# Copyright (c) 2017 VMware, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from vmware_nsxlib.tests.unit.v3 import nsxlib_testcase from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import native_dhcp # TODO(asarfaty): Add more test cases here class TestNativeDhcp(nsxlib_testcase.NsxLibTestCase): """Tests for vmware_nsxlib.v3.native_dhcp.NsxLibNativeDhcp.""" def setUp(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestNativeDhcp, self).setUp() self.handler = native_dhcp.NsxLibNativeDhcp( self.nsxlib.client, nsxlib_testcase.get_default_nsxlib_config()) self.net_dns_domain = 'a.com' self.subnet_dns_nameserver = '' self.default_dns_domain = 'b.com' self.default_dns_nameserver = '' def _get_server_config(self, with_net_dns=True, with_default_dns=True): net = {'name': 'dummy', 'id': 'dummy'} subnet = {'dns_nameservers': None, 'gateway_ip': '', 'cidr': '', 'host_routes': []} port = {'fixed_ips': [{'ip_address': ''}]} tags = [] if with_net_dns: net['dns_domain'] = {'dns_domain': self.net_dns_domain} subnet['dns_nameservers'] = [self.subnet_dns_nameserver] if with_default_dns: result = self.handler.build_server_config( net, subnet, port, tags, default_dns_nameservers=[self.default_dns_nameserver], default_dns_domain=self.default_dns_domain) else: result = self.handler.build_server_config(net, subnet, port, tags) return result def test_build_server_config_dns_from_net_no_defaults(self): # Verify that net/subnet dns params are used if exist result = self._get_server_config(with_net_dns=True, with_default_dns=False) self.assertEqual(self.net_dns_domain, result['domain_name']) self.assertEqual([self.subnet_dns_nameserver], result['dns_nameservers']) def test_build_server_config_dns_from_net_with_defaults(self): # Verify that net/subnet dns params are used if exist, even if there # are defaults result = self._get_server_config(with_net_dns=True, with_default_dns=True) self.assertEqual(self.net_dns_domain, result['domain_name']) self.assertEqual([self.subnet_dns_nameserver], result['dns_nameservers']) def test_build_server_config_dns_from_defaults(self): # Verify that default dns params are used if net/subnet dns params # are missing result = self._get_server_config(with_net_dns=False, with_default_dns=True) self.assertEqual(self.default_dns_domain, result['domain_name']) self.assertEqual([self.default_dns_nameserver], result['dns_nameservers']) def test_build_server_config_dns_from_config(self): # Verify that config dns params are used if net/subnet and default # dns params are missing result = self._get_server_config(with_net_dns=False, with_default_dns=False) self.assertEqual(nsxlib_testcase.DNS_DOMAIN, result['domain_name']) self.assertEqual(nsxlib_testcase.DNS_NAMESERVERS, result['dns_nameservers'])