
1027 lines
38 KiB

# Copyright 2013 VMware, Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
from oslo.serialization import jsonutils as json
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from neutron.openstack.common import uuidutils
from vmware_nsx.neutron.plugins.vmware.vshield.common import exceptions
SECTION_LOCATION_HEADER = '/api/4.0/firewall/globalroot-0/config/%s/%s'
class FakeVcns(object):
errors = {
303: exceptions.ResourceRedirect,
400: exceptions.RequestBad,
403: exceptions.Forbidden,
404: exceptions.ResourceNotFound,
415: exceptions.MediaTypeUnsupport,
503: exceptions.ServiceUnavailable
def __init__(self, unique_router_name=True):
self._jobs = {}
self._job_idx = 0
self._edges = {}
self._edge_idx = 0
self._lswitches = {}
self._unique_router_name = unique_router_name
self._fake_nsx_api = None
self.fake_firewall_dict = {}
self.temp_firewall = {
"firewallRules": {
"firewallRules": []
self.fake_ipsecvpn_dict = {}
self.temp_ipsecvpn = {
'featureType': "ipsec_4.0",
'enabled': True,
'sites': {'sites': []}}
self._fake_virtualservers_dict = {}
self._fake_pools_dict = {}
self._fake_monitors_dict = {}
self._fake_app_profiles_dict = {}
self._fake_loadbalancer_config = {}
self._fake_virtual_wires = {}
self._virtual_wire_id = 0
self._fake_portgroups = {}
self._portgroup_id = 0
self._securitygroups = {'ids': 0, 'names': set()}
self._sections = {'section_ids': 0, 'rule_ids': 0, 'names': set()}
self._dhcp_bindings = {}
self._spoofguard_policies = []
def set_fake_nsx_api(self, fake_nsx_api):
self._fake_nsx_api = fake_nsx_api
def _validate_edge_name(self, name):
for edge_id, edge in self._edges.iteritems():
if edge['name'] == name:
return False
return True
def get_edge_jobs(self, edge_id):
if edge_id not in self._edges:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
header = {
'status': 200
response = {"edgeJob": []}
return (header, response)
def deploy_edge(self, request):
if (self._unique_router_name and
not self._validate_edge_name(request['name'])):
header = {
'status': 400
msg = ('Edge name should be unique for tenant. Edge %s '
'already exists for default tenant.') % request['name']
response = {
'details': msg,
'errorCode': 10085,
'rootCauseString': None,
'moduleName': 'vShield Edge',
'errorData': None
return (header, json.dumps(response))
self._job_idx = self._job_idx + 1
job_id = "jobdata-%d" % self._job_idx
self._edge_idx = self._edge_idx + 1
edge_id = "edge-%d" % self._edge_idx
self._jobs[job_id] = edge_id
self._edges[edge_id] = {
'name': request['name'],
'request': request,
'nat_rules': None,
'nat_rule_id': 0,
'interface_index': 1
header = {
'status': 200,
'location': 'https://host/api/4.0/jobs/%s' % job_id
response = ''
return (header, response)
def update_edge(self, edge_id, request):
if edge_id not in self._edges:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
edge = self._edges[edge_id]
edge['name'] = request['name']
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def get_edge_id(self, job_id):
if job_id not in self._jobs:
raise Exception(_("Job %s does not nexist") % job_id)
header = {
'status': 200
response = {
'edgeId': self._jobs[job_id]
return (header, response)
def get_edge_deploy_status(self, edge_id):
if edge_id not in self._edges:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
header = {
'status': 200,
response = {
'systemStatus': 'good'
return (header, response)
def delete_edge(self, edge_id):
if edge_id not in self._edges:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
del self._edges[edge_id]
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def add_vdr_internal_interface(self, edge_id, interface):
interface = interface['interfaces'][0]
if not self._edges[edge_id].get('interfaces'):
self._edges[edge_id]['interfaces'] = []
index = len(self._edges[edge_id]['interfaces'])
interface['index'] = str(index)
header = {
'status': 200
response = {"interfaces": [{"index": str(index)}]}
return (header, response)
def get_edge_interfaces(self, edge_id):
if not self._edges[edge_id].get('interfaces'):
