
222 lines
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# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
# Copyright 2011 Citrix Systems
# Copyright 2011 Nicira Networks
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import gettext
import unittest
gettext.install('quantum', unicode=1)
from miniclient import MiniClient
from quantum.common.wsgi import Serializer
HOST = ''
PORT = 9696
USE_SSL = False
TENANT_ID = 'totore'
FORMAT = "json"
test_network1_data = \
{'network': {'network-name': 'test1'}}
test_network2_data = \
{'network': {'network-name': 'test2'}}
def print_response(res):
content = res.read()
print "Status: %s" % res.status
print "Content: %s" % content
return content
class QuantumTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.client = MiniClient(HOST, PORT, USE_SSL)
#def create_network(self, data, tenant_id=TENANT_ID):
# content_type = "application/%s" % FORMAT
# body = Serializer().serialize(data, content_type)
# res = self.client.do_request(tenant_id, 'POST', "/networks." + FORMAT,
# body=body)
# self.assertEqual(res.status, 200, "bad response: %s" % res.read())
#def test_listNetworks(self):
# self.create_network(test_network1_data)
# self.create_network(test_network2_data)
# res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'GET', "/networks." + FORMAT)
# self.assertEqual(res.status, 200, "bad response: %s" % res.read())
#def test_getNonexistentNetwork(self):
# TODO(bgh): parse exception and make sure it is NetworkNotFound
# res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'GET',
# "/networks/%s.%s" % ("8675309", "xml"))
# self.assertEqual(res.status, 400)
#except Exception, e:
# print "Caught exception: %s" % (str(e))
#def test_deleteNonexistentNetwork(self):
# TODO(bgh): parse exception and make sure it is NetworkNotFound
# res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'DELETE',
# "/networks/%s.%s" % ("8675309", "xml"))
# self.assertEqual(res.status, 400)
#except Exception, e:
# print "Caught exception: %s" % (str(e))
#def test_createNetwork(self):
#def test_createPort(self):
#res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'GET', "/networks." + FORMAT)
#resdict = json.loads(res.read())
#for n in resdict["networks"]:
# net_id = n["id"]
# Step 1 - List Ports for network (should not find any)
#res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'GET',
# "/networks/%s/ports.%s" % (net_id, FORMAT))
#output = res.read()
#self.assertEqual(res.status, 200, "Bad response: %s" % output)
#if len(output) > 0:
# resdict = json.loads(output)
# self.assertTrue(len(resdict["ports"]) == 0,
# "Found unexpected ports: %s" % output)
# self.assertTrue(len(output) == 0,
# "Found unexpected ports: %s" % output)
# Step 2 - Create Port for network
#res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'POST',
# "/networks/%s/ports.%s" % (net_id, FORMAT))
#self.assertEqual(res.status, 200, "Bad response: %s" % output)
# Step 3 - List Ports for network (again); should find one
#res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'GET',
# "/networks/%s/ports.%s" % (net_id, FORMAT))
#output = res.read()
#self.assertEqual(res.status, 200, "Bad response: %s" % output)
#resdict = json.loads(output)
#ids = []
#for p in resdict["ports"]:
# ids.append(p["id"])
#self.assertTrue(len(ids) == 1,
# "Didn't find expected # of ports (1): %s" % ids)
#def test_getAttachment(self):
#res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'GET', "/networks." + FORMAT)
#resdict = json.loads(res.read())
#for n in resdict["networks"]:
# net_id = n["id"]
# Step 1 - Create Port for network and attempt to get the
# attachment (even though there isn't one)
#res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'POST',
# "/networks/%s/ports.%s" % (net_id, FORMAT))
#output = res.read()
#self.assertEqual(res.status, 200, "Bad response: %s" % output)
#resdict = json.loads(output)
#port_id = resdict["ports"]["port"]["id"]
#res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'GET',
# "/networks/%s/ports/%s/attachment.%s" % (net_id, port_id,
#output = res.read()
#self.assertEqual(res.status, 200, "Bad response: %s" % output)
# Step 2 - Add an attachment
#data = {'port': {'attachment-id': 'fudd'}}
#content_type = "application/" + FORMAT
#body = Serializer().serialize(data, content_type)
#res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'PUT',
# "/networks/%s/ports/%s/attachment.%s" % (net_id, port_id,
# FORMAT), body=body)
#output = res.read()
#self.assertEqual(res.status, 202, "Bad response: %s" % output)
# Step 3 - Fetch the attachment
#res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'GET',
# "/networks/%s/ports/%s/attachment.%s" % (net_id, port_id,
#output = res.read()
#self.assertEqual(res.status, 200, "Bad response: %s" % output)
#resdict = json.loads(output)
#attachment = resdict["attachment"]
#self.assertEqual(attachment, "fudd", "Attachment: %s"
#% attachment)
#def test_renameNetwork(self):
#res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'GET', "/networks." + FORMAT)
#resdict = json.loads(res.read())
#net_id = resdict["networks"][0]["id"]
#data = test_network1_data.copy()
#data['network']['network-name'] = 'test_renamed'
#content_type = "application/" + FORMAT
#body = Serializer().serialize(data, content_type)
#res = self.client.do_request(TENANT_ID, 'PUT',
#"/networks/%s.%s" % (net_id, FORMAT), body=body)
#resdict = json.loads(res.read())
#self.assertTrue(resdict["networks"]["network"]["id"] == net_id,
#"Network_rename: renamed network has a different uuid")
#resdict["networks"]["network"]["name"] == "test_renamed",
#"Network rename didn't take effect")
#def test_createNetworkOnMultipleTenants(self):
# Create the same network on multiple tenants
#self.create_network(test_network1_data, "tenant1")
#self.create_network(test_network1_data, "tenant2")
#def delete_networks(self, tenant_id=TENANT_ID):
# Remove all the networks created on the tenant (including ports and
# attachments)
#res = self.client.do_request(tenant_id, 'GET',
# "/networks." + FORMAT)
#resdict = json.loads(res.read())
#for n in resdict["networks"]:
# net_id = n["id"]
# # Delete all the ports
# res = self.client.do_request(tenant_id, 'GET',
# "/networks/%s/ports.%s" % (net_id, FORMAT))
# output = res.read()
# self.assertEqual(res.status, 200, "Bad response: %s" % output)
# resdict = json.loads(output)
# ids = []
# for p in resdict["ports"]:
# res = self.client.do_request(tenant_id, 'DELETE',
# "/networks/%s/ports/%s/attachment.%s" % (net_id, p["id"],
# res = self.client.do_request(tenant_id, 'DELETE',
# "/networks/%s/ports/%s.%s" % (net_id, p["id"], FORMAT))
# Now, remove the network
# res = self.client.do_request(tenant_id, 'DELETE',
# "/networks/" + net_id + "." + FORMAT)
# self.assertEqual(res.status, 202)
def tearDown(self):
# Standard boilerplate to call the main() function.
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(QuantumTest)