
663 lines
27 KiB

# Copyright 2019 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import netaddr
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from networking_l2gw.db.l2gateway import l2gateway_models
from neutron.services.qos import qos_plugin
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import allowedaddresspairs as addr_apidef
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import port_security as psec
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import portbindings as pbin
from neutron_lib.api.definitions import provider_net as pnet
from neutron_lib.api import validators
from neutron_lib.callbacks import registry
from neutron_lib import constants as nl_constants
from neutron_lib import context as n_context
from vmware_nsx.common import config
from vmware_nsx.common import exceptions as nsx_exc
from vmware_nsx.common import nsxv_constants
from vmware_nsx.common import utils as c_utils
from vmware_nsx.db import nsx_portbindings_db as portbinding
from vmware_nsx.db import nsxv_db
from vmware_nsx.plugins.nsx_v import availability_zones as nsx_az
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_p.implementation import lb_utils as lb_pol
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_v import lbaas_common as lb_common
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.nsx_v3.implementation import lb_utils
from vmware_nsx.services.lbaas.octavia import constants as oct_const
from vmware_nsx.services.qos.nsx_v3 import pol_utils as qos_utils
from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import constants
from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import formatters
from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.common import utils as admin_utils
from vmware_nsx.shell.admin.plugins.nsxv.resources import utils
from vmware_nsx.shell import resources as shell
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants as nsxlib_consts
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _get_router_from_network(context, plugin, subnet_id):
subnet = plugin.get_subnet(context.elevated(), subnet_id)
network_id = subnet['network_id']
ports = plugin._get_network_interface_ports(
context.elevated(), network_id)
if ports:
return ports[0]['device_id']
all_errors = []
all_warnings = []
n_errors = 0
n_warnings = 0
def log_error(msg):
global all_errors
global n_errors
LOG.info("ERROR: %s", msg)
n_errors = n_errors + 1
def log_warning(msg):
global all_warnings
global n_warnings
LOG.info("WARNING: %s", msg)
n_warnings = n_warnings + 1
def _validate_ports(plugin, admin_context):
# Ports validations:
# Max number of allowed address pairs (allowing 1 for fixed ips)
num_allowed_addr_pairs = nsxlib_consts.NUM_ALLOWED_IP_ADDRESSES_v4 - 1
ports = plugin.get_ports(admin_context)
for port in ports:
net_id = port['network_id']
# Too many address pairs in a port
address_pairs = port.get(addr_apidef.ADDRESS_PAIRS, [])
if len(address_pairs) > num_allowed_addr_pairs:
log_warning("%s allowed address pairs for port %s. "
"Only %s are allowed." %
(len(address_pairs), port['id'],
fixed_ips = [fixed.get('ip_address')
for fixed in port['fixed_ips']]
for pair in address_pairs:
if (port['mac_address'] == pair['mac_address'] and
pair['ip_address'] in fixed_ips):
log_error("Port %s address pair cannot be "
"identical to the fixed ip." % port['id'])
# Compute port on external network
if (port.get('device_owner', '').startswith(
plugin._network_is_external(admin_context, net_id)):
log_error("Compute port %s on external network %s is "
"not allowed." % (port['id'], net_id))
# direct vnic ports are allowed only with vlan networks, and port
# security must be disabled
vnic = port.get(pbin.VNIC_TYPE)
if vnic in portbinding.VNIC_TYPES_DIRECT_PASSTHROUGH:
net = plugin.get_network(admin_context, port['network_id'])
net_type = net.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)
if net_type != 'vlan':