self._edges[edge_id]['interfaces'] = []
header = {
'status': 200
response = {"interfaces": self._edges[edge_id].get('interfaces', [])}
return (header, response)
def update_vdr_internal_interface(
self, edge_id, interface_index, interface):
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def delete_vdr_internal_interface(self, edge_id, interface_index):
for interface in self._edges[edge_id].get('interfaces', []):
if int(interface['index']) == int(interface_index):
header = {
'status': 200
header = {'status': 404}
response = ''
return (header, response)
def update_interface(self, edge_id, vnic):
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def delete_interface(self, edge_id, vnic_index):
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def query_interface(self, edge_id, vnic_index):
header = {
'status': 200
response = {
'label': 'vNic_1',
'name': 'internal1',
'address_groups': {'address_groups': []},
'mtu': 1500,
'type': 'trunk',
'subInterfaces': {'subInterfaces': []},
'isConnected': True
return (header, response)
def reconfigure_dhcp_service(self, edge_id, request):
header = {
'status': 201
response = ''
return (header, response)
def query_dhcp_configuration(self, edge_id):
header = {
'status': 200
response = {
"featureType": "dhcp_4.0",
"version": 14,
"enabled": True,
"staticBindings": {"staticBindings": [{}]},
"ipPools": {"ipPools": []}
return (header, response)
def create_dhcp_binding(self, edge_id, request):
if not self._dhcp_bindings.get(edge_id):
self._dhcp_bindings[edge_id] = {}
self._dhcp_bindings[edge_id]['idx'] = 0
binding_idx = self._dhcp_bindings[edge_id]['idx']
binding_idx_str = "binding-" + str(binding_idx)
self._dhcp_bindings[edge_id][binding_idx_str] = request
self._dhcp_bindings[edge_id]['idx'] = binding_idx + 1
header = {
'status': 200,
'location': '/dhcp/config/bindings/%s' % binding_idx_str
response = ''
return (header, response)
def delete_dhcp_binding(self, edge_id, binding_id):
if binding_id not in self._dhcp_bindings[edge_id]:
raise Exception(_("binding %s does not exist") % binding_id)
del self._dhcp_bindings[edge_id][binding_id]
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def get_nat_config(self, edge_id):
if edge_id not in self._edges:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
edge = self._edges[edge_id]
rules = edge['nat_rules']
if rules is None:
rules = {
'rules': {
'natRulesDtos': []
'version': 1
header = {
'status': 200
rules['version'] = 1
return (header, rules)
def update_nat_config(self, edge_id, nat):
if edge_id not in self._edges:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
edge = self._edges[edge_id]
max_rule_id = edge['nat_rule_id']
rules = copy.deepcopy(nat)
for rule in rules['rules']['natRulesDtos']:
rule_id = rule.get('ruleId', 0)
if rule_id > max_rule_id:
max_rule_id = rule_id
for rule in rules['rules']['natRulesDtos']:
if 'ruleId' not in rule:
max_rule_id = max_rule_id + 1
rule['ruleId'] = max_rule_id
edge['nat_rules'] = rules
edge['nat_rule_id'] = max_rule_id
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def delete_nat_rule(self, edge_id, rule_id):
if edge_id not in self._edges:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
edge = self._edges[edge_id]
rules = edge['nat_rules']
rule_to_delete = None
for rule in rules['rules']['natRulesDtos']:
if rule_id == rule['ruleId']:
rule_to_delete = rule
if rule_to_delete is None:
raise Exception(_("Rule id %d doest not exist") % rule_id)
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def get_edge_status(self, edge_id):
if edge_id not in self._edges:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
header = {
'status': 200
response = {
'edgeStatus': 'GREEN'
return (header, response)
def get_edges(self):
header = {
'status': 200
edges = []
for edge_id in self._edges:
'id': edge_id,
'edgeStatus': 'GREEN'
response = {
'edgePage': {
'data': edges
return (header, response)
def update_routes(self, edge_id, routes):
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def create_lswitch(self, lsconfig):
