Add support to search resources based on tags or resource type

This patch adds a new util method to the NsxLib class.
NsxLib will expose a search method to retrieve objects from
backend based on their tags and resource type. Tags argument
must be present in order to search.
Tags are supplied in the following form:
    [{'scope': <scope_val>, 'tag': <tag_value>}, ...]

Change-Id: I304e9c44e55657e652b2a8236e85602c295cf22b
This commit is contained in:
Abhishek Raut 2017-01-12 04:45:07 -08:00
parent 78243338ab
commit 9fd59f7880
3 changed files with 72 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -777,3 +777,38 @@ class IpPoolTestCase(nsxlib_testcase.NsxClientTestCase):
'get', pool,
'' % uuid)
class TestNsxSearch(nsxlib_testcase.NsxClientTestCase):
def test_nsx_search_tags(self):
"""Test search of resources with the specified tag."""
with mock.patch.object(self.nsxlib.client, 'url_get') as search:
user_tags = [{'scope': 'user', 'tag': 'k8s'}]
query = self.nsxlib._build_query(tags=user_tags)
search.assert_called_with('search?query=%s' % query)
def test_nsx_search_tags_and_resource_type(self):
"""Test search of specified resource with the specified tag."""
with mock.patch.object(self.nsxlib.client, 'url_get') as search:
user_tags = [{'scope': 'user', 'tag': 'k8s'}]
res_type = 'LogicalPort'
query = self.nsxlib._build_query(tags=user_tags)
# Add resource_type to the query
query = "%s AND %s" % (res_type, query)
self.nsxlib.search_by_tags(tags=user_tags, resource_type=res_type)
search.assert_called_with('search?query=%s' % query)
def test_nsx_search_invalid_query_fail(self):
"""Test search query failure for missing tag argument."""
tags=None, resource_type=None)
def test_nsx_search_invalid_tags_fail(self):
"""Test search of resources with the invalid tag."""
user_tags = [{'scope': 'user', 'invalid_tag_key': 'k8s'}]

View File

@ -99,6 +99,39 @@ class NsxLib(object):
def subscribe(self, callback, event):
self.cluster.subscribe(callback, event)
# TODO(abhiraut): Revisit this method to generate complex boolean
# queries to search resources.
def search_by_tags(self, tags, resource_type=None):
"""Return the list of resources searched based on tags.
Currently the query only supports AND boolean operator.
:param tags: List of dictionaries containing tags. Each
NSX tag dictionary is of the form:
{'scope': <scope_key>, 'tag': <tag_value>}
:param resource_type: Optional string parameter to limit the
scope of the search to the given ResourceType.
if not tags:
reason = _("Missing required argument 'tags'")
raise exceptions.NsxSearchInvalidQuery(reason=reason)
# Query will return nothing if the same scope is repeated.
query_tags = self._build_query(tags)
query = resource_type
if query:
query += " AND %s" % query_tags
query = query_tags
url = "search?query=%s" % query
return self.client.url_get(url)
def _build_query(self, tags):
return " AND ".join(['tags.scope:%(scope)s AND '
'tags.tag:%(tag)s' % item for item in tags])
except KeyError as e:
reason = _('Missing key:%s in tags') % str(e)
raise exceptions.NsxSearchInvalidQuery(reason=reason)
class NsxLibPortMirror(utils.NsxLibApiBase):

View File

@ -119,3 +119,7 @@ class NumberOfNsgroupCriteriaTagsReached(ManagerError):
class SecurityGroupMaximumCapacityReached(ManagerError):
message = _("Security Group %(sg_id)s has reached its maximum capacity, "
"no more ports can be associated with this security-group.")
class NsxSearchInvalidQuery(NsxLibException):
message = _("Invalid input for NSX search query. Reason: %(reason)s")