log_error("Port %s vnic type %s is not supported "
"with network type %s." % (port['id'],
vnic, net_type))
elif port.get(psec.PORTSECURITY):
log_error("Security features are not supported for port %s "
"with vnic type %s." % (port['id'], vnic))
def _validate_networks(plugin, admin_context, transit_networks):
# Networks & subnets validations:
networks = plugin.get_networks(admin_context)
for net in networks:
# Skip internal networks
if net['project_id'] == nsxv_constants.INTERNAL_TENANT_ID:
# Skip public networks
if plugin._network_is_external(admin_context, net['id']):
# portgroup provider networks are not ssupported
net_type = net.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)
overlay_net = bool(net_type != c_utils.NsxVNetworkTypes.VLAN)
if net_type == c_utils.NsxVNetworkTypes.PORTGROUP:
log_error("Network %s of type %s is not supported." %
(net['id'], net_type))
subnets = plugin._get_subnets_by_network(admin_context, net['id'])
n_dhcp_subnets = 0
# Multiple DHCP subnets per network
for subnet in subnets:
if subnet['enable_dhcp']:
n_dhcp_subnets = n_dhcp_subnets + 1
if n_dhcp_subnets > 1:
log_error("Network %s has %s dhcp subnets. Only 1 is "
"allowed." % (net['id'], n_dhcp_subnets))
# Network attached to multiple routers
intf_ports = plugin._get_network_interface_ports(
admin_context, net['id'])
if len(intf_ports) > 1:
log_error("Network %s has interfaces on multiple "
"routers. Only 1 is allowed." % net['id'])
if (cfg.CONF.vlan_transparent and
net.get('vlan_transparent') is True):
if len(intf_ports) > 0:
log_error("VLAN Transparent network %s cannot be "
"attached to a logical router." % net['id'])
if n_dhcp_subnets > 0:
log_error("DHCP is not supported for VLAN "
"transparent network %s." % net['id'])
# Subnets overlapping with the transit network
ipv6_subnets = 0
for subnet in subnets:
# get the subnet IPs
if ('allocation_pools' in subnet and
# use the pools instead of the cidr
subnet_networks = [
netaddr.IPRange(pool.get('start'), pool.get('end'))
for pool in subnet.get('allocation_pools')]
cidr = subnet.get('cidr')
if not validators.is_attr_set(cidr):
subnet_networks = [netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['cidr'])]
for subnet_net in subnet_networks:
if (netaddr.IPSet(subnet_net) &
log_error("Subnet %s overlaps with the transit "
"network ips: %s." %
(subnet['id'], transit_networks))
# Cannot support non-dhcp overlay subnet attached to a router
# if there is also a dhcp subnet on the same network and the
# same ipver
if (overlay_net and n_dhcp_subnets > 0 and
not subnet['enable_dhcp'] and
subnet.get('ip_version', 4) == 4):
# look for a router interface for this subnet
for if_port in intf_ports:
if if_port['fixed_ips']:
if_sub = if_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id']
if subnet['id'] == if_sub:
log_error("Network %s has non-dhcp "
"subnet attached to a router, and "
"another dhcp subnet. This is not "
"allowed." % net['id'])
# Cannot use a non-gateway subnet attached to a router
if not subnet['gateway_ip']:
for if_port in intf_ports:
if if_port['fixed_ips']:
if_sub = if_port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id']
if subnet['id'] == if_sub:
log_error("Subnet %s attached to a "
"router must have a gateway IP." %
# The gateway ip must belong to the subnet
gw_ip = netaddr.IPAddress(subnet['gateway_ip'])
cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(subnet['cidr'])
if gw_ip.version != cidr.version:
log_error("Subnet %s gateway ip version %s "
"does not match subnet cidr." %
(subnet['id'], gw_ip.version))
if gw_ip not in cidr:
log_error("Subnet %s gateway ip %s does not belong to "
"subnet cidr %s" %
(subnet['id'], subnet['gateway_ip'],
# only 2 dns_nameservers allowed
if len(subnet.get('dns_nameservers', [])) > 2:
log_error("Subnet %s cannot have more than 2 "
"dns_nameservers." % subnet['id'])
if subnet.get('ip_version') == 6:
ipv6_subnets = ipv6_subnets + 1
if ipv6_subnets > 1:
