# Copyright 2015 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # import os from neutron_lib import exceptions from OpenSSL import crypto from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from vmware_nsxlib.tests.unit.v3 import mocks from vmware_nsxlib.tests.unit.v3 import nsxlib_testcase from vmware_nsxlib.tests.unit.v3 import test_client from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import client from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import client_cert from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions as nsxlib_exc from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import trust_management as tm class DummyStorageDriver(dict): """Storage driver simulation - just a dictionary""" def store_cert(self, project_id, certificate, private_key): self[project_id] = {} self[project_id]['cert'] = certificate self[project_id]['key'] = private_key def get_cert(self, project_id): if project_id not in self: return (None, None) return (self[project_id]['cert'], self[project_id]['key']) def delete_cert(self, project_id): del(self[project_id]) def is_empty(self, project_id): return project_id not in self class NsxV3ClientCertificateTestCase(nsxlib_testcase.NsxClientTestCase): identity = 'drumknott' cert_id = "00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444" identity_id = "55555555-6666-7777-8888-999999999999" node_id = "meh" def _get_mocked_response(self, status_code, results): return mocks.MockRequestsResponse( status_code, jsonutils.dumps({'results': results})) def _get_mocked_error_response(self, status_code, error_code): return mocks.MockRequestsResponse( status_code, jsonutils.dumps({'httpStatus': 'go away', 'error_code': error_code, 'module_name': 'never mind', 'error message': 'bad luck'})) def _get_mocked_trust(self, action, cert_pem): fake_responses = [] if 'create' in action: # import cert and return its id results = [{'id': self.cert_id}] fake_responses.append(self._get_mocked_response(201, results)) # and then bind this id to principal identity fake_responses.append(self._get_mocked_response(201, [])) if 'delete' in action: nsx_style_pem = tm.NsxLibTrustManagement.remove_newlines_from_pem( cert_pem) # get certs list, including same cert imported twice edge case results = [{'resource_type': 'Certificate', 'id': 'dont care', 'pem_encoded': 'some junk'}, {'resource_type': 'Certificate', 'id': 'some_other_cert_id', 'pem_encoded': nsx_style_pem}, {'resource_type': 'Certificate', 'id': self.cert_id, 'pem_encoded': nsx_style_pem}] fake_responses.append(self._get_mocked_response(200, results)) # get principal identities list results = [{'resource_type': 'Principal Identity', 'id': 'dont care', 'name': 'willikins', 'certificate_id': 'some other id'}, {'resource_type': 'Principal Identity', 'id': self.identity_id, 'name': self.identity, 'certificate_id': self.cert_id}] fake_responses.append(self._get_mocked_response(200, results)) # delete certificate fake_responses.append(self._get_mocked_response(204, [])) # delete identity fake_responses.append(self._get_mocked_response(204, [])) mock_client = self.new_mocked_client( client.JSONRESTClient, url_prefix='api/v1', session_response=fake_responses) return tm.NsxLibTrustManagement(mock_client, {}) def _verify_backend_create(self, mocked_trust, cert_pem): """Verify API calls to create cert and identity on backend""" # verify API call to import cert on backend cert_pem = mocked_trust.remove_newlines_from_pem(cert_pem) base_uri = '' uri = base_uri + '/certificates?action=import' expected_body = {'pem_encoded': cert_pem} test_client.assert_json_call('post', mocked_trust.client, uri, single_call=False, data=jsonutils.dumps(expected_body)) # verify API call to bind cert to identity on backend uri = base_uri + '/principal-identities' expected_body = {'name': self.identity, 'node_id': self.node_id, 'permission_group': 'read_write_api_users', 'certificate_id': self.cert_id, 'is_protected': True} test_client.assert_json_call('post', mocked_trust.client, uri, single_call=False, data=jsonutils.dumps(expected_body, sort_keys=True)) def _verify_backend_delete(self, mocked_trust): """Verify API calls to fetch and delete cert and identity""" # verify API call to query identities in order to get cert id base_uri = '' uri = base_uri + '/principal-identities' test_client.assert_json_call('get', mocked_trust.client, uri, single_call=False) # verify API call to delete openstack