Change-Id: I2adc6a5cbd76edd16e6079046b67b8fc10bf1671
451 lines
12 KiB
451 lines
12 KiB
import datetime
import decimal
from simplegeneric import generic
from wsme.exc import ClientSideError
from wsme.protocol import CallContext, Protocol, expose
from wsme.utils import parse_isodate, parse_isodatetime, parse_isotime
from wsme.rest.args import from_params
from wsme.types import iscomplex, isusertype, list_attributes, Unset
import wsme.types
import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
import json # noqa
from six import u
class APIDefinitionGenerator(object):
tpl = """\
if (!%(rootns)s.wsroot) {
%(rootns)s.wsroot = "%(webpath)s.
Ext.syncRequire(['Ext.direct.*'], function() {
descriptor_tpl = """\
%(fullns)s.Descriptor = {
"url": %(rootns)s.wsroot + "extdirect/router/%(ns)s",
"namespace": "%(fullns)s",
"type": "remoting",
"actions": %(actions)s
"enableBuffer": true
provider_tpl = """\
def __init__(self):
def render(self, rootns, webpath, namespaces, fullns):
descriptors = u('')
for ns in sorted(namespaces):
descriptors += self.descriptor_tpl % {
'ns': ns,
'rootns': rootns,
'fullns': fullns(ns),
'actions': '\n'.join((
' ' * 4 + line
for line
in json.dumps(namespaces[ns], indent=4).split('\n')
providers = u('')
for ns in sorted(namespaces):
providers += self.provider_tpl % {
'fullns': fullns(ns)
r = self.tpl % {
'rootns': rootns,
'webpath': webpath,
'descriptors': descriptors,
'providers': providers,
return r
def fromjson(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return None
if iscomplex(datatype):
newvalue = datatype()
for attrdef in list_attributes(datatype):
if attrdef.name in value:
setattr(newvalue, attrdef.key,
fromjson(attrdef.datatype, value[attrdef.name]))
value = newvalue
elif isusertype(datatype):
value = datatype.frombasetype(fromjson(datatype.basetype, value))
return value
def tojson(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return value
if iscomplex(datatype):
d = {}
for attrdef in list_attributes(datatype):
attrvalue = getattr(value, attrdef.key)
if attrvalue is not Unset:
d[attrdef.name] = tojson(attrdef.datatype, attrvalue)
value = d
elif isusertype(datatype):
value = tojson(datatype.basetype, datatype.tobasetype(value))
return value
def array_fromjson(datatype, value):
return [fromjson(datatype.item_type, item) for item in value]
def array_tojson(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return value
return [tojson(datatype.item_type, item) for item in value]
def dict_fromjson(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return value
return dict((
(fromjson(datatype.key_type, key),
fromjson(datatype.value_type, value))
for key, value in value.items()
def dict_tojson(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return value
return dict((
(tojson(datatype.key_type, key),
tojson(datatype.value_type, value))
for key, value in value.items()
def bytes_tojson(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return value
return value.decode('ascii')
# raw strings
def bytes_fromjson(datatype, value):
if value is not None:
value = value.encode('ascii')
return value
# unicode strings
def text_fromjson(datatype, value):
if isinstance(value, wsme.types.bytes):
return value.decode('utf-8')
return value
# datetime.time
def time_fromjson(datatype, value):
if value is None or value == '':
return None
return parse_isotime(value)
def time_tojson(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return value
return value.isoformat()
# datetime.date
def date_fromjson(datatype, value):
if value is None or value == '':
return None
return parse_isodate(value)
def date_tojson(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return value
return value.isoformat()
# datetime.datetime
def datetime_fromjson(datatype, value):
if value is None or value == '':
return None
return parse_isodatetime(value)
def datetime_tojson(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return value
return value.isoformat()
# decimal.Decimal
def decimal_fromjson(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return value
return decimal.Decimal(value)
def decimal_tojson(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return value
return str(value)
class ExtCallContext(CallContext):
def __init__(self, request, namespace, calldata):
super(ExtCallContext, self).__init__(request)
self.namespace = namespace
self.tid = calldata['tid']
self.action = calldata['action']
self.method = calldata['method']
self.params = calldata['data']
class FormExtCallContext(CallContext):
def __init__(self, request, namespace):
super(FormExtCallContext, self).__init__(request)
self.namespace = namespace
self.tid = request.params['extTID']
self.action = request.params['extAction']
self.method = request.params['extMethod']
self.params = []
class ExtDirectProtocol(Protocol):
ExtDirect protocol.