log_error("Network %s cannot have more than 1 "
"IPv6 subnets." % net['id'])
def _validate_routers(plugin, admin_context):
# Routers validations:
routers = plugin.get_routers(admin_context)
for router in routers:
# Interface subnets overlap with the GW subnet
gw_subnets = plugin._find_router_gw_subnets(admin_context, router)
gw_cidrs = [subnet['cidr'] for subnet in gw_subnets]
gw_ip_set = netaddr.IPSet(gw_cidrs)
if_cidrs = plugin._find_router_subnets_cidrs(
admin_context, router['id'])
if_ip_set = netaddr.IPSet(if_cidrs)
if gw_ip_set & if_ip_set:
log_error("Interface network of router %s cannot "
"overlap with router GW network" % router['id'])
# router without external gw cannot be attached to a vlan subnet
router_db = plugin._get_router(admin_context, router['id'])
if not router_db.gw_port:
router_subnets = plugin._load_router_subnet_cidrs_from_db(
admin_context, router['id'])
for subnet in router_subnets:
net_id = subnet['network_id']
net = plugin.get_network(admin_context, net_id)
net_type = net.get(pnet.NETWORK_TYPE)
if net_type == c_utils.NsxVNetworkTypes.VLAN:
log_error("Vlan network %s cannot be attached "
"to router %s without a gateway" % (net_id,
def _validate_loadbalancers(plugin, admin_context):
# Octavia loadbalancers validation:
filters = {'device_owner': [nl_constants.DEVICE_OWNER_LOADBALANCERV2,
lbs_map = {}
lb_ports = plugin.get_ports(admin_context, filters=filters)
for port in lb_ports:
lb_id = port.get('device_id')
fixed_ips = port.get('fixed_ips', [])
if fixed_ips:
subnet_id = fixed_ips[0]['subnet_id']
network = lb_utils.get_network_from_subnet(
admin_context, plugin, subnet_id)
lb_rtr_id = _get_router_from_network(
admin_context, plugin, subnet_id)
# only 20 loadbalancers are allowed on the same router
if lb_rtr_id not in lbs_map:
lbs_map[lb_rtr_id] = 1
lbs_map[lb_rtr_id] = lbs_map[lb_rtr_id] + 1
if lbs_map[lb_rtr_id] == lb_pol.SERVICE_LB_TAG_MAX + 1:
log_error("Router %s has over %s attached "
"loadbalancers. This is not supported." %
(lb_rtr_id, lb_pol.SERVICE_LB_TAG_MAX))
# Loadbalancer vip subnet must be connected to a router or
# belong to an external network
if (not lb_rtr_id and network and
not network.get('router:external')):
log_error("Loadbalancer %s subnet %s is not "
"external nor connected to a router." %
(port.get('device_id'), subnet_id))
if not lb_id:
lb_id = lb_id[3:]
lb_binding = nsxv_db.get_nsxv_lbaas_loadbalancer_binding(
admin_context.session, lb_id)
if not lb_binding or not lb_binding['edge_id']:
LOG.info("Cannot find edge for Loadbalancer %s", lb_id)
edge_id = lb_binding['edge_id']
# Multiple listeners on the same pool is not supported
result = plugin.nsx_v.vcns.get_vips(edge_id)
if len(result) == 2:
edge_vs = result[1]
pools = []
for vip in edge_vs.get('virtualServer', []):
if not vip.get('defaultPoolId'):
if vip['defaultPoolId'] in pools:
log_error("Found multiple listeners using the "
"same default pool with loadbalancer %s. "
"This is not supported." % lb_id)
# Cannot support LB with members from various subnets not uplinked
# to the same edge router. This can be indicated by multiple
# internal interfaces on the LB edge
is_old_lb = lb_common.is_lb_on_router_edge(
admin_context, plugin, edge_id)
if not is_old_lb:
filters = {'device_id': [lb_id],
'device_owner': [lb_common.LBAAS_DEVICE_OWNER]}
lb_ports = plugin.get_ports(admin_context, filters=filters)
# get the subnets of those ports
lb_subnets = list(set([port['fixed_ips'][0]['subnet_id']
for port in lb_ports]))
# make sure all subnets are connected to the same router
lb_routers = []
if lb_rtr_id:
lb_routers = [lb_rtr_id]
for sub_id in lb_subnets:
# skip external subnets
network = lb_utils.get_network_from_subnet(
admin_context, plugin, sub_id)
if network.get('router:external'):
# Member on external subnet must have a fip but this cannot
# be checked here are the member ip is unknown
router_id = _get_router_from_network(
admin_context, plugin, sub_id)