# The lswitch is created via VCNS API so the fake nsx_api will not
# see it. Added to fake nsx_api here.
if self._fake_nsx_api:
lswitch = self._fake_nsx_api._add_lswitch(json.dumps(lsconfig))
lswitch = lsconfig
lswitch['uuid'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
self._lswitches[lswitch['uuid']] = lswitch
header = {
'status': 200
lswitch['_href'] = '/api/ws.v1/lswitch/%s' % lswitch['uuid']
return (header, lswitch)
def delete_lswitch(self, id):
if id not in self._lswitches:
raise Exception(_("Lswitch %s does not exist") % id)
del self._lswitches[id]
if self._fake_nsx_api:
# TODO(fank): fix the hack
del self._fake_nsx_api._fake_lswitch_dict[id]
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def update_firewall(self, edge_id, fw_req):
self.fake_firewall_dict[edge_id] = fw_req
rules = self.fake_firewall_dict[edge_id][
index = 10
for rule in rules:
rule['ruleId'] = index
index += 10
header = {'status': 204}
response = ""
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def delete_firewall(self, edge_id):
header = {'status': 404}
if edge_id in self.fake_firewall_dict:
header = {'status': 204}
del self.fake_firewall_dict[edge_id]
response = ""
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def update_firewall_rule(self, edge_id, vcns_rule_id, fwr_req):
if edge_id not in self.fake_firewall_dict:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
header = {'status': 404}
rules = self.fake_firewall_dict[edge_id][
for rule in rules:
if rule['ruleId'] == int(vcns_rule_id):
header['status'] = 204
response = ""
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def delete_firewall_rule(self, edge_id, vcns_rule_id):
if edge_id not in self.fake_firewall_dict:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
header = {'status': 404}
rules = self.fake_firewall_dict[edge_id][
for index in range(len(rules)):
if rules[index]['ruleId'] == int(vcns_rule_id):
header['status'] = 204
del rules[index]
response = ""
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def add_firewall_rule_above(self, edge_id, ref_vcns_rule_id, fwr_req):
if edge_id not in self.fake_firewall_dict:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
header = {'status': 404}
rules = self.fake_firewall_dict[edge_id][
pre = 0
for index in range(len(rules)):
if rules[index]['ruleId'] == int(ref_vcns_rule_id):
rules.insert(index, fwr_req)
rules[index]['ruleId'] = (int(ref_vcns_rule_id) + pre) / 2
header = {
'status': 204,
'location': "https://host/api/4.0/edges/edge_id/firewall"
"/config/rules/%s" % rules[index]['ruleId']}
pre = int(rules[index]['ruleId'])
response = ""
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def add_firewall_rule(self, edge_id, fwr_req):
if edge_id not in self.fake_firewall_dict:
self.fake_firewall_dict[edge_id] = self.temp_firewall
rules = self.fake_firewall_dict[edge_id][
index = len(rules)
rules[index - 1]['ruleId'] = index * 10
header = {
'status': 204,
'location': "https://host/api/4.0/edges/edge_id/firewall"
"/config/rules/%s" % rules[index - 1]['ruleId']}
response = ""
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def get_firewall(self, edge_id):
if edge_id not in self.fake_firewall_dict:
self.fake_firewall_dict[edge_id] = self.temp_firewall
header = {'status': 204}
response = self.fake_firewall_dict[edge_id]
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def get_firewall_rule(self, edge_id, vcns_rule_id):
if edge_id not in self.fake_firewall_dict:
raise Exception(_("Edge %s does not exist") % edge_id)
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
rules = self.fake_firewall_dict[edge_id][
for rule in rules:
if rule['ruleId'] == int(vcns_rule_id):
header['status'] = 204
response = rule
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def is_name_unique(self, objs_dict, name):
return name not in [obj_dict['name']
for obj_dict in objs_dict.values()]
def create_vip(self, edge_id, vip_new):
header = {'status': 403}
response = ""
if not self._fake_virtualservers_dict.get(edge_id):
self._fake_virtualservers_dict[edge_id] = {}
if not self.is_name_unique(self._fake_virtualservers_dict[edge_id],
return self.return_helper(header, response)
vip_vseid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
self._fake_virtualservers_dict[edge_id][vip_vseid] = vip_new
header = {
'status': 204,
'location': "https://host/api/4.0/edges/edge_id"
