#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging import os import shutil import socket import subprocess import threading import time import shlex import uuid from nodepool import config as nodepool_config from nodepool import exceptions from nodepool import provider_manager from nodepool import stats from nodepool import zk MINS = 60 HOURS = 60 * MINS # How long to wait for an image save IMAGE_TIMEOUT = 6 * HOURS # How long to wait between checks for ZooKeeper connectivity if it disappears. SUSPEND_WAIT_TIME = 30 # HP Cloud requires qemu compat with 0.10. That version works elsewhere, # so just hardcode it for all qcow2 building DEFAULT_QEMU_IMAGE_COMPAT_OPTIONS = "--qemu-img-options 'compat=0.10'" class DibImageFile(object): ''' Class used as an API to finding locally built DIB image files, and also used to represent the found files. Image files are named using a unique ID, but can be available in multiple formats (with different extensions). ''' def __init__(self, image_id, extension=None): self.image_id = image_id self.extension = extension self.md5 = None self.md5_file = None self.sha256 = None self.sha256_file = None @staticmethod def from_path(path): image_file = os.path.basename(path) image_id, extension = image_file.rsplit('.', 1) return DibImageFile(image_id, extension) @staticmethod def from_image_id(images_dir, image_id): images = [] for image_filename in os.listdir(images_dir): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(images_dir, image_filename)): image = DibImageFile.from_path(image_filename) if image.image_id == image_id: images.append(image) return images @staticmethod def from_images_dir(images_dir): return [DibImageFile.from_path(x) for x in os.listdir(images_dir)] def to_path(self, images_dir, with_extension=True): my_path = os.path.join(images_dir, self.image_id) if with_extension: if self.extension is None: raise exceptions.BuilderError( 'Cannot specify image extension of None' ) my_path += '.' + self.extension md5_path = '%s.%s' % (my_path, 'md5') md5 = self._checksum(md5_path) if md5: self.md5_file = md5_path self.md5 = md5[0:32] sha256_path = '%s.%s' % (my_path, 'sha256') sha256 = self._checksum(sha256_path) if sha256: self.sha256_file = sha256_path self.sha256 = sha256[0:64] return my_path def _checksum(self, filename): if not os.path.isfile(filename): return None with open(filename, 'r') as f: data = f.read() return data class BaseWorker(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, builder_id, config_path, secure_path, interval, zk): super(BaseWorker, self).__init__() self.log = logging.getLogger("nodepool.builder.BaseWorker") self.daemon = True self._running = False self._stop_event = threading.Event() self._config = None self._config_path = config_path self._secure_path = secure_path self._zk = zk self._hostname = socket.gethostname() self._statsd = stats.get_client() self._interval = interval self._builder_id = builder_id def _checkForZooKeeperChanges(self, new_config): ''' Check config for ZooKeeper cluster changes. If the defined set of ZooKeeper servers changes, the connection will use the new server set. ''' if self._config.zookeeper_servers != new_config.zookeeper_servers: self.log.debug("Detected ZooKeeper server changes") self._zk.resetHosts(list(new_config.zookeeper_servers.values())) @property def running(self): return self._running def shutdown(self): self._running = False self._stop_event.set() class CleanupWorker(BaseWorker): ''' The janitor of nodepool-builder that will remove images from providers and any local DIB builds. ''' def __init__(self, name, builder_id, config_path, secure_path, interval, zk): super(CleanupWorker, self).__init__(builder_id, config_path, secure_path, interval, zk) self.log = logging.getLogger( "nodepool.builder.CleanupWorker.%s" % name) self.name = 'CleanupWorker.%s' % name def _buildUploadRecencyTable(self): ''' Builds a table for each image of the most recent uploads to each provider. Example) image1: providerA: [ (build_id, upload_id, upload_time), ... ] providerB: [ (build_id, upload_id, upload_time), ... ] image2: providerC: [ (build_id, upload_id, upload_time), ... ] ''' self._rtable = {} for image in self._zk.getImageNames(): self._rtable[image] = {} for build in self._zk.getBuilds(image, zk.READY): for provider in self._zk.getBuildProviders(image, build.id): if provider not in self._rtable[image]: self._rtable[image][provider] = [] uploads = self._zk.getMostRecentBuildImageUploads( 2, image, build.id, provider, zk.READY) for upload in uploads: