
357 lines
10 KiB

import base64
import datetime
import decimal
import inspect
import weakref
import six
import sys
class UserType(object):
basetype = None
def validate(self, value):
def tobasetype(self, value):
return value
def frombasetype(self, value):
return value
def isusertype(class_):
return isinstance(class_, UserType)
class BinaryType(UserType):
A user type that use base64 strings to carry binary data.
basetype = str
def tobasetype(self, value):
return base64.encodestring(value)
def frombasetype(self, value):
return base64.decodestring(value)
#: The binary almost-native type
binary = BinaryType()
class Enum(UserType):
A simple enumeration type. Can be based on any non-complex type.
:param basetype: The actual data type
:param values: A set of possible values
If nullable, 'None' should be added the values set.
Gender = Enum(str, 'male', 'female')
Specie = Enum(str, 'cat', 'dog')
def __init__(self, basetype, *values):
self.basetype = basetype
self.values = set(values)
def validate(self, value):
if value not in self.values:
raise ValueError("Value '%s' is invalid (should be one of: %s)" % (
value, ', '.join(self.values)))
def tobasetype(self, value):
return value
def frombasetype(self, value):
return value
pod_types = six.integer_types + (
six.binary_type, six.text_type, float, bool)
dt_types = (, datetime.time, datetime.datetime)
extra_types = (binary, decimal.Decimal)
native_types = pod_types + dt_types + extra_types
complex_types = []
array_types = []
dict_types = []
class UnsetType(object):
if sys.version < '3':
def __nonzero__(self):
return False
def __bool__(self):
return False
Unset = UnsetType()
def iscomplex(datatype):
return inspect.isclass(datatype) \
and '_wsme_attributes' in datatype.__dict__
def isarray(datatype):
return isinstance(datatype, list)
def isdict(datatype):
return isinstance(datatype, dict)
def validate_value(datatype, value):
if hasattr(datatype, 'validate'):
return datatype.validate(value)
if value is Unset:
return True
if value is not None:
if isarray(datatype):
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise ValueError("Wrong type. Expected '%s', got '%s'" % (
datatype, type(value)
for item in value:
validate_value(datatype[0], item)
elif isdict(datatype):
if not isinstance(value, dict):
raise ValueError("Wrong type. Expected '%s', got '%s'" % (
datatype, type(value)
key_type, value_type = list(datatype.items())[0]
for key, v in value.items():
validate_value(key_type, key)
validate_value(value_type, v)
elif datatype in six.integer_types:
if not isinstance(value, six.integer_types):
raise ValueError(
"Wrong type. Expected an integer, got '%s'" % (
elif not isinstance(value, datatype):
raise ValueError(
"Wrong type. Expected '%s', got '%s'" % (
datatype, type(value)
class wsproperty(property):
A specialised :class:`property` to define typed-property on complex types.
class MyComplexType(object):
def get_aint(self):
return self._aint
def set_aint(self, value):
assert avalue < 10 # Dummy input validation
self._aint = value
aint = wsproperty(int, get_aint, set_aint, mandatory=True)
def __init__(self, datatype, fget, fset=None,
mandatory=False, doc=None, name=None):
property.__init__(self, fget, fset)
#: The property name in the parent python class
self.key = None
#: The attribute name on the public of the api.
#: Defaults to :attr:`key` = name
#: property data type
self.datatype = datatype
#: True if the property is mandatory
self.mandatory = mandatory
class wsattr(object):
Complex type attribute definition.
class MyComplexType(object):
optionalvalue = int
mandatoryvalue = wsattr(int, mandatory=True)
named_value = wsattr(int, name='named.value')
After inspection, the non-wsattr attributes will be replace, and
the above class will be equivalent to::
class MyComplexType(object):
optionalvalue = wsattr(int)
mandatoryvalue = wsattr(int, mandatory=True)
def __init__(self, datatype, mandatory=False, name=None, default=Unset):
#: The attribute name in the parent python class.
#: Set by :func:`inspect_class`
self.key = None # will be set by class inspection
#: The attribute name on the public of the api.
#: Defaults to :attr:`key` = name
#: attribute data type
self.datatype = datatype
#: True if the attribute is mandatory
self.mandatory = mandatory
#: Default value. The attribute will return this instead
#: of :data:`Unset` if no value has been set.
self.default = default
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self
return getattr(instance, '_' + self.key, self.default)
def __set__(self, instance, value):
validate_value(self.datatype, value)
except ValueError:
e = sys.exc_info()[1]
raise ValueError("%s: %s" % (, e))
if value is Unset:
if hasattr(instance, '_' + self.key):
delattr(instance, '_' + self.key)
setattr(instance, '_' + self.key, value)
def __delete__(self, instance):
self.__set__(instance, Unset)
def iswsattr(attr):
if inspect.isfunction(attr) or inspect.ismethod(attr):
return False
if isinstance(attr, property) and not isinstance(attr, wsproperty):
return False
return True
def sort_attributes(class_, attributes):
"""Sort a class attributes list.
3 mechanisms are attempted :
#. Look for a _wsme_attr_order attribute on the class_. This allow
to define an arbitrary order of the attributes (usefull for
generated types).
#. Access the object source code to find the declaration order.
#. Sort by alphabetically"""
if not len(attributes):
attrs = dict((a.key, a) for a in attributes)
if hasattr(class_, '_wsme_attr_order'):
names_order = class_._wsme_attr_order
names = attrs.keys()
names_order = []
lines = []
for cls in inspect.getmro(class_):
if cls is object:
lines[len(lines):] = inspect.getsourcelines(cls)[0]
for line in lines:
line = line.strip().replace(" ", "")
if '=' in line:
aname = line[:line.index('=')]
if aname in names and aname not in names_order:
if len(names_order) < len(names):
name for name in names if name not in names_order))
assert len(names_order) == len(names)
except (TypeError, IOError):
names_order = list(names)
attributes[:] = [attrs[name] for name in names_order]
def inspect_class(class_):
"""Extract a list of (name, wsattr|wsproperty) for the given class_"""
attributes = []
for name, attr in inspect.getmembers(class_, iswsattr):
if name.startswith('_'):
if isinstance(attr, wsattr):
attrdef = attr
elif isinstance(attr, wsproperty):
attrdef = attr
if attr not in native_types and (
or isinstance(attr, list)
or isinstance(attr, dict)):
attrdef = wsattr(attr)
attrdef.key = name
if is None: = name
setattr(class_, name, attrdef)
sort_attributes(class_, attributes)
return attributes
def register_type(class_):
Make sure a type is registered.
It is automatically called by :class:`expose() <wsme.expose>`
and :class:`validate() <wsme.validate>`.
Unless you want to control when the class inspection is done there
is no need to call it.
if class_ is None or \
class_ in native_types or \
isusertype(class_) or iscomplex(class_):
if isinstance(class_, list):
if len(class_) != 1:
raise ValueError("Cannot register type %s" % repr(class_))
if class_[0] not in array_types:
if isinstance(class_, dict):
if len(class_) != 1:
raise ValueError("Cannot register type %s" % repr(class_))
key_type, value_type = list(class_.items())[0]
if key_type not in pod_types:
raise ValueError("Dictionnaries key can only be a pod type")
if (key_type, value_type) not in dict_types:
dict_types.append((key_type, value_type))
class_._wsme_attributes = None
class_._wsme_attributes = inspect_class(class_)
def list_attributes(class_):
Returns a list of a complex type attributes.
if not hasattr(class_, '_wsme_attributes'):
return class_._wsme_attributes