"/loadbalancer/config/%s" % vip_vseid}
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def get_vip(self, edge_id, vip_vseid):
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
if not self._fake_virtualservers_dict.get(edge_id) or (
not self._fake_virtualservers_dict[edge_id].get(vip_vseid)):
return self.return_helper(header, response)
header = {'status': 204}
response = self._fake_virtualservers_dict[edge_id][vip_vseid]
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def update_vip(self, edge_id, vip_vseid, vip_new):
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
if not self._fake_virtualservers_dict.get(edge_id) or (
not self._fake_virtualservers_dict[edge_id].get(vip_vseid)):
return self.return_helper(header, response)
header = {'status': 204}
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def delete_vip(self, edge_id, vip_vseid):
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
if not self._fake_virtualservers_dict.get(edge_id) or (
not self._fake_virtualservers_dict[edge_id].get(vip_vseid)):
return self.return_helper(header, response)
header = {'status': 204}
del self._fake_virtualservers_dict[edge_id][vip_vseid]
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def create_pool(self, edge_id, pool_new):
header = {'status': 403}
response = ""
if not self._fake_pools_dict.get(edge_id):
self._fake_pools_dict[edge_id] = {}
if not self.is_name_unique(self._fake_pools_dict[edge_id],
return self.return_helper(header, response)
pool_vseid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
self._fake_pools_dict[edge_id][pool_vseid] = pool_new
header = {
'status': 204,
'location': "https://host/api/4.0/edges/edge_id"
"/loadbalancer/config/%s" % pool_vseid}
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def get_pool(self, edge_id, pool_vseid):
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
if not self._fake_pools_dict.get(edge_id) or (
not self._fake_pools_dict[edge_id].get(pool_vseid)):
return self.return_helper(header, response)
header = {'status': 204}
response = self._fake_pools_dict[edge_id][pool_vseid]
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def update_pool(self, edge_id, pool_vseid, pool_new):
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
if not self._fake_pools_dict.get(edge_id) or (
not self._fake_pools_dict[edge_id].get(pool_vseid)):
return self.return_helper(header, response)
header = {'status': 204}
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def delete_pool(self, edge_id, pool_vseid):
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
if not self._fake_pools_dict.get(edge_id) or (
not self._fake_pools_dict[edge_id].get(pool_vseid)):
return self.return_helper(header, response)
header = {'status': 204}
del self._fake_pools_dict[edge_id][pool_vseid]
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def create_health_monitor(self, edge_id, monitor_new):
if not self._fake_monitors_dict.get(edge_id):
self._fake_monitors_dict[edge_id] = {}
monitor_vseid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
self._fake_monitors_dict[edge_id][monitor_vseid] = monitor_new
header = {
'status': 204,
'location': "https://host/api/4.0/edges/edge_id"
"/loadbalancer/config/%s" % monitor_vseid}
response = ""
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def get_health_monitor(self, edge_id, monitor_vseid):
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
if not self._fake_monitors_dict.get(edge_id) or (
not self._fake_monitors_dict[edge_id].get(monitor_vseid)):
return self.return_helper(header, response)
header = {'status': 204}
response = self._fake_monitors_dict[edge_id][monitor_vseid]
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def update_health_monitor(self, edge_id, monitor_vseid, monitor_new):
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
if not self._fake_monitors_dict.get(edge_id) or (
not self._fake_monitors_dict[edge_id].get(monitor_vseid)):
return self.return_helper(header, response)
header = {'status': 204}
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def delete_health_monitor(self, edge_id, monitor_vseid):
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
if not self._fake_monitors_dict.get(edge_id) or (
not self._fake_monitors_dict[edge_id].get(monitor_vseid)):
return self.return_helper(header, response)
header = {'status': 204}