self._rtable[image][provider].append( (build.id, upload.id, upload.state_time) ) # Sort uploads by state_time (upload time) and keep the 2 most recent for i in list(self._rtable.keys()): for p in self._rtable[i].keys(): self._rtable[i][p].sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True) self._rtable[i][p] = self._rtable[i][p][:2] self.log.debug("Upload recency table: %s", self._rtable) def _isRecentUpload(self, image, provider, build_id, upload_id): ''' Search for an upload for a build within the recency table. ''' provider = self._rtable[image].get(provider) if not provider: return False for b_id, u_id, u_time in provider: if build_id == b_id and upload_id == u_id: return True return False def _inProgressUpload(self, upload): ''' Determine if an upload is in progress. ''' if upload.state != zk.UPLOADING: return False try: with self._zk.imageUploadLock(upload.image_name, upload.build_id, upload.provider_name, blocking=False): pass except exceptions.ZKLockException: return True return False def _removeDibItem(self, filename): if filename is None: return try: os.remove(filename) self.log.info("Removed DIB file %s" % filename) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 2: # No such file or directory raise e def _deleteLocalBuild(self, image, build): ''' Remove expired image build from local disk. :param str image: Name of the image whose build we are deleting. :param ImageBuild build: The build we want to delete. :returns: True if files were deleted, False if none were found. ''' base = "-".join([image, build.id]) files = DibImageFile.from_image_id(self._config.imagesdir, base) if not files: # NOTE(pabelanger): It is possible we don't have any files because # diskimage-builder failed. So, check to see if we have the correct # builder so we can removed the data from zookeeper. # To maintain backward compatibility with builders that didn't # use unique builder IDs before, but do now, always compare to # hostname as well since some ZK data may still reference that. if (build.builder_id == self._builder_id or build.builder == self._hostname ): return True return False self.log.info("Doing cleanup for %s:%s" % (image, build.id)) manifest_dir = None for f in files: filename = f.to_path(self._config.imagesdir, True) if not manifest_dir: path, ext = filename.rsplit('.', 1) manifest_dir = path + ".d" items = [filename, f.md5_file, f.sha256_file] list(map(self._removeDibItem, items)) try: shutil.rmtree(manifest_dir) self.log.info("Removed DIB manifest %s" % manifest_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 2: # No such file or directory raise e return True def _cleanupProvider(self, provider, image, build_id): all_uploads = self._zk.getUploads(image, build_id, provider.name) for upload in all_uploads: if self._isRecentUpload(image, provider.name, build_id, upload.id): continue self._deleteUpload(upload) def _cleanupObsoleteProviderUploads(self, provider, image, build_id): if image in provider.diskimages: # This image is in use for this provider return all_uploads = self._zk.getUploads(image, build_id, provider.name) for upload in all_uploads: self._deleteUpload(upload) def _deleteUpload(self, upload): deleted = False if upload.state != zk.DELETING: if not self._inProgressUpload(upload): data = zk.ImageUpload() data.state = zk.DELETING self._zk.storeImageUpload(upload.image_name, upload.build_id, upload.provider_name, data, upload.id) deleted = True if upload.state == zk.DELETING or deleted: manager = self._config.provider_managers[upload.provider_name] try: # It is possible we got this far, but don't actually have an # external_name. This could mean that zookeeper and cloud # provider are some how out of sync. if upload.external_name: base = "-".join([upload.image_name, upload.build_id]) self.log.info("Deleting image build %s from %s" % (base, upload.provider_name)) manager.deleteImage(upload.external_name) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Unable to delete image %s from %s:", upload.external_name, upload.provider_name) else: self.log.debug("Deleting image upload: %s", upload) self._zk.deleteUpload(upload.image_name, upload.build_id, upload.provider_name, upload.id) def _inProgressBuild(self, build, image): ''' Determine if a DIB build is in progress. ''' if build.state != zk.BUILDING: return False try: with self._zk.imageBuildLock(image, blocking=False): # An additional state check is needed to make sure it hasn't # changed on us. If it has, then let's pretend a build is # still in progress so that it is checked