#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2011-2013 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import math import time import yaml from nodepool import zk from nodepool.driver import ConfigValue from nodepool.driver import Drivers class Config(ConfigValue): ''' Class representing the nodepool configuration. This class implements methods to read each of the top-level configuration items found in the YAML config file, and set attributes accordingly. ''' def __init__(self): self.diskimages = {} self.labels = {} self.providers = {} self.provider_managers = {} self.zookeeper_servers = {} self.elementsdir = None self.imagesdir = None self.build_log_dir = None self.build_log_retention = None self.max_hold_age = None self.webapp = None def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Config): return (self.diskimages == other.diskimages and self.labels == other.labels and self.providers == other.providers and self.provider_managers == other.provider_managers and self.zookeeper_servers == other.zookeeper_servers and self.elementsdir == other.elementsdir and self.imagesdir == other.imagesdir and self.build_log_dir == other.build_log_dir and self.build_log_retention == other.build_log_retention and self.max_hold_age == other.max_hold_age and self.webapp == other.webapp) return False def setElementsDir(self, value): self.elementsdir = value def setImagesDir(self, value): self.imagesdir = value def setBuildLog(self, directory, retention): if retention is None: retention = 7 self.build_log_dir = directory self.build_log_retention = retention def setMaxHoldAge(self, value): if value is None or value <= 0: value = math.inf self.max_hold_age = value def setWebApp(self, webapp_cfg): if webapp_cfg is None: webapp_cfg = {} self.webapp = { 'port': webapp_cfg.get('port', 8005), 'listen_address': webapp_cfg.get('listen_address', '') } def setZooKeeperServers(self, zk_cfg): if not zk_cfg: return for server in zk_cfg: z = zk.ZooKeeperConnectionConfig(server['host'], server.get('port', 2181), server.get('chroot', None)) name = z.host + '_' + str(z.port) self.zookeeper_servers[name] = z def setDiskImages(self, diskimages_cfg): if not diskimages_cfg: return for diskimage in diskimages_cfg: d = DiskImage() d.name = diskimage['name'] if 'elements' in diskimage: d.elements = u' '.join(diskimage['elements']) else: d.elements = '' # must be a string, as it's passed as env-var to # d-i-b, but might be untyped in the yaml and # interpreted as a number (e.g. "21" for fedora) d.release = str(diskimage.get('release', '')) d.rebuild_age = int(diskimage.get('rebuild-age', 86400)) d.env_vars = diskimage.get('env-vars', {}) if not isinstance(d.env_vars, dict): d.env_vars = {} d.image_types = set(diskimage.get('formats', [])) d.pause = bool(diskimage.get('pause', False)) d.username = diskimage.get('username', 'zuul') d.build_timeout = diskimage.get('build-timeout', (8 * 60 * 60)) self.diskimages[d.name] = d def setSecureDiskimageEnv(self, diskimages, secure_config_path): for diskimage in diskimages: if diskimage['name'] not in self.diskimages: raise Exception('%s: unknown diskimage %s' % (secure_config_path, diskimage['name'])) self.diskimages[diskimage['name']].env_vars.update( diskimage['env-vars']) def setLabels(self, labels_cfg): if not labels_cfg: return for label in labels_cfg: l = Label() l.name = label['name'] l.max_ready_age = label.get('max-ready-age', 0) l.min_ready = label.get('min-ready', 0) l.pools = [] self.labels[l.name] = l def setProviders(self, providers_cfg): if not providers_cfg: return for provider in providers_cfg: p = get_provider_config(provider) p.load(self) self.providers[p.name] = p class Label(ConfigValue): def __init__(self): self.name = None self.max_ready_age = None self.min_ready = None self.pools = None def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Label): return (self.name == other.name and self.max_ready_age == other.max_ready_age and self.min_ready == other.min_ready and self.pools == other.pools) return False def __repr__(self): return "