del self._fake_monitors_dict[edge_id][monitor_vseid]
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def create_app_profile(self, edge_id, app_profile):
if not self._fake_app_profiles_dict.get(edge_id):
self._fake_app_profiles_dict[edge_id] = {}
app_profileid = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
self._fake_app_profiles_dict[edge_id][app_profileid] = app_profile
header = {
'status': 204,
'location': "https://host/api/4.0/edges/edge_id"
"/loadbalancer/config/%s" % app_profileid}
response = ""
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def update_app_profile(self, edge_id, app_profileid, app_profile):
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
if not self._fake_app_profiles_dict.get(edge_id) or (
not self._fake_app_profiles_dict[edge_id].get(app_profileid)):
return self.return_helper(header, response)
header = {'status': 204}
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def delete_app_profile(self, edge_id, app_profileid):
header = {'status': 404}
response = ""
if not self._fake_app_profiles_dict.get(edge_id) or (
not self._fake_app_profiles_dict[edge_id].get(app_profileid)):
return self.return_helper(header, response)
header = {'status': 204}
del self._fake_app_profiles_dict[edge_id][app_profileid]
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def get_loadbalancer_config(self, edge_id):
header = {'status': 204}
response = {'config': False}
if self._fake_loadbalancer_config[edge_id]:
response['config'] = self._fake_loadbalancer_config[edge_id]
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def update_ipsec_config(self, edge_id, ipsec_config):
self.fake_ipsecvpn_dict[edge_id] = ipsec_config
header = {'status': 204}
response = ""
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def delete_ipsec_config(self, edge_id):
header = {'status': 404}
if edge_id in self.fake_ipsecvpn_dict:
header = {'status': 204}
del self.fake_ipsecvpn_dict[edge_id]
response = ""
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def get_ipsec_config(self, edge_id):
if edge_id not in self.fake_ipsecvpn_dict:
self.fake_ipsecvpn_dict[edge_id] = self.temp_ipsecvpn
header = {'status': 204}
response = self.fake_ipsecvpn_dict[edge_id]
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def enable_service_loadbalancer(self, edge_id, config):
header = {'status': 204}
response = ""
self._fake_loadbalancer_config[edge_id] = True
return self.return_helper(header, response)
def create_virtual_wire(self, vdn_scope_id, request):
self._virtual_wire_id += 1
header = {'status': 200}
virtual_wire = 'virtualwire-%s' % self._virtual_wire_id
data = {'name': request['virtualWireCreateSpec']['name'],
'objectId': virtual_wire}
self._fake_virtual_wires.update({virtual_wire: data})
return (header, virtual_wire)
def delete_virtual_wire(self, virtualwire_id):
del self._fake_virtual_wires[virtualwire_id]
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def create_port_group(self, dvs_id, request):
self._portgroup_id += 1
header = {'status': 200}
portgroup = 'dvportgroup-%s' % self._portgroup_id
data = {'name': request['networkSpec']['networkName'],
'objectId': portgroup}
self._fake_portgroups.update({portgroup: data})
return (header, portgroup)
def delete_port_group(self, dvs_id, portgroup_id):
del self._fake_portgroups[portgroup_id]
header = {
'status': 200
response = ''
return (header, response)
def return_helper(self, header, response):
status = int(header['status'])
if 200 <= status <= 300:
return (header, response)
if status in self.errors:
cls = self.errors[status]
cls = exceptions.VcnsApiException
raise cls(
status=status, header=header, uri='fake_url', response=response)
def _get_bad_req_response(self, details, error_code, module_name):
bad_req_response_format = """
return bad_req_response_format % {
'details': details,
'error_code': error_code,
'module_name': module_name,
def _get_section_location(self, type, section_id):
return SECTION_LOCATION_HEADER % (type, section_id)
def _get_section_id_from_uri(self, section_uri):
return section_uri.split('/')[-1]
def _section_not_found(self, section_id):
msg = "Invalid section id found : %s" % section_id
response = self._get_bad_req_response(msg, 100089, 'vShield App')
headers = {'status': 400}
return (headers, response)
def _unknown_error(self):
msg = "Unknown Error Occured.Please look into tech support logs."