again later with # its new build state. b = self._zk.getBuild(image, build.id) if b.state != zk.BUILDING: return True pass except exceptions.ZKLockException: return True return False def _cleanup(self): ''' Clean up builds on disk and in providers. ''' known_providers = self._config.providers.values() image_names = self._zk.getImageNames() self._buildUploadRecencyTable() for image in image_names: try: self._cleanupImage(known_providers, image) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception cleaning up image %s:", image) def _filterLocalBuilds(self, image, builds): '''Return the subset of builds that are local''' ret = [] for build in builds: base = "-".join([image, build.id]) files = DibImageFile.from_image_id(self._config.imagesdir, base) if files: ret.append(build) return ret def _cleanupCurrentProviderUploads(self, provider, image, build_id): ''' Remove cruft from a current build. Current builds (the ones we want to keep) are treated special since we want to remove any ZK nodes for uploads that failed exceptionally hard (i.e., we could not set the state to FAILED and they remain as UPLOADING), and we also want to remove any uploads that have been marked for deleting. ''' cruft = self._zk.getUploads(image, build_id, provider, states=[zk.UPLOADING, zk.DELETING, zk.FAILED]) for upload in cruft: if (upload.state == zk.UPLOADING and not self._inProgressUpload(upload) ): # Since we cache the uploads above, we need to verify the # state hasn't changed on us (e.g., it could have gone from # an in progress upload to a successfully completed upload # between the getUploads() and the _inProgressUpload() check. u = self._zk.getImageUpload(image, build_id, provider, upload.id) if upload.state != u.state: continue self.log.debug("Removing failed upload record: %s" % upload) self._zk.deleteUpload(image, build_id, provider, upload.id) elif upload.state == zk.DELETING: self.log.debug( "Removing deleted upload and record: %s" % upload) self._deleteUpload(upload) elif upload.state == zk.FAILED: self.log.debug( "Removing failed upload and record: %s" % upload) self._deleteUpload(upload) def _cleanupImage(self, known_providers, image): ''' Clean up one image. ''' # Get the list of all builds, then work from that so that we # have a consistent view of the data. all_builds = self._zk.getBuilds(image) builds_to_keep = set([b for b in sorted(all_builds, reverse=True, key=lambda y: y.state_time) if b.state == zk.READY][:2]) local_builds = set(self._filterLocalBuilds(image, all_builds)) diskimage = self._config.diskimages.get(image) if not diskimage and not local_builds: # This builder is and was not responsible for this image, # so ignore it. return # Remove any local builds that are not in use. if not diskimage or (diskimage and not diskimage.image_types): builds_to_keep -= local_builds # TODO(jeblair): When all builds for an image which is not # in use are deleted, the image znode should be deleted as # well. for build in all_builds: # Start by deleting any uploads that are no longer needed # because this image has been removed from a provider # (since this should be done regardless of the build # state). for provider in known_providers: if not provider.driver.manage_images: # This provider doesn't manage images continue try: self._cleanupObsoleteProviderUploads(provider, image, build.id) if build in builds_to_keep: self._cleanupCurrentProviderUploads(provider.name, image, build.id) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception cleaning up uploads " "of build %s of image %s in " "provider %s:", build, image, provider) # If the build is in the delete state, we will try to # delete the entire thing regardless. if build.state != zk.DELETING: # If it is in any other state, we will only delete it # if it is older than the most recent two ready # builds, or is in the building state but not actually # building. if build in builds_to_keep: continue elif self._inProgressBuild(build, image): continue for provider in known_providers: if not provider.driver.manage_images: # This provider doesn't manage images continue try: self._cleanupProvider(provider, image, build.id) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception cleaning up build %s " "of image %s in provider %s:", build, image, provider) uploads_exist = False for p in self._zk.getBuildProviders(image, build.id): if self._zk.getImageUploadNumbers(image, build.id, p): uploads_exist = True break if not uploads_exist: if build.state != zk.DELETING: with self._zk.imageBuildNumberLock( image, build.id, blocking=False ): build.state = zk.DELETING self._zk.storeBuild(image, build, build.id) # Release the lock here so we can delete the build znode if self._deleteLocalBuild(image, build): if not self._zk.deleteBuild(image, build.id): self.log.error("Unable to delete build %s because" " uploads still remain.", build) def run(self): ''' Start point for the CleanupWorker thread. ''' self._running = True while self._running: # Don't do work if we've lost communication with the ZK cluster did_suspend = False while self._zk and (self._zk.suspended or self._zk.lost): did_suspend = True self.log.info("ZooKeeper suspended. Waiting") time.sleep(SUSPEND_WAIT_TIME) if did_suspend: self.log.info("ZooKeeper available. Resuming") try: self._run() except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception in CleanupWorker:") time.sleep(10) self._stop_event.wait(self._interval) provider_manager.ProviderManager.stopProviders(self._config) def _run(self): ''' Body of run method for exception handling purposes. ''' new_config = nodepool_config.loadConfig(self._config_path) if self._secure_path: nodepool_config.loadSecureConfig(new_config, self._secure_path) if not self._config: self._config = new_config self._checkForZooKeeperChanges(new_config) provider_manager.ProviderManager.reconfigure(self._config, new_config, use_taskmanager=False) self._config = new_config self._cleanup() class BuildWorker(BaseWorker): def __init__(self, name, builder_id, config_path, secure_path, interval, zk, dib_cmd): super(BuildWorker, self).__init__(builder_id, config_path, secure_path, interval, zk) self.log = logging.getLogger("nodepool.builder.BuildWorker.%s" % name) self.name = 'BuildWorker.%s' % name self.dib_cmd = dib_cmd def _getBuildLogRoot(self, name): log_dir = self._config.build_log_dir if not log_dir: log_dir = '/var/log/nodepool/builds' if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) return log_dir def _pruneBuildLogs(self, name): log_dir = self._getBuildLogRoot(name) keep = max(self._config.build_log_retention, 1) existing = sorted(os.listdir(log_dir)) existing = [f for f in existing if f.startswith(name)] delete = existing[:0 - keep] for f in delete: fp = os.path.join(log_dir, f) self.log.info("Deleting old build log %s" % (fp,)) os.unlink(fp) def _getBuildLog(self, name, build_id): log_dir = self._getBuildLogRoot(name) return os.path.join(log_dir, '%s-%s.log' % (name, build_id)) def _checkForScheduledImageUpdates(self): ''' Check every DIB image to see if it has aged out and needs rebuilt. ''' for diskimage in self._config.diskimages.values(): # Check if we've been told to shutdown # or if ZK connection is suspended if not self._running or self._zk.suspended or self._zk.lost: return try: self._checkImageForScheduledImageUpdates(diskimage) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception checking for scheduled " "update of diskimage %s", diskimage.name) def _checkImageForScheduledImageUpdates(self, diskimage): ''' Check one DIB image to see if it needs to be rebuilt. .. note:: It's important to lock the image build before we check the state time and then build to eliminate any race condition. ''' # Check if diskimage builds are paused. if diskimage.pause: return if not diskimage.image_types: # We don't know what formats to build. return now = int(time.time()) builds = self._zk.getMostRecentBuilds(1, diskimage.name, zk.READY) # If there is no build for this image, or it has aged out # or if the current build is missing an image type from # the config file, start a new build. if (not builds or (now - builds[0].state_time) >= diskimage.rebuild_age or not set(builds[0].formats).issuperset(diskimage.image_types) ): try: with self._zk.imageBuildLock(diskimage.name, blocking=False): # To avoid locking each image repeatedly, we have an # second, redundant check here to verify that a new # build didn't appear between the first check and the # lock acquisition. If it's not the same build as # identified in the first check above, assume another # BuildWorker created the build for us and continue. builds2 = self._zk.getMostRecentBuilds( 1, diskimage.name, zk.READY) if builds2 and builds[0].id != builds2[0].id: return self.log.info("Building image %s" % diskimage.name) data = zk.ImageBuild() data.state = zk.BUILDING data.builder_id = self._builder_id data.builder = self._hostname data.formats = list(diskimage.image_types) bnum = self._zk.storeBuild(diskimage.name, data) data = self._buildImage(bnum, diskimage) self._zk.storeBuild(diskimage.name, data, bnum) except