diff --git a/doc/launch.png b/doc/launch.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d5c8ee
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/launch.png differ
diff --git a/doc/launch.uxf b/doc/launch.uxf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd9ace3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/launch.uxf
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<diagram program="umlet" version="11.5.1">
+  <zoom_level>10</zoom_level>
+  <element>
+    <type>com.umlet.element.custom.InitialState</type>
+    <coordinates>
+      <x>270</x>
+      <y>280</y>
+      <w>20</w>
+      <h>20</h>
+    </coordinates>
+    <panel_attributes>i</panel_attributes>
+    <additional_attributes/>
+  </element>
+  <element>
+    <type>com.umlet.element.custom.State</type>
+    <coordinates>
+      <x>330</x>
+      <y>270</y>
+      <w>190</w>
+      <h>40</h>
+    </coordinates>
+    <panel_attributes>cloud-aware OS running</panel_attributes>
+    <additional_attributes/>
+  </element>
+  <element>
+    <type>com.umlet.element.custom.State</type>
+    <coordinates>
+      <x>560</x>
+      <y>270</y>
+      <w>170</w>
+      <h>40</h>
+    </coordinates>
+    <panel_attributes>write config to
+XenServer's partition</panel_attributes>
+    <additional_attributes/>
+  </element>
+  <element>
+    <type>com.umlet.element.custom.State</type>
+    <coordinates>
+      <x>810</x>
+      <y>270</y>
+      <w>170</w>
+      <h>40</h>
+    </coordinates>
+    <panel_attributes>XenServer running</panel_attributes>
+    <additional_attributes/>
+  </element>
+  <element>
+    <type>com.umlet.element.Relation</type>
+    <coordinates>
+      <x>260</x>
+      <y>260</y>
+      <w>90</w>
+      <h>50</h>
+    </coordinates>
+    <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-</panel_attributes>
+    <additional_attributes>70;30;30;30</additional_attributes>
+  </element>
+  <element>
+    <type>com.umlet.element.Relation</type>
+    <coordinates>
+      <x>490</x>
+      <y>260</y>
+      <w>90</w>
+      <h>50</h>
+    </coordinates>
+    <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-</panel_attributes>
+    <additional_attributes>70;30;30;30</additional_attributes>
+  </element>
+  <element>
+    <type>com.umlet.element.Relation</type>
+    <coordinates>
+      <x>700</x>
+      <y>240</y>
+      <w>130</w>
+      <h>70</h>
+    </coordinates>
+    <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;-
+    <additional_attributes>110;50;30;50</additional_attributes>
+  </element>
+  <element>
+    <type>com.umlet.element.custom.Text</type>
+    <coordinates>
+      <x>230</x>
+      <y>230</y>
+      <w>190</w>
+      <h>30</h>
+    </coordinates>
+    <panel_attributes>*Launching a Snapshot*</panel_attributes>
+    <additional_attributes/>
+  </element>
+  <element>
+    <type>com.umlet.element.Note</type>
+    <coordinates>
+      <x>270</x>
+      <y>350</y>
+      <w>310</w>
+      <h>80</h>
+    </coordinates>
+    <panel_attributes>As RS provides the IP configuration
+through the agent (xenstore), we need
+to boot to a cloud-aware system first.
+Nested virtualization would hide xenstore.
+    <additional_attributes/>
+  </element>
+  <element>
+    <type>com.umlet.element.Relation</type>
+    <coordinates>
+      <x>380</x>
+      <y>280</y>
+      <w>60</w>
+      <h>90</h>
+    </coordinates>
+    <panel_attributes>lt=&lt;.</panel_attributes>
+    <additional_attributes>30;30;40;70</additional_attributes>
+  </element>