
286 lines
8.3 KiB

import cgi
import datetime
import re
from simplegeneric import generic
from wsme.exc import ClientSideError, UnknownArgument
from wsme.types import iscomplex, list_attributes, Unset
from wsme.types import UserType, ArrayType, DictType, File
from wsme.utils import parse_isodate, parse_isotime, parse_isodatetime
import wsme.runtime
def from_param(datatype, value):
return datatype(value) if value else None
def date_from_param(datatype, value):
return parse_isodate(value) if value else None
def time_from_param(datatype, value):
return parse_isotime(value) if value else None
def datetime_from_param(datatype, value):
return parse_isodatetime(value) if value else None
def filetype_from_param(datatype, value):
if isinstance(value, cgi.FieldStorage):
return File(fieldstorage=value)
return File(content=value)
def usertype_from_param(datatype, value):
return datatype.frombasetype(
from_param(datatype.basetype, value))
def array_from_param(datatype, value):
if value is None:
return value
return [
from_param(datatype.item_type, item)
for item in value
def from_params(datatype, params, path, hit_paths):
if iscomplex(datatype) and datatype is not File:
objfound = False
for key in params:
if key.startswith(path + '.'):
objfound = True
if objfound:
r = datatype()
for attrdef in list_attributes(datatype):
value = from_params(
params, '%s.%s' % (path, attrdef.key), hit_paths
if value is not Unset:
setattr(r, attrdef.key, value)
return r
if path in params:
return from_param(datatype, params[path])
return Unset
def array_from_params(datatype, params, path, hit_paths):
if hasattr(params, 'getall'):
# webob multidict
def getall(params, path):
return params.getall(path)
elif hasattr(params, 'getlist'):
# werkzeug multidict
def getall(params, path): # noqa
return params.getlist(path)
if path in params:
return [
from_param(datatype.item_type, value)
for value in getall(params, path)]
if iscomplex(datatype.item_type):
attributes = set()
r = re.compile('^%s\.(?P<attrname>[^\.])' % re.escape(path))
for p in params.keys():
m = r.match(p)
if m:
if attributes:
value = []
for attrdef in list_attributes(datatype.item_type):
attrpath = '%s.%s' % (path, attrdef.key)
attrvalues = getall(params, attrpath)
if len(value) < len(attrvalues):
value[-1:] = [
for i in xrange(len(attrvalues) - len(value))
for i, attrvalue in enumerate(attrvalues):
from_param(attrdef.datatype, attrvalue)
return value
indexes = set()
r = re.compile('^%s\[(?P<index>\d+)\]' % re.escape(path))
for p in params.keys():
m = r.match(p)
if m:
if not indexes:
return Unset
indexes = list(indexes)
return [from_params(datatype.item_type, params,
'%s[%s]' % (path, index), hit_paths)
for index in indexes]
def dict_from_params(datatype, params, path, hit_paths):
keys = set()
r = re.compile('^%s\[(?P<key>[a-zA-Z0-9_\.]+)\]' % re.escape(path))
for p in params.keys():
m = r.match(p)
if m:
if not keys:
return Unset
return dict((
(key, from_params(datatype.value_type,
params, '%s[%s]' % (path, key), hit_paths))
for key in keys))
def args_from_args(funcdef, args, kwargs):
newargs = []
for argdef, arg in zip(funcdef.arguments[:len(args)], args):
newargs.append(from_param(argdef.datatype, arg))
newkwargs = {}
for argname, value in kwargs.items():
newkwargs[argname] = from_param(
funcdef.get_arg(argname).datatype, value
return newargs, newkwargs
def args_from_params(funcdef, params):
kw = {}
hit_paths = set()
for argdef in funcdef.arguments:
value = from_params(
argdef.datatype, params,, hit_paths)
if value is not Unset:
kw[] = value
paths = set(params.keys())
unknown_paths = paths - hit_paths
if '__body__' in unknown_paths:
if not funcdef.ignore_extra_args and unknown_paths:
raise UnknownArgument(', '.join(unknown_paths))
return [], kw
def args_from_body(funcdef, body, mimetype):
from import json as restjson
from import xml as restxml
if funcdef.body_type is not None:
datatypes = {funcdef.arguments[-1].name: funcdef.body_type}
datatypes = dict(((, a.datatype) for a in funcdef.arguments))
if not body:
return (), {}
if mimetype == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded":
# the parameters should have been parsed in params
return (), {}
elif mimetype in restjson.accept_content_types:
dataformat = restjson
elif mimetype in restxml.accept_content_types:
dataformat = restxml
raise ValueError("Unknow mimetype: %s" % mimetype)
kw = dataformat.parse(
body, datatypes, bodyarg=funcdef.body_type is not None
except UnknownArgument:
if not funcdef.ignore_extra_args:
return (), kw
def combine_args(funcdef, akw, allow_override=False):
newargs, newkwargs = [], {}
for args, kwargs in akw:
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
n = funcdef.arguments[i].name
if not allow_override and n in newkwargs:
raise ClientSideError(
"Parameter %s was given several times" % n)
newkwargs[n] = arg
for name, value in kwargs.items():
n = str(name)
if not allow_override and n in newkwargs:
raise ClientSideError(
"Parameter %s was given several times" % n)
newkwargs[n] = value
return newargs, newkwargs
def get_args(funcdef, args, kwargs, params, form, body, mimetype):
"""Combine arguments from :
* the host framework args and kwargs
* the request params
* the request body
Note that the host framework args and kwargs can be overridden
by arguements from params of body
# get the body from params if not given directly
if not body and '__body__' in params:
body = params['__body__']
# extract args from the host args and kwargs
from_args = args_from_args(funcdef, args, kwargs)
# extract args from the request parameters
from_params = args_from_params(funcdef, params)
# extract args from the form parameters
if form:
from_form_params = args_from_params(funcdef, form)
from_form_params = (), {}
# extract args from the request body
from_body = args_from_body(funcdef, body, mimetype)
# combine params and body arguments
from_params_and_body = combine_args(
(from_params, from_form_params, from_body)
args, kwargs = combine_args(
(from_args, from_params_and_body),
wsme.runtime.check_arguments(funcdef, args, kwargs)
return args, kwargs