exceptions.ZKLockException: # Lock is already held. Skip it. pass def _checkForManualBuildRequest(self): ''' Query ZooKeeper for any manual image build requests. ''' for diskimage in self._config.diskimages.values(): # Check if we've been told to shutdown # or if ZK connection is suspended if not self._running or self._zk.suspended or self._zk.lost: return try: self._checkImageForManualBuildRequest(diskimage) except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception checking for manual " "update of diskimage %s", diskimage) def _checkImageForManualBuildRequest(self, diskimage): ''' Query ZooKeeper for a manual image build request for one image. ''' # Check if diskimage builds are paused. if diskimage.pause: return # Reduce use of locks by adding an initial check here and # a redundant check after lock acquisition. if not self._zk.hasBuildRequest(diskimage.name): return try: with self._zk.imageBuildLock(diskimage.name, blocking=False): # Redundant check if not self._zk.hasBuildRequest(diskimage.name): return self.log.info( "Manual build request for image %s" % diskimage.name) data = zk.ImageBuild() data.state = zk.BUILDING data.builder_id = self._builder_id data.builder = self._hostname data.formats = list(diskimage.image_types) bnum = self._zk.storeBuild(diskimage.name, data) data = self._buildImage(bnum, diskimage) self._zk.storeBuild(diskimage.name, data, bnum) # Remove request on a successful build if data.state == zk.READY: self._zk.removeBuildRequest(diskimage.name) except exceptions.ZKLockException: # Lock is already held. Skip it. pass def _buildImage(self, build_id, diskimage): ''' Run the external command to build the diskimage. :param str build_id: The ID for the build (used in image filename). :param diskimage: The diskimage as retrieved from our config file. :returns: An ImageBuild object of build-related data. :raises: BuilderError if we failed to execute the build command. ''' base = "-".join([diskimage.name, build_id]) image_file = DibImageFile(base) filename = image_file.to_path(self._config.imagesdir, False) env = os.environ.copy() env['DIB_RELEASE'] = diskimage.release env['DIB_IMAGE_NAME'] = diskimage.name env['DIB_IMAGE_FILENAME'] = filename # Note we use a reference to the nodepool config here so # that whenever the config is updated we get up to date # values in this thread. if self._config.elementsdir: env['ELEMENTS_PATH'] = self._config.elementsdir # send additional env vars if needed for k, v in diskimage.env_vars.items(): env[k] = v img_elements = diskimage.elements img_types = ",".join(diskimage.image_types) qemu_img_options = '' if 'qcow2' in img_types: qemu_img_options = DEFAULT_QEMU_IMAGE_COMPAT_OPTIONS cmd = ('%s -x -t %s --checksum --no-tmpfs %s -o %s %s' % (self.dib_cmd, img_types, qemu_img_options, filename, img_elements)) self._pruneBuildLogs(diskimage.name) log_fn = self._getBuildLog(diskimage.name, build_id) self.log.info('Running %s' % (cmd,)) self.log.info('Logging to %s' % (log_fn,)) try: p = subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(cmd), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env) except OSError as e: raise exceptions.BuilderError( "Failed to exec '%s'. Error: '%s'" % (cmd, e.strerror) ) with open(log_fn, 'wb') as log: while True: ln = p.stdout.readline() log.write(ln) log.flush() if not ln: break rc = p.wait() m = "Exit code: %s\n" % rc log.write(m.encode('utf8')) # It's possible the connection to the ZK cluster could have been # interrupted during the build. If so, wait for it to return. # It could transition directly from SUSPENDED to CONNECTED, or go # through the LOST state before CONNECTED. did_suspend = False while self._zk.suspended or self._zk.lost: did_suspend = True self.log.info("ZooKeeper suspended during build. Waiting") time.sleep(SUSPEND_WAIT_TIME) if did_suspend: self.log.info("ZooKeeper available. Resuming") build_data = zk.ImageBuild() build_data.builder_id = self._builder_id build_data.builder = self._hostname build_data.username = diskimage.username if self._zk.didLoseConnection: self.log.info("ZooKeeper lost while building %s" % diskimage.name) self._zk.resetLostFlag() build_data.state = zk.FAILED elif p.returncode: self.log.info( "DIB failed creating %s (%s)" % (diskimage.name, p.returncode)) build_data.state = zk.FAILED else: self.log.info("DIB image %s is built" % diskimage.name) build_data.state = zk.READY build_data.formats = list(diskimage.image_types) if self._statsd: # record stats on the size of each image we create for ext in img_types.split(','): key = 'nodepool.dib_image_build.