principal identity uri = uri + '/' + self.identity_id test_client.assert_json_call('delete', mocked_trust.client, uri, single_call=False) # verify API call to delete certificate uri = base_uri + '/certificates/' + self.cert_id test_client.assert_json_call('delete', mocked_trust.client, uri, single_call=False) def test_generate_cert(self): """Test startup without certificate + certificate generation""" storage_driver = DummyStorageDriver() # Prepare fake trust management for "cert create" requests cert_pem, key_pem = storage_driver.get_cert(self.identity) mocked_trust = self._get_mocked_trust('create', cert_pem) cert = client_cert.ClientCertificateManager(self.identity, mocked_trust, storage_driver) self.assertFalse(cert.exists()) cert.generate(subject={}, key_size=2048, valid_for_days=333, node_id=self.node_id) # verify client cert was generated and makes sense self.assertTrue(cert.exists()) self.assertEqual(332, cert.expires_in_days()) cert_pem, key_pem = cert.get_pem() # verify cert ans PK were stored in storage stored_cert, stored_key = storage_driver.get_cert(self.identity) self.assertEqual(cert_pem, stored_cert) self.assertEqual(key_pem, stored_key) # verify backend API calls self._verify_backend_create(mocked_trust, cert_pem) # try to generate cert again and fail self.assertRaises(nsxlib_exc.ObjectAlreadyExists, cert.generate, {}) def _prepare_storage_with_existing_cert(self, key_size, days, alg, subj): # prepare storage driver with existing cert and key # this test simulates system startup cert, key = client_cert.generate_self_signed_cert_pair(key_size, days, alg, subj) storage_driver = DummyStorageDriver() cert_pem = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert) key_pem = crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key) storage_driver.store_cert(self.identity, cert_pem, key_pem) return storage_driver def test_load_and_delete_existing_cert(self): """Test startup with existing certificate + certificate deletion""" storage_driver = self._prepare_storage_with_existing_cert(4096, 3650, 'sha256', {}) # get mocked backend driver for trust management, # prepared for get request, that preceeds delete operation cert_pem, key_pem = storage_driver.get_cert(self.identity) mocked_trust = self._get_mocked_trust('delete', cert_pem) cert = client_cert.ClientCertificateManager(self.identity, mocked_trust, storage_driver) self.assertTrue(cert.exists()) cert.delete() self.assertFalse(cert.exists()) self.assertTrue(storage_driver.is_empty(self.identity)) self._verify_backend_delete(mocked_trust) def _test_import_and_delete_cert(self, with_pkey=True): filename = '/tmp/test.pem' # this driver simulates storage==none scenario noop_driver = DummyStorageDriver() cert, key = client_cert.generate_self_signed_cert_pair(4096, 20, 'sha256', {}) cert_pem = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert) key_pem = crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(cert_pem) if with_pkey: f.write(key_pem) mocked_trust = self._get_mocked_trust('create_delete', cert_pem) cert = client_cert.ClientCertificateManager(self.identity, mocked_trust, noop_driver) cert.import_pem(filename, self.node_id) self._verify_backend_create(mocked_trust, cert_pem) cert.delete_pem(filename) self._verify_backend_delete(mocked_trust) os.remove(filename) def test_import_and_delete_cert_pkey(self): self._test_import_and_delete_cert(True) def test_import_and_delete_cert_only(self): self._test_import_and_delete_cert(False) def test_get_certificate_details(self): """Test retrieving cert details for existing cert""" key_size = 2048 days = 999 alg = 'sha256' subj = {'country': 'CA', 'organization': 'squirrel rights', 'hostname': 'www.squirrels.ca', 'unit': 'nuts', 'state': 'BC'} storage_driver = self._prepare_storage_with_existing_cert(key_size, days, alg, subj) with client_cert.ClientCertificateManager(self.identity, None, storage_driver) as cert: self.assertTrue(cert.exists()) self.assertEqual(days - 1, cert.expires_in_days()) self.assertEqual(key_size, cert.get_key_size()) cert_subj = cert.get_subject() self.assertEqual(subj, cert_subj) def test_bad_certificate_values(self): bad_cert_values = [{'key_size': 1024, 'valid_for_days': 10, 'signature_alg': 'sha256', 'subject': {}}, {'key_size': 4096, 'valid_for_days': 100, 'signature_alg': 'sha', 'subject': {}}] for args in bad_cert_values: self.assertRaises(exceptions.InvalidInput, client_cert.generate_self_signed_cert_pair, **args)