This patch is part of the community goals to enable python 3 first, and only use python 2 when explict. To do so, this patch: - Makes python 3 the default env for non py27 tox targets. - Adds a py3-dev target for running py3 locally. - Refactors the pip install commands for stable dependency install into their own target and refs them where needed. - Updates the code to pass pep8 in python 3. - Bumps the version of pylint to 1.7.1 to address some py3 issues in earlier versions. As part of this effort we should also look into making python 3 the default for our VMware NSX 3rd party CI jobs. Change-Id: Ibaa3e9d717f32ffb6479346163c14d4be7df50cf
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247 lines
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# Copyright 2017 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import getopt
import logging
import re
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as et
from keystoneauth1 import identity
from keystoneauth1 import session
import libvirt
from neutronclient.v2_0 import client
import nova.conf
CONF = nova.conf.CONF
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def usage():
print("python nsx_instance_if_migrate.py --username=<username> "
"--password=<password> --project=<project> "
"--auth-url=<keystone auth URL> "
"[--project-domain-id=<project domain>] "
"[--user-domain-id=<user domain>] "
"[--machine-type=<migrated machine type] "
"[--logfile=<log file>] "
"[--nsx-bridge=<NSX managed vSwitch>]\n\n"
"Convert libvirt interface definitions on a KVM host, to NSX "
"managed vSwitch definitions\n\n"
" username: Admin user's username\n"
" password: Admin user's password\n"
" keystone auth URL: URL to keystone's authentication service\n"
" project domain: Keystone project domain\n"
" user domain: Keystone user domain\n"
" migrated machine type: Overwrites libvirt's machine type\n"
" log file: Output log of the command execution\n"
" NSX managed vSwitch: vSwitch on host, managed by NSX\n\n")
def get_opts():
opts = {}
o = []
p = re.compile('^-+')
o, a = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h', ['help',
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
for opt, val in o:
if opt in ('h', 'help'):
opts[p.sub('', opt)] = val
for mandatory_key in ['username', 'password', 'project', 'auth-url']:
if opts.get(mandatory_key) is None:
LOG.error("%s must be specified!", mandatory_key)
return opts
def xmltag_text_get(obj, tag_name):
tag_obj = obj.find(tag_name)
if tag_obj is not None:
return tag_obj.text
def xmltag_attr_get(obj, tag, attr):
tag_obj = obj.find(tag)
if tag_obj is not None:
return tag_obj.get(attr)
def xmltag_set(elem, tag, **kwargs):
sub_elem = elem.find(tag)
if sub_elem is None:
sub_elem = et.SubElement(elem, tag)
for attr in kwargs.keys():
sub_elem.set(attr, kwargs.get(attr))
return sub_elem
def iface_migrate(neutron, instance_name, iface, nsx_switch):
iface.set('type', 'bridge')
xmltag_set(iface, 'source', bridge=nsx_switch)
virt_port = xmltag_set(iface, 'virtualport', type='openvswitch')
instance_mac = xmltag_attr_get(iface, 'mac', 'address')
if instance_mac is None:
LOG.error("Couldn't find MAC address for instance %s", instance_name)
ports = neutron.list_ports(fields=['id'], mac_address=instance_mac)
if len(ports['ports']) != 1:
LOG.error('For instance %(vm)s, invalid ports received from neutron: '
'%(ports)s', {'vm': instance_name, 'ports': ports})
neutron_port_id = ports['ports'][0]['id']
xmltag_set(virt_port, 'parameters', interfaceid=neutron_port_id)
xmltag_set(iface, 'driver', name='qemu')
tap_dev = xmltag_attr_get(iface, 'target', 'dev')
if tap_dev is None:
LOG.error("For instance %(vm)s, couldn't find tap device for "
"interface", instance_name)
# remove script tag if found
script_tag = iface.find('script')
if script_tag is not None:
def is_valid_os_data(libvirt_conn, os_type, os_arch, os_machine):
caps_xml = libvirt_conn.getCapabilities()
caps_root = et.fromstring(caps_xml)
for guest_tag in caps_root.findall('guest'):
if (xmltag_text_get(guest_tag, 'os_type') == os_type and
xmltag_attr_get(guest_tag, 'arch', 'name') == os_arch):
for machine_tag in guest_tag.find('arch').findall('machine'):
if machine_tag.text == os_machine:
return True
return False
def instance_migrate(libvirt_conn, neutron, instance, machine_type,
xml = instance.XMLDesc()
root = et.fromstring(xml)
instance_name = xmltag_text_get(root, 'name')
if instance_name is None:
LOG.error("Couldn't find instance name in XML")
instance_uuid = xmltag_text_get(root, 'uuid')
if instance_uuid is None:
LOG.error("Couldn't find UUID for instance %s", instance_name)
# Validate that os is supported by hypervisor
os_tag = root.find('os')
if os_tag is None:
LOG.error("Couldn't find OS tag for instance %s", instance_name)
type_tag = os_tag.find('type')
if not is_valid_os_data(libvirt_conn, type_tag.text, type_tag.get('arch'),
LOG.error("Instance %s OS data is invalid or not supported by "
"hypervisor", instance_name)
if machine_type is not None:
type_tag.set('machine', machine_type)
devs = root.find('devices')
ifaces = devs.findall('interface')
if not ifaces:
LOG.error('No interfaces to migrate for instance %s', instance_name)
for iface in ifaces:
iface_migrate(neutron, instance_name, iface, nsx_switch)
LOG.info('Migrated instance %(vm)s (%(uuid)s) successfully!',
{'vm': instance_name, 'uuid': instance_uuid})
def main():
opts = get_opts()
if opts.get('logfile'):
f_handler = logging.FileHandler(opts.get('logfile'))
f_formatter = logging.Formatter(
'%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
conn = libvirt.open('qemu:///system')
if conn is None:
LOG.error('Failed to connect to libvirt')
auth = identity.Password(username=opts['username'],
if auth is None:
LOG.error('Failed to authenticate with keystone')
sess = session.Session(auth=auth)
if sess is None:
LOG.error('Failed to create keystone session')
neutron = client.Client(session=sess)
if neutron is None:
LOG.error('Failed to create neutron session')
instances = conn.listAllDomains()
if not instances:
LOG.error('No instances to migrate')
for instance in instances:
instance_migrate(conn, neutron, instance, opts.get('machine-type'),
opts.get('nsx-bridge', CONF.neutron.ovs_bridge))
except Exception as e:
LOG.error('Failed to migrate instance with exception %s', e)
if __name__ == "__main__":