if not router_id:
log_error("Found member of subnet %s not "
"uplinked to any router on loadbalancer "
"%s. This is not supported." %
(sub_id, lb_id))
elif router_id not in lb_routers:
if len(lb_routers) > 1:
log_error("Found members/vips from different "
"subnets or uplinks to different routers on "
"loadbalancer %s. This is not supported." %
# Make sure this router has a gateway
if lb_routers:
router_db = plugin._get_router(admin_context, lb_routers[0])
if not router_db.gw_port:
log_error("Loadbalancer's %s subnets are connected to a "
"router without a gateway. This is not "
"supported." % lb_id)
def _validate_security_groups(plugin, admin_context):
# Security groups without policies
sgs = plugin.get_security_groups(admin_context)
for sg in sgs:
if plugin._is_policy_security_group(admin_context, sg['id']):
log_error("Security group %s has NSX policy. This is not "
"supported." % sg['id'])
def _get_config_ext_nets():
config.register_nsxv_azs(cfg.CONF, cfg.CONF.nsxv.availability_zones)
zones = nsx_az.NsxVAvailabilityZones()
nets = []
for az in zones.list_availability_zones_objects():
return nets
def _validate_non_neutron_networks(admin_context):
# Look for orphaned neutron networks and non neutron backend networks
backend_networks = utils.get_networks()
missing_networks = utils.get_orphaned_networks(backend_networks)
config_networks = _get_config_ext_nets()
missing_morefs = []
for net in missing_networks:
log_warning("NSX backend network %s:%s is missing from Neutron "
"and is probably an orphaned. Please delete it." %
(net.get('moref'), net.get('name')))
for net in backend_networks:
moref = net['moref']
name = net['name']
net_type = net['type']
if moref in missing_morefs:
# Already reported
if ((len(name) < 36 or not uuidutils.is_uuid_like(name)) and
net_type in ['DistributedVirtualPortgroup', 'VirtualWire']):
if (net_type == 'DistributedVirtualPortgroup' and
if moref in config_networks:
if name:
# Find the vlan networks
id_from_name = name[-36:]
if nsxv_db.get_network_bindings(admin_context.session,
if net_type == 'DistributedVirtualPortgroup':
if nsxv_db.get_network_bindings_by_physical_net(
admin_context.session, moref):
if net_type == 'VirtualWire':
# Find internal networks for distributed routers
filters = {'lswitch_id': moref}
if nsxv_db.get_nsxv_router_bindings(admin_context.session,
log_warning("NSX backend network %s:%s is not a "
"Neutron network and cannot be migrated. "
"Please delete it or migrate it manually." %
(moref, name))
def _validate_non_neutron_edges():
# Look for orphaned or non-neutron edges
orphaned_edges = utils.get_orphaned_edges_data()
for edge in orphaned_edges:
log_warning("NSX %s:%s does not belong to Neutron. "
"Please delete it." %
(edge.get('id'), edge.get('name')))
def _validate_qos(admin_context):
# Validate QoS limits
qos_plugin_inst = qos_plugin.QoSPlugin()
policies = qos_plugin_inst.get_policies(admin_context)
for policy in policies:
for rule in policy.get('rules', []):
if rule.get('type') == 'bandwidth_limit':
# Validate the limits
if rule.get('max_kbps') < qos_utils.MAX_KBPS_MIN_VALUE:
log_error("QoS Policy %s has max_kbps below the "
"minimal value of %s. This is not supported." %
(policy['id'], rule['max_kbps']))
if rule.get('max_burst_kbps') > qos_utils.MAX_BURST_MAX_VALUE:
log_error("QoS Policy %s has max_burst_kbps above "
"the maximal value of %s. This is not "
"supported." %
(policy['id'], rule['max_burst_kbps']))
def _validate_l2gw(admin_context):
# L2GW is not supported with the policy plugin
l2gws = admin_context.session.query(l2gateway_models.L2Gateway).all()
except Exception:
# L2GW DB was not initialized
if len(l2gws):
log_error("Found %s L2Gws: %s. Networking-l2gw is not "
"supported." % (len(l2gws), [l2gw.id for l2gw in l2gws]))
def _validate_config():
# General config options / per AZ which are unsupported
config.register_nsxv_azs(cfg.CONF, cfg.CONF.nsxv.availability_zones)
