
392 lines
12 KiB

import inspect
import traceback
import weakref
import logging
import webob
import sys
from wsme import exc
from wsme.types import register_type
__all__ = ['expose', 'validate']
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
registered_protocols = {}
html_body = """
<style type='text/css'>
def scan_api(controller, path=[]):
Recursively iterate a controller api entries, while setting
their :attr:`FunctionDefinition.path`.
for name in dir(controller):
if name.startswith('_'):
a = getattr(controller, name)
if inspect.ismethod(a):
if hasattr(a, '_wsme_definition'):
a._wsme_definition.path = path
yield a._wsme_definition
elif inspect.isclass(a):
if len(path) > APIPATH_MAXLEN:
raise ValueError("Path is too long: " + str(path))
for i in scan_api(a, path + [name]):
yield i
class FunctionArgument(object):
An argument definition of an api entry
def __init__(self, name, datatype, mandatory, default):
#: argument name = name
#: Data type
self.datatype = datatype
#: True if the argument is mandatory
self.mandatory = mandatory
#: Default value if argument is omitted
self.default = default
class FunctionDefinition(object):
An api entry definition
def __init__(self, func):
#: Function name = func.__name__
#: Function documentation
self.doc = func.__doc__
#: Return type
self.return_type = None
#: The function arguments (list of :class:`FunctionArgument`)
self.arguments = []
#: True if this function is exposed by a protocol and not in
#: the api tree, which means it is not part of the api.
self.protocol_specific = False
#: Override the contenttype of the returned value.
#: Make sense only with :attr:`protocol_specific` functions.
self.contenttype = None
#: Path of the function in the api tree.
self.path = None
def get(cls, func):
Returns the :class:`FunctionDefinition` of a method.
fd = getattr(func, '_wsme_definition', None)
if fd is None:
fd = FunctionDefinition(func)
func._wsme_definition = fd
return fd
def get_arg(self, name):
Returns a :class:`FunctionArgument` from its name
for arg in self.arguments:
if == name:
return arg
return None
def register_protocol(protocol):
global registered_protocols
registered_protocols[] = protocol
class expose(object):
Decorator that expose a function.
:param return_type: Return type of the function
class MyController(object):
def getint(self):
return 1
def __init__(self, return_type=None):
self.return_type = return_type
def __call__(self, func):
fd = FunctionDefinition.get(func)
fd.return_type = self.return_type
return func
class pexpose(object):
def __init__(self, return_type=None, contenttype=None):
self.return_type = return_type
self.contenttype = contenttype
def __call__(self, func):
fd = FunctionDefinition.get(func)
fd.return_type = self.return_type
fd.protocol_specific = True
fd.contenttype = self.contenttype
return func
class validate(object):
Decorator that define the arguments types of a function.
class MyController(object):
@validate(, datetime.time)
def format(self, d, t):
return d.isoformat() + ' ' + t.isoformat()
def __init__(self, *param_types):
self.param_types = param_types
def __call__(self, func):
fd = FunctionDefinition.get(func)
args, varargs, keywords, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
if args[0] == 'self':
args = args[1:]
for i, argname in enumerate(args):
datatype = self.param_types[i]
mandatory = defaults is None or i <= len(defaults)
default = None
if not mandatory:
default = defaults[i - (len(args) - len(defaults))]
fd.arguments.append(FunctionArgument(argname, datatype,
mandatory, default))
return func
class WSRoot(object):
Root controller for webservices.
:param protocols: A list of protocols to enable (see :meth:`addprotocol`)
:param webpath: The web path where the webservice is published.
def __init__(self, protocols=[], webpath=''):
self._debug = True
self._webpath = webpath
self.protocols = {}
for protocol in protocols:
self._api = None
def addprotocol(self, protocol):
Enable a new protocol on the controller.
:param protocol: A registered protocol name or an instance
of a protocol.
if isinstance(protocol, str):
protocol = registered_protocols[protocol]()
self.protocols[] = protocol
protocol.root = weakref.proxy(self)
def getapi(self):
Returns the api description.