For more detail on the protocol, see
.. autoattribute:: name
.. autoattribute:: content_types
name = 'extdirect'
displayname = 'ExtDirect'
content_types = ['application/json', 'text/javascript']
def __init__(self, namespace='', params_notation='named', nsfolder=None):
self.namespace = namespace
self.appns, self.apins = namespace.rsplit('.', 2) \
if '.' in namespace else (namespace, '')
self.default_params_notation = params_notation
self.appnsfolder = nsfolder
def api_alias(self):
if self.appnsfolder:
alias = '/%s/%s.js' % (
self.apins.replace('.', '/'))
return alias
def accept(self, req):
path = req.path
assert path.startswith(self.root._webpath)
path = path[len(self.root._webpath):]
return (
path == self.api_alias or
path == "/extdirect/api" or
def iter_calls(self, req):
path = req.path
assert path.startswith(self.root._webpath)
path = path[len(self.root._webpath):].strip()
assert path.startswith('/extdirect/router'), path
path = path[17:].strip('/')
if path:
namespace = path.split('.')
namespace = []
if 'extType' in req.params:
req.wsme_extdirect_batchcall = False
yield FormExtCallContext(req, namespace)
data = json.loads(req.body.decode('utf8'))
req.wsme_extdirect_batchcall = isinstance(data, list)
if not req.wsme_extdirect_batchcall:
data = [data]
req.callcount = len(data)
for call in data:
yield ExtCallContext(req, namespace, call)
def extract_path(self, context):
path = list(context.namespace)
if context.action:
return path
def read_std_arguments(self, context):
funcdef = context.funcdef
notation = funcdef.extra_options.get('extdirect_params_notation',
args = context.params
if notation == 'positional':
kw = dict(
(argdef.name, fromjson(argdef.datatype, arg))
for argdef, arg in zip(funcdef.arguments, args)
elif notation == 'named':
if len(args) == 0:
args = [{}]
elif len(args) > 1:
raise ClientSideError(
"Named arguments: takes a single object argument")
args = args[0]
kw = dict(
(argdef.name, fromjson(argdef.datatype, args[argdef.name]))
for argdef in funcdef.arguments if argdef.name in args
raise ValueError("Invalid notation: %s" % notation)
return kw
def read_form_arguments(self, context):
kw = {}
for argdef in context.funcdef.arguments:
value = from_params(argdef.datatype, context.request.params,
argdef.name, set())
if value is not Unset:
kw[argdef.name] = value
return kw
def read_arguments(self, context):
if isinstance(context, ExtCallContext):
kwargs = self.read_std_arguments(context)
elif isinstance(context, FormExtCallContext):
kwargs = self.read_form_arguments(context)
wsme.runtime.check_arguments(context.funcdef, (), kwargs)
return kwargs
def encode_result(self, context, result):
return json.dumps({
'type': 'rpc',
'tid': context.tid,
'action': context.action,
'method': context.method,
'result': tojson(context.funcdef.return_type, result)
def encode_error(self, context, infos):
return json.dumps({
'type': 'exception',
'tid': context.tid,
'action': context.action,
'method': context.method,
'message': '%(faultcode)s: %(faultstring)s' % infos,
'where': infos['debuginfo']})
def prepare_response_body(self, request, results):
r = ",\n".join(results)
if request.wsme_extdirect_batchcall:
return "[\n%s\n]" % r
return r
def get_response_status(self, request):
return 200
def get_response_contenttype(self, request):
return "text/javascript"
def fullns(self, ns):
return ns and '%s.%s' % (self.namespace, ns) or self.namespace
@expose('/extdirect/api', "text/javascript")
@expose('${api_alias}', "text/javascript")
def api(self):
namespaces = {}
for path, funcdef in self.root.getapi():
if len(path) > 1:
namespace = '.'.join(path[:-2])
action = path[-2]
namespace = ''
action = ''
if namespace not in namespaces:
namespaces[namespace] = {}
if action not in namespaces[namespace]:
namespaces[namespace][action] = []
notation = funcdef.extra_options.get('extdirect_params_notation',
method = {
'name': funcdef.name}
if funcdef.extra_options.get('extdirect_formhandler', False):
method['formHandler'] = True
method['len'] = 1 if notation == 'named' \
else len(funcdef.arguments)
webpath = self.root._webpath
if webpath and not webpath.endswith('/'):
webpath += '/'
return APIDefinitionGenerator().render(
def encode_sample_value(self, datatype, value, format=False):
r = tojson(datatype, value)
content = json.dumps(r, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4 if format else 0,
return ('javascript', content)