4da
2013-07-09 13:24:26 +04:00

127 lines
5.9 KiB

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2012 Nicira, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from oslo.config import cfg
nvp_opts = [
cfg.IntOpt('max_lp_per_bridged_ls', default=64,
help=_("Maximum number of ports of a logical switch on a "
"bridged transport zone (default 64)")),
cfg.IntOpt('max_lp_per_overlay_ls', default=256,
help=_("Maximum number of ports of a logical switch on an "
"overlay transport zone (default 64)")),
cfg.IntOpt('concurrent_connections', default=5,
help=_("Maximum concurrent connections")),
cfg.IntOpt('nvp_gen_timeout', default=-1,
help=_("Number of seconds a generation id should be valid for "
"(default -1 meaning do not time out)")),
cfg.StrOpt('metadata_mode', default='access_network',
help=_("If set to access_network this enables a dedicated "
"connection to the metadata proxy for metadata server "
"access via Neutron router. If set to dhcp_host_route "
"this enables host route injection via the dhcp agent. "
"This option is only useful if running on a host that "
"does not support namespaces otherwise access_network "
"should be used.")),
cfg.BoolOpt('enable_metadata_access_network', default=True,
help=_("Enables dedicated connection to the metadata proxy "
"for metadata server access via Neutron router")),
cfg.StrOpt('default_transport_type', default='stt',
help=_("The default network tranport type to use (stt, gre, "
"bridge, ipsec_gre, or ipsec_stt)")),
connection_opts = [
help=_('User name for NVP controllers in this cluster')),
help=_('Password for NVP controllers in this cluster')),
help=_('Total time limit for a cluster request')),
help=_('Time before aborting a request')),
help=_('Number of time a request should be retried')),
help=_('Number of times a redirect should be followed')),
help=_("Lists the NVP controllers in this cluster")),
cluster_opts = [
help=_("This is uuid of the default NVP Transport zone that "
"will be used for creating tunneled isolated "
"\"Neutron\" networks. It needs to be created in NVP "
"before starting Neutron with the nvp plugin.")),
help=_("Optional paramter identifying the UUID of the cluster "
"in NVP. This can be retrieved from NVP management "
"console \"admin\" section.")),
help=_("Unique identifier of the NVP L3 Gateway service "
"which will be used for implementing routers and "
"floating IPs")),
help=_("Unique identifier of the NVP L2 Gateway service "
"which will be used by default for network gateways")),
cfg.StrOpt('default_interface_name', default='breth0',
help=_("Name of the interface on a L2 Gateway transport node"
"which should be used by default when setting up a "
"network connection")),
# Register the configuration options
cfg.CONF.register_opts(nvp_opts, "NVP")
# NOTE(armando-migliaccio): keep the following code until we support
# NVP configuration files in older format (Grizzly or older).
# ### BEGIN
controller_depr = cfg.MultiStrOpt('nvp_controller_connection',
help=_("Describes a connection to a single "
"controller. A different connection "
"for each controller in the cluster "
"can be specified; there must be at "
"least one connection per cluster."))
host_route_depr = cfg.BoolOpt('metadata_dhcp_host_route', default=None)
def register_deprecated(conf):
multi_parser = cfg.MultiConfigParser()
read_ok = multi_parser.read(conf.config_file)
if len(read_ok) != len(conf.config_file):
raise cfg.Error("Some config files were not parsed properly")
for parsed_file in multi_parser.parsed:
for section in parsed_file.keys():
if not section.lower().startswith("cluster:"):
section = 'CLUSTER:' + section.split(':', 1)[1]
if section not in conf:
conf.register_opts(cluster_opts + [controller_depr], section)
# ### END