:rtype: list of :class:`FunctionDefinition`
if self._api is None:
self._api = [i for i in scan_api(self)]
return self._api
def _select_protocol(self, request):
log.debug("Selecting a protocol for the following request :\n"
"headers: %s\nbody: %s", request.headers,
len(request.body) > 512
and request.body[:512]
or request.body)
protocol = None
if 'wsmeproto' in request.params:
protocol = self.protocols[request.params['wsmeproto']]
for p in self.protocols.values():
if p.accept(request):
protocol = p
return protocol
def _handle_request(self, request):
res = webob.Response()
res_content_type = None
protocol = self._select_protocol(request)
if protocol is None:
msg = ("None of the following protocols can handle this "
"request : %s" % ','.join(self.protocols.keys()))
res.status = 500
res.content_type = 'text/plain'
res.body = msg
return res
path = protocol.extract_path(request)
if path is None:
raise exc.ClientSideError(
u'The %s protocol was unable to extract a function '
u'path from the request' %
func, funcdef = self._lookup_function(path)
kw = protocol.read_arguments(funcdef, request)
for arg in funcdef.arguments:
if arg.mandatory and not in kw:
raise exc.MissingArgument(
result = func(**kw)
res.status = 200
if funcdef.protocol_specific and funcdef.return_type is None:
res.body = result
# TODO make sure result type == a._wsme_definition.return_type
res.body = protocol.encode_result(funcdef, result)
res_content_type = funcdef.contenttype
except Exception, e:
infos = self._format_exception(sys.exc_info())
if isinstance(e, exc.ClientSideError):
res.status = 400
res.status = 500
res.body = protocol.encode_error(infos)
if res_content_type is None:
# Attempt to correctly guess what content-type we should return.
last_q = 0
if hasattr(request.accept, '_parsed'):
for mimetype, q in request.accept._parsed:
if mimetype in protocol.content_types and last_q < q:
res_content_type = mimetype
res_content_type = request.accept.best_match([
ct for ct in protocol.content_types if ct])
# If not we will attempt to convert the body to an accepted
# output format.
if res_content_type is None:
if "text/html" in request.accept:
res.body = self._html_format(res.body, protocol.content_types)
res_content_type = "text/html"
# TODO should we consider the encoding asked by
# the web browser ?
res.headers['Content-Type'] = "%s; charset=UTF-8" % res_content_type
return res
def _lookup_function(self, path):
a = self
isprotocol_specific = path[0] == '_protocol'
if isprotocol_specific:
a = self.protocols[path[1]]
path = path[2:]
for name in path:
a = getattr(a, name, None)
if a is None:
if not hasattr(a, '_wsme_definition'):
raise exc.UnknownFunction('/'.join(path))
definition = a._wsme_definition
return a, definition
def _format_exception(self, excinfo):
"""Extract informations that can be sent to the client."""
error = excinfo[1]
if isinstance(error, exc.ClientSideError):
r = dict(faultcode="Client",
log.warning("Client-side error: %s" % r['faultstring'])
r['debuginfo'] = None
return r
faultstring = str(error)
debuginfo = "\n".join(traceback.format_exception(*excinfo))
log.error('Server-side error: "%s". Detail: \n%s' % (
faultstring, debuginfo))
r = dict(faultcode="Server", faultstring=faultstring)
if self._debug:
r['debuginfo'] = debuginfo
r['debuginfo'] = None
return r
def _html_format(self, content, content_types):
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_for_mimetype
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
lexer = None
for ct in content_types:
print ct
lexer = get_lexer_for_mimetype(ct)
if lexer is None:
raise ValueError("No lexer found")
formatter = HtmlFormatter()
return html_body % dict(
content=highlight(content, lexer, formatter).encode('utf8'))
except Exception, e:
"Could not pygment the content because of the following "
"error :\n%s" % e)
return html_body % dict(
content='<pre>%s</pre>' %
content.replace('>', '&gt;').replace('<', '&lt;'))