zones = nsx_az.NsxVAvailabilityZones()
unsupported_configs = ['edge_ha', 'edge_host_groups']
for az in zones.list_availability_zones_objects():
for attr in unsupported_configs:
if getattr(az, attr):
log_warning("\'%s\' configuration is not supported "
"and will not be honored by NSX-T (availability "
"zone %s)" % (attr, az.name))
def validate_config_for_migration(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
"""Validate the nsxv configuration before migration to nsx-t"""
# Read the command line parameters
transit_networks = [""]
strict = False
out_file = None
if kwargs.get('property'):
# input validation
properties = admin_utils.parse_multi_keyval_opt(kwargs['property'])
transit_network = properties.get('transit-network')
if transit_network:
transit_networks = [transit_network]
strict = bool(properties.get('strict', 'false').lower() == 'true')
out_file = properties.get('summary-file-name')
# Ensure ca_file in DVS section is always set otherwise secure connection
# to vcenter will fail
if not cfg.CONF.dvs.ca_file:
ca_file_default = "/etc/ssl/certs/vcenter.pem"
LOG.info("ca_file for vCenter unset, defaulting to: %s",
cfg.CONF.set_override('ca_file', ca_file_default, 'dvs')
LOG.info("Running migration config validation in %sstrict mode",
'' if strict else 'non-')
global all_errors
all_errors = []
global all_warnings
all_warnings = []
global n_errors
n_errors = 0
global n_warnings
n_warnings = 0
admin_context = n_context.get_admin_context()
with utils.NsxVPluginWrapper() as plugin:
# The migration is supported only for NSX 6.4.9 and above
nsx_ver = plugin.nsx_v.vcns.get_version()
if not c_utils.is_nsxv_version_6_4_9(nsx_ver):
log_error("Migration with NSX-V version %s is not "
"supported." % nsx_ver)
_validate_ports(plugin, admin_context)
_validate_networks(plugin, admin_context, transit_networks)
_validate_routers(plugin, admin_context)
_validate_loadbalancers(plugin, admin_context)
_validate_security_groups(plugin, admin_context)
except nsx_exc.NsxPluginException:
log_error("NSX-V configuration cannot be migrated because the "
"plugin is currently down. This may be caused by a "
"connectivity issue with the NSX-v")
LOG.info("\nPre-migration validation is complete")
if n_errors:
LOG.info("\nFound %s errors:", n_errors)
for msg in all_errors:
if n_warnings:
LOG.info("\nFound %s warnings:", n_warnings)
for msg in all_warnings:
if out_file:
f = open(out_file, "w")
if n_errors:
f.write("Found %s errors:\n" % n_errors)
for msg in all_errors:
f.write("%s\n" % msg)
if n_warnings:
f.write("Found %s warnings:\n" % n_warnings)
for msg in all_warnings:
f.write("%s\n" % msg)
if strict:
n_errors = n_errors + n_warnings
if n_errors > 0:
plural = n_errors > 1
LOG.info("\nThe NSX-V plugin configuration is not ready to be "
"migrated to NSX-T. %s issue%s found.", n_errors,
's were' if plural else ' was')
LOG.info("\nThe NSX-V plugin configuration is ready to be migrated to "
def list_ports_vif_ids(resource, event, trigger, **kwargs):
filename = None
if kwargs.get('property'):
properties = admin_utils.parse_multi_keyval_opt(kwargs['property'])
filename = properties.get('map-file')
admin_context = n_context.get_admin_context()
table_results = []
map_results = {}
with utils.NsxVPluginWrapper() as plugin:
neutron_ports = plugin.get_ports(admin_context)
for port in neutron_ports:
# skip non compute ports
if (not port.get('device_owner').startswith(
device_id = port.get('device_id')
port_id = port['id']
vnic_index = plugin._get_port_vnic_index(admin_context, port_id)
table_results.append({'neutron_id': port_id,
'instance_id': device_id,
'vnic_index': vnic_index})
if vnic_index is not None:
map_results[port_id] = '%s:%s' % (device_id, 4000 + vnic_index)
"Compute ports VID IDs", table_results,
['neutron_id', 'instance_id', 'vnic_index']))
if filename:
f = open(filename, "w")
f.write("%s" % jsonutils.dumps(map_results))
LOG.info("Mapping data saved into %s", filename)