response = self._get_bad_req_response(msg, 100046, 'vShield App')
headers = {'status': 400}
return (headers, response)
def create_security_group(self, request):
sg = request['securitygroup']
if sg['name'] in self._securitygroups['names']:
status = 400
msg = ("Another object with same name : %s already exists in "
"the current scope : globalroot-0." % sg['name'])
response = self._get_bad_req_response(msg, 210, 'core-services')
sg_id = str(self._securitygroups['ids'])
self._securitygroups['ids'] += 1
sg['members'] = set()
self._securitygroups[sg_id] = sg
status, response = 201, sg_id
return ({'status': status}, response)
def delete_security_group(self, securitygroup_id):
del self._securitygroups[securitygroup_id]
except KeyError:
status = 404
msg = ("The requested object : %s could "
"not be found. Object identifiers are case sensitive."
% securitygroup_id)
response = self._get_bad_req_response(msg, 210, 'core-services')
status, response = 200, ''
return ({'status': status}, response)
def get_security_group_id(self, sg_name):
for k, v in self._securitygroups.items():
if k not in ('ids', 'names') and v['name'] == sg_name:
return k
def create_section(self, type, request):
section = ET.fromstring(request)
section_name = section.attrib.get('name')
if section_name in self._sections['names']:
msg = "Section with name %s already exists." % section_name
response = self._get_bad_req_response(msg, 100092, 'vShield App')
headers = {'status': 400}
section_id = str(self._sections['section_ids'])
section.attrib['id'] = section_id
_section = self._sections[section_id] = {'name': section_name,
'etag': 'Etag-0',
'rules': {}}
for rule in section.findall('rule'):
rule_id = str(self._sections['rule_ids'])
rule.attrib['id'] = rule_id
_section['rules'][rule_id] = ET.tostring(rule)
self._sections['rule_ids'] += 1
response = ET.tostring(section)
headers = {
'status': 201,
'location': self._get_section_location(type, section_id),
'etag': _section['etag']
self._sections['section_ids'] += 1
return (headers, response)
def update_section(self, section_uri, request, h):
section = ET.fromstring(request)
section_id = section.attrib.get('id')
section_name = section.attrib.get('name')
if section_id not in self._sections:
return self._section_not_found(section_id)
_section = self._sections[section_id]
if (_section['name'] != section_name and
section_name in self._sections['names']):
# Theres a section with this name already
headers, response = self._unknown_error()
# Different Etag every successful update
_section['etag'] = ('Etag-1' if _section['etag'] == 'Etag-0'
else 'Etag-0')
_section['name'] = section_name
_section['rules'] = {}
for rule in section.findall('rule'):
if not rule.attrib.get('id'):
rule.attrib['id'] = str(self._sections['rule_ids'])
self._sections['rule_ids'] += 1
rule_id = rule.attrib.get('id')
_section['rules'][rule_id] = ET.tostring(rule)
response = ET.tostring(section)
headers = {
'status': 200,
'location': self._get_section_location(type, section_id),
'etag': _section['etag']
return (headers, response)
def delete_section(self, section_uri):
section_id = self._get_section_id_from_uri(section_uri)
if section_id not in self._sections:
headers, response = self._unknown_error()
section_name = self._sections[section_id]['name']
del self._sections[section_id]
response = ''
headers = {'status': 204}
return (headers, response)
def get_section(self, section_uri):
section_id = self._get_section_id_from_uri(section_uri)
if section_id not in self._sections:
headers, response = self._section_not_found(section_id)
section_rules = (''.join(self._sections[section_id]['rules'].