%s.%s.size' % ( diskimage.name, ext) # A bit tricky because these image files may be sparse # files; we only want the true size of the file for # purposes of watching if we've added too much stuff # into the image. Note that st_blocks is defined as # 512-byte blocks by stat(2) size = os.stat("%s.%s" % (filename, ext)).st_blocks * 512 self.log.debug("%s created image %s.%s (size: %d) " % (diskimage.name, filename, ext, size)) self._statsd.gauge(key, size) return build_data def run(self): ''' Start point for the BuildWorker thread. ''' self._running = True while self._running: # Don't do work if we've lost communication with the ZK cluster did_suspend = False while self._zk and (self._zk.suspended or self._zk.lost): did_suspend = True self.log.info("ZooKeeper suspended. Waiting") time.sleep(SUSPEND_WAIT_TIME) if did_suspend: self.log.info("ZooKeeper available. Resuming") try: self._run() except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception in BuildWorker:") time.sleep(10) self._stop_event.wait(self._interval) def _run(self): ''' Body of run method for exception handling purposes. ''' # NOTE: For the first iteration, we expect self._config to be None new_config = nodepool_config.loadConfig(self._config_path) if self._secure_path: nodepool_config.loadSecureConfig(new_config, self._secure_path) if not self._config: self._config = new_config self._checkForZooKeeperChanges(new_config) self._config = new_config self._checkForScheduledImageUpdates() self._checkForManualBuildRequest() class UploadWorker(BaseWorker): def __init__(self, name, builder_id, config_path, secure_path, interval, zk): super(UploadWorker, self).__init__(builder_id, config_path, secure_path, interval, zk) self.log = logging.getLogger("nodepool.builder.UploadWorker.%s" % name) self.name = 'UploadWorker.%s' % name def _reloadConfig(self): ''' Reload the nodepool configuration file. ''' new_config = nodepool_config.loadConfig(self._config_path) if self._secure_path: nodepool_config.loadSecureConfig(new_config, self._secure_path) if not self._config: self._config = new_config self._checkForZooKeeperChanges(new_config) provider_manager.ProviderManager.reconfigure(self._config, new_config, use_taskmanager=False) self._config = new_config def _uploadImage(self, build_id, upload_id, image_name, images, provider, username): ''' Upload a local DIB image build to a provider. :param str build_id: Unique ID of the image build to upload. :param str upload_id: Unique ID of the upload. :param str image_name: Name of the diskimage. :param list images: A list of DibImageFile objects from this build that available for uploading. :param provider: The provider from the parsed config file. :param username: ''' start_time = time.time() timestamp = int(start_time) image = None for i in images: if provider.image_type == i.extension: image = i break if not image: raise exceptions.BuilderInvalidCommandError( "Unable to find image file of type %s for id %s to upload" % (provider.image_type, build_id) ) self.log.debug("Found image file of type %s for image id: %s" % (image.extension, image.image_id)) filename = image.to_path(self._config.imagesdir, with_extension=True) ext_image_name = provider.image_name_format.format( image_name=image_name, timestamp=str(timestamp) ) self.log.info("Uploading DIB image build %s from %s to %s" % (build_id, filename, provider.name)) manager = self._config.provider_managers[provider.name] provider_image = provider.diskimages.get(image_name) if provider_image is None: raise exceptions.BuilderInvalidCommandError( "Could not find matching provider image for %s" % image_name ) meta = provider_image.meta.copy() meta['nodepool_build_id'] = build_id meta['nodepool_upload_id'] = upload_id try: external_id = manager.uploadImage( ext_image_name, filename, image_type=image.extension, meta=meta, md5=image.md5, sha256=image.sha256, ) except Exception: self.log.exception("Failed to upload image %s to provider %s" % (image_name, provider.name)) data = zk.ImageUpload() data.state = zk.FAILED return data if self._statsd: dt = int((time.time() - start_time) * 1000) key = 'nodepool.image_update.%s.