Integrating with a Framework ============================ General considerations ---------------------- Using WSME within another framework providing its own REST capabilities is generally done by using a specific decorator to declare the function signature, in addition to the framework's own way of declaring exposed functions. This decorator can have two different names depending on the adapter. ``@wsexpose`` This decorator will declare the function signature *and* take care of calling the adequate decorators of the framework. Generally this decorator is provided for frameworks that use object-dispatch controllers, such as :ref:`adapter-pecan`. ``@signature`` This decorator only sets the function signature and returns a function that can be used by the host framework as a REST request target. Generally this decorator is provided for frameworks that expect functions taking a request object as a single parameter and returning a response object. This is the case for :ref:`adapter-flask`. If you want to enable additional protocols, you will need to mount a :class:`WSRoot` instance somewhere in the application, generally ``/ws``. This subpath will then handle the additional protocols. In a future version, a WSGI middleware will probably play this role. .. note:: Not all the adapters are at the same level of maturity. WSGI Application ---------------- The :func:`wsme.WSRoot.wsgiapp` function of WSRoot returns a WSGI application. Example ~~~~~~~ The following example assumes the REST protocol will be entirely handled by WSME, which is the case if you write a WSME standalone application. .. code-block:: python from wsme import WSRoot, expose class MyRoot(WSRoot): @expose(unicode) def helloworld(self): return u"Hello World !" root = MyRoot(protocols=['restjson']) application = root.wsgiapp() .. _adapter-flask: Flask ----- *"Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. And before you ask: It's BSD licensed! "* .. warning:: Flask support is limited to function signature handling. It does not support additional protocols. This is a temporary limitation, if you have needs on that matter please tell us at :mod:`wsmeext.flask` -- Flask adapter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. module:: wsmeext.flask .. function:: signature(return_type, \*arg_types, \*\*options) See @\ :func:`signature` for parameters documentation. Can be used on a function before routing it with flask. Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: python from wsmeext.flask import signature @app.route('/multiply') @signature(int, int, int) def multiply(a, b): return a * b .. _adapter-pecan: Pecan ----- *"*\ Pecan_ *was created to fill a void in the Python web-framework world – a very lightweight framework that provides object-dispatch style routing. Pecan does not aim to be a "full stack" framework, and therefore includes no out of the box support for things like sessions or databases. Pecan instead focuses on HTTP itself."* .. warning:: A pecan application is not able to mount another WSGI application on a subpath. For that reason, additional protocols are not supported for now, until WSME provides a middleware that can do the same as a mounted WSRoot. :mod:`wsmeext.pecan` -- Pecan adapter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. module:: wsmeext.pecan .. function:: wsexpose(return_type, \*arg_types, \*\*options) See @\ :func:`signature` for parameters documentation. Can be used on any function of a pecan `RestController `_ instead of the expose decorator from Pecan. Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WSME can be configured through the application configation, by adding a 'wsme' configuration entry in ````: .. code-block:: python wsme = { 'debug': True } Valid configuration variables are : - ``'debug'``: Whether or not to include exception tracebacks in the returned server-side errors. Example ~~~~~~~ The `example `_ from the Pecan documentation becomes: .. code-block:: python from wsmeext.pecan import wsexpose class BooksController(RestController): @wsexpose(Book, int, int) def get(self, author_id, id): # .. @wsexpose(Book, int, int, body=Book) def put(self, author_id, id, book): # .. class AuthorsController(RestController): books = BooksController() .. _Pecan: