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# Copyright (c) 2015 VMware, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
from vmware_nsxlib.tests.unit.v3 import nsxlib_testcase
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import exceptions as nsxlib_exc
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import ns_group_manager
from vmware_nsxlib.v3 import nsx_constants as consts
# Pool of fake ns-groups uuids
NSG_IDS = ['11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111',
def _mock_create_and_list_nsgroups(test_method):
nsgroups = []
def _create_nsgroup_mock(name, desc, tags, membership_criteria=None):
nsgroup = {'id': NSG_IDS[len(nsgroups)],
'display_name': name,
'description': desc,
'tags': tags}
return nsgroup
def wrap(*args, **kwargs):
with mock.patch(
) as create_nsgroup_mock:
create_nsgroup_mock.side_effect = _create_nsgroup_mock
with mock.patch(
) as list_nsgroups_mock:
list_nsgroups_mock.side_effect = lambda: nsgroups
test_method(*args, **kwargs)
return wrap
class TestNSGroupManager(nsxlib_testcase.NsxLibTestCase):
"""Tests for vmware_nsxlib.v3.ns_group_manager.NSGroupManager."""
def test_first_initialization(self):
size = 5
cont_manager = ns_group_manager.NSGroupManager(self.nsxlib, size)
nested_groups = cont_manager.nested_groups
self.assertEqual({i: NSG_IDS[i] for i in range(size)},
def test_reconfigure_number_of_nested_groups(self):
# We need to test that when changing the number of nested groups then
# the NSGroupManager picks the ones which were previously created
# and create the ones which are missing, which also verifies that it
# also recognizes existing nested groups.
size = 2
# Creates 2 nested groups.
ns_group_manager.NSGroupManager(self.nsxlib, size)
size = 5
# Creates another 3 nested groups.
nested_groups = ns_group_manager.NSGroupManager(
self.nsxlib, size).nested_groups
self.assertEqual({i: NSG_IDS[i] for i in range(size)},
def test_add_and_remove_nsgroups(self,
# We verify that when adding a new nsgroup the properly placed
# according to its id and the number of nested groups.
size = 5
cont_manager = ns_group_manager.NSGroupManager(self.nsxlib, size)
nsgroup_id = 'nsgroup_id'
with mock.patch.object(cont_manager, '_hash_uuid', return_value=7):
# There are 5 nested groups, the hash function will return 7, therefore
# we expect that the nsgroup will be placed in the 3rd group.
NSG_IDS[2], consts.NSGROUP, [nsgroup_id])
NSG_IDS[2], consts.NSGROUP, nsgroup_id,
def test_when_nested_group_is_full(self,
def _add_member_mock(nsgroup, target_type, target_id):
if nsgroup == NSG_IDS[2]:
raise nsxlib_exc.NSGroupIsFull(nsgroup_id=nsgroup)
def _remove_member_mock(nsgroup, target_type, target_id, verify=False):
if nsgroup == NSG_IDS[2]:
raise nsxlib_exc.NSGroupMemberNotFound(nsgroup_id=nsgroup,
add_member_mock.side_effect = _add_member_mock
remove_member_mock.side_effect = _remove_member_mock
size = 5
cont_manager = ns_group_manager.NSGroupManager(self.nsxlib, size)
nsgroup_id = 'nsgroup_id'
with mock.patch.object(cont_manager, '_hash_uuid', return_value=7):
# Trying to add nsgroup to the nested group at index 2 will raise
# NSGroupIsFull exception, we expect that the nsgroup will be added to
# the nested group at index 3.
calls = [mock.call(NSG_IDS[2],
consts.NSGROUP, [nsgroup_id]),
consts.NSGROUP, [nsgroup_id])]
# Since the nsgroup was added to the nested group at index 3, it will
# fail to remove it from the group at index 2, and then will try to
# remove it from the group at index 3.
calls = [
NSG_IDS[2], consts.NSGROUP,
nsgroup_id, verify=True),
NSG_IDS[3], consts.NSGROUP,
nsgroup_id, verify=True)]
def test_initialize_with_absent_nested_groups(self,
size = 3
cont_manager = ns_group_manager.NSGroupManager(self.nsxlib, size)
# list_nsgroups will return nested group 1 and 3, but not group 2.
nsgroups = cont_manager.nsxlib_nsgroup.list()
with mock.patch("vmware_nsxlib.v3.security.NsxLibNsGroup.list",
side_effect=lambda: nsgroups[::2]):
# invoking the initialization process again, it should process
# groups 1 and 3 and create group 2.
cont_manager = ns_group_manager.NSGroupManager(self.nsxlib, size)
self.assertEqual({0: NSG_IDS[0],
1: NSG_IDS[3],
2: NSG_IDS[2]},
def test_suggest_nested_group(self):
size = 5
cont_manager = ns_group_manager.NSGroupManager(self.nsxlib, size)
# We expect that the first suggested index is 2
expected_suggested_groups = NSG_IDS[2:5] + NSG_IDS[:2]
suggest_group = lambda: cont_manager._suggest_nested_group('fake-id')
with mock.patch.object(cont_manager, '_hash_uuid', return_value=7):
for i, suggested in enumerate(suggest_group()):
self.assertEqual(expected_suggested_groups[i], suggested)