%s' % (image_name, provider.name) self._statsd.timing(key, dt) self._statsd.incr(key) base = "-".join([image_name, build_id]) self.log.info("Image build %s in %s is ready" % (base, provider.name)) data = zk.ImageUpload() data.state = zk.READY data.external_id = external_id data.external_name = ext_image_name data.format = image.extension data.username = username return data def _checkForProviderUploads(self): ''' Check for any image builds that need to be uploaded to providers. If we find any builds in the 'ready' state that haven't been uploaded to providers, do the upload if they are available on the local disk. ''' for provider in self._config.providers.values(): if not provider.driver.manage_images: continue for image in provider.diskimages.values(): uploaded = False # Check if we've been told to shutdown # or if ZK connection is suspended if not self._running or self._zk.suspended or self._zk.lost: return try: uploaded = self._checkProviderImageUpload(provider, image) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error uploading image %s " "to provider %s:", image.name, provider.name) # NOTE: Due to the configuration file disagreement issue # (the copy we have may not be current), if we took the time # to attempt to upload an image, let's short-circuit this loop # to give us a chance to reload the configuration file. if uploaded: return def _checkProviderImageUpload(self, provider, image): ''' The main body of _checkForProviderUploads. This encapsulates checking whether an image for a provider should be uploaded and performing the upload. It is a separate function so that exception handling can treat all provider-image uploads indepedently. :returns: True if an upload was attempted, False otherwise. ''' # Check if image uploads are paused. if provider.diskimages.get(image.name).pause: return False # Search for the most recent 'ready' image build builds = self._zk.getMostRecentBuilds(1, image.name, zk.READY) if not builds: return False build = builds[0] # Search for locally built images. The image name and build # sequence ID is used to name the image. local_images = DibImageFile.from_image_id( self._config.imagesdir, "-".join([image.name, build.id])) if not local_images: return False # See if this image has already been uploaded upload = self._zk.getMostRecentBuildImageUploads( 1, image.name, build.id, provider.name, zk.READY) if upload: return False # See if this provider supports the available image formats if provider.image_type not in build.formats: return False try: with self._zk.imageUploadLock( image.name, build.id, provider.name, blocking=False ): # Verify once more that it hasn't been uploaded since the # last check. upload = self._zk.getMostRecentBuildImageUploads( 1, image.name, build.id, provider.name, zk.READY) if upload: return False # NOTE: Due to the configuration file disagreement issue # (the copy we have may not be current), we try to verify # that another thread isn't trying to delete this build just # before we upload. b = self._zk.getBuild(image.name, build.id) if b.state == zk.DELETING: return False # New upload number with initial state 'uploading' data = zk.ImageUpload() data.state = zk.UPLOADING data.username = build.username upnum = self._zk.storeImageUpload( image.name, build.id, provider.name, data) data = self._uploadImage(build.id, upnum, image.name, local_images, provider, build.username) # Set final state self._zk.storeImageUpload(image.name, build.id, provider.name, data, upnum) return True except exceptions.ZKLockException: # Lock is already held. Skip it. return False def run(self): ''' Start point for the UploadWorker thread. ''' self._running = True while self._running: # Don't do work if we've lost communication with the ZK cluster did_suspend = False while self._zk and (self._zk.suspended or self._zk.lost): did_suspend = True self.log.info("ZooKeeper suspended. Waiting") time.sleep(SUSPEND_WAIT_TIME) if did_suspend: self.log.info("ZooKeeper available. Resuming") try: self._reloadConfig() self._checkForProviderUploads() except Exception: self.log.exception("Exception in UploadWorker:") time.sleep(10) self._stop_event.wait(self._interval) provider_manager.ProviderManager.stopProviders(self._config) class NodePoolBuilder(object): ''' Main class for the Nodepool Builder. The builder has the responsibility to: * Start and maintain the working state of each worker thread. ''' log = logging.getLogger("nodepool.builder.NodePoolBuilder") def __init__(self, config_path, secure_path=None, num_builders=1, num_uploaders=4, fake=False): ''' Initialize the NodePoolBuilder object. :param str config_path: Path to configuration file. :param str secure_path: Path to secure configuration file. :param int num_builders: Number of build workers to start. :param int num_uploaders: Number of upload workers to start. :param bool fake: Whether to fake the image builds. ''' self._config_path = config_path self._secure_path = secure_path self._config = None self._num_builders = num_builders self._build_workers = [] self._num_uploaders = num_uploaders self._upload_workers = [] self._janitor = None self._running = False self.cleanup_interval = 60 self.build_interval = 10 self.upload_interval = 10 if fake: self.dib_cmd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'nodepool/tests/fake-image-create') else: self.dib_cmd = 'disk-image-create' self.zk = None # This lock is needed because the run() method is started in a # separate thread of control, which can return before the scheduler # has completed startup. We need to avoid shutting down before the # startup process has completed. self._start_lock = threading.Lock() # ====================================================================== # Private methods # ====================================================================== def _getBuilderID(self, id_file): if not os.path.exists(id_file): with open(id_file, "w") as f: builder_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) f.write(builder_id) return builder_id with open(id_file, "r") as f: builder_id = f.read() return builder_id def _getAndValidateConfig(self): config = nodepool_config.loadConfig(self._config_path) if self._secure_path: nodepool_config.loadSecureConfig(config, self._secure_path) if not config.zookeeper_servers.values(): raise RuntimeError('No ZooKeeper servers specified in config.') if not config.imagesdir: raise RuntimeError('No images-dir specified in config.') return config # ====================================================================== # Public methods # ====================================================================== def start(self): ''' Start the builder. The builder functionality is encapsulated within threads run by the NodePoolBuilder. This starts the needed sub-threads which will run forever until we tell them to stop. ''' with self._start_lock: if self._running: raise exceptions.BuilderError('Cannot start, already running.') self._config = self._getAndValidateConfig() self._running = True builder_id_file = os.path.join(self._config.imagesdir, "builder_id.txt") builder_id = self._getBuilderID(builder_id_file) # All worker threads share a single ZooKeeper instance/connection. self.zk = zk.ZooKeeper() self.zk.connect(list(self._config.zookeeper_servers.values())) self.log.debug('Starting listener for build jobs') # Create build and upload worker objects for i in range(self._num_builders): w = BuildWorker(i, builder_id, self._config_path, self._secure_path, self.build_interval, self.zk, self.dib_cmd) w.start() self._build_workers.append(w) for i in range(self._num_uploaders): w = UploadWorker(i, builder_id, self._config_path, self._secure_path, self.upload_interval, self.zk) w.start() self._upload_workers.append(w) if self.cleanup_interval > 0: self._janitor = CleanupWorker( 0, builder_id, self._config_path, self._secure_path, self.cleanup_interval, self.zk) self._janitor.start() # Wait until all threads are running. Otherwise, we have a race # on the worker _running attribute if shutdown() is called before # run() actually begins. workers = self._build_workers + self._upload_workers if self._janitor: workers += [self._janitor] while not all([ x.running for x in (workers)]): time.sleep(0) def stop(self): ''' Stop the builder. Signal the sub threads to begin the shutdown process. We don't want this method to return until the scheduler has successfully stopped all of its own threads. ''' with self._start_lock: self.log.debug("Stopping. NodePoolBuilder shutting down workers") # Note we do not add the upload workers to this list intentionally. # The reason for this is that uploads can take many hours and there # is no good way to stop the blocking writes performed by the # uploads in order to join() below on a reasonable amount of time. # Killing the process will stop the upload then both the record # in zk and in the cloud will be deleted by any other running # builders or when this builder starts again. workers = self._build_workers if self._janitor: workers += [self._janitor] for worker in (workers): worker.shutdown() self._running = False self.log.debug('Waiting for jobs to complete') # Do not exit until all of our owned threads exit. for worker in (workers): worker.join() self.log.debug('Terminating ZooKeeper connection') self.zk.disconnect() self.log.debug('Stopping providers') provider_manager.ProviderManager.stopProviders(self._config) self.log.debug('Finished stopping')