response = ('<section id="%s"><rules>%s</rules></section>'
% (section_id, section_rules))
headers = {'status': 200,
'etag': self._sections[section_id]['etag']}
return (headers, response)
def get_section_id(self, section_name):
self._sections = {'section_ids': 0, 'rule_ids': 0, 'names': set()}
for k, v in self._sections.items():
if (k not in ('section_ids', 'rule_ids', 'names')
and v['name'] == section_name):
return k
def remove_rule_from_section(self, section_uri, rule_id):
section_id = self._get_section_id_from_uri(section_uri)
if section_id not in self._sections:
headers, response = self._section_not_found(section_id)
section = self._sections[section_id]
if rule_id in section['rules']:
del section['rules'][rule_id]
response = ''
headers = {'status': 204}
headers, response = self._unknown_error()
return (headers, response)
def add_member_to_security_group(self, security_group_id, member_id):
if security_group_id not in self._securitygroups:
msg = ("The requested object : %s could not be found."
"Object identifiers are case "
"sensitive.") % security_group_id
response = self._get_bad_req_response(msg, 202, 'core-services')
headers = {'status': 404}
response = ''
headers = {'status': 200}
return (headers, response)
def remove_member_from_security_group(self, security_group_id, member_id):
if security_group_id not in self._securitygroups:
msg = ("The requested object : %s could not be found."
"Object identifiers are "
"case sensitive.") % security_group_id
response = self._get_bad_req_response(msg, 202, 'core-services')
headers = {'status': 404}
response = ''
headers = {'status': 200}
return (headers, response)
def create_spoofguard_policy(self, enforcement_point, name, enable):
policy = {'name': name,
'enforcement_point': enforcement_point,
'operationMode': 'MANUAL' if enable else 'DISABLE'}
policy_id = len(self._spoofguard_policies)
return None, policy_id
def update_spoofguard_policy(self, policy_id,
enforcement_point, name, enable):
policy = {'name': name,
'enforcement_point': enforcement_point,
'operationMode': 'MANUAL' if enable else 'DISABLE'}
self._spoofguard_policies[int(policy_id)] = policy
return None, ''
def delete_spoofguard_policy(self, policy_id):
self._spoofguard_policies[int(policy_id)] = {}
def approve_assigned_addresses(self, policy_id,
vnic_id, mac_addr, addresses):
def publish_assigned_addresses(self, policy_id):
def inactivate_vnic_assigned_addresses(self, policy_id, vnic_id):
def reset_all(self):
self.fake_firewall_dict = {}
self._fake_virtualservers_dict = {}
self._fake_pools_dict = {}
self._fake_monitors_dict = {}
self._fake_app_profiles_dict = {}
self._fake_loadbalancer_config = {}
self._fake_virtual_wires = {}
self._virtual_wire_id = 0
self._fake_portgroups = {}
self._portgroup_id = 0
self._securitygroups = {'ids': 0, 'names': set()}
self._sections = {'section_ids': 0, 'rule_ids': 0, 'names': set()}
self._dhcp_bindings = {}
def validate_datacenter_moid(self, object_id):
return True
def validate_network(self, object_id):
return True
def validate_vdn_scope(self, object_id):
return True
def validate_dvs(self, object_id):
return True
def edges_lock_operation(self):