# Copyright (C) 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright (C) 2014 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """Common utilities used in testing""" import glob import itertools import logging import os import random import select import string import socket import subprocess import threading import tempfile import time import fixtures import kazoo.client import testtools from nodepool import builder from nodepool import launcher from nodepool import webapp from nodepool import zk from nodepool.cmd.config_validator import ConfigValidator TRUE_VALUES = ('true', '1', 'yes') class LoggingPopen(subprocess.Popen): pass class ZookeeperServerFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def _setUp(self): zk_host = os.environ.get('NODEPOOL_ZK_HOST', 'localhost') if ':' in zk_host: host, port = zk_host.split(':') else: host = zk_host port = None self.zookeeper_host = host if not port: self.zookeeper_port = 2181 else: self.zookeeper_port = int(port) class ChrootedKazooFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def __init__(self, zookeeper_host, zookeeper_port): super(ChrootedKazooFixture, self).__init__() self.zookeeper_host = zookeeper_host self.zookeeper_port = zookeeper_port def _setUp(self): # Make sure the test chroot paths do not conflict random_bits = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase) for x in range(8)) rand_test_path = '%s_%s' % (random_bits, os.getpid()) self.zookeeper_chroot = "/nodepool_test/%s" % rand_test_path # Ensure the chroot path exists and clean up any pre-existing znodes. _tmp_client = kazoo.client.KazooClient( hosts='%s:%s' % (self.zookeeper_host, self.zookeeper_port)) _tmp_client.start() if _tmp_client.exists(self.zookeeper_chroot): _tmp_client.delete(self.zookeeper_chroot, recursive=True) _tmp_client.ensure_path(self.zookeeper_chroot) _tmp_client.stop() _tmp_client.close() self.addCleanup(self._cleanup) def _cleanup(self): '''Remove the chroot path.''' # Need a non-chroot'ed client to remove the chroot path _tmp_client = kazoo.client.KazooClient( hosts='%s:%s' % (self.zookeeper_host, self.zookeeper_port)) _tmp_client.start() _tmp_client.delete(self.zookeeper_chroot, recursive=True) _tmp_client.stop() _tmp_client.close() class StatsdFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def _setUp(self): self.running = True self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run) self.thread.daemon = True self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind(('', 0)) self.port = self.sock.getsockname()[1] self.wake_read, self.wake_write = os.pipe() self.stats = [] self.thread.start() self.addCleanup(self._cleanup) def run(self): while self.running: poll = select.poll() poll.register(self.sock, select.POLLIN) poll.register(self.wake_read, select.POLLIN) ret = poll.poll() for (fd, event) in ret: if fd == self.sock.fileno(): data = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) if not data: return self.stats.append(data[0]) if fd == self.wake_read: return def _cleanup(self): self.running = False os.write(self.wake_write, b'1\n') self.thread.join() class BaseTestCase(testtools.TestCase): def setUp(self): super(BaseTestCase, self).setUp() test_timeout = os.environ.get('OS_TEST_TIMEOUT', 60) try: test_timeout = int(test_timeout) except ValueError: # If timeout value is invalid, fail hard. print("OS_TEST_TIMEOUT set to invalid value" " defaulting to no timeout") test_timeout = 0 if test_timeout > 0: self.useFixture(fixtures.Timeout(test_timeout, gentle=True)) if os.environ.get('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE') in TRUE_VALUES: stdout = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream('stdout')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stdout', stdout)) if os.environ.get('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE') in TRUE_VALUES: stderr = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream('stderr')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stderr', stderr)) if os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE') in TRUE_VALUES: fs = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s [%(name)s] %(message)s' self.useFixture(fixtures.FakeLogger(level=logging.DEBUG, format=fs)) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) l = logging.getLogger('kazoo') l.setLevel(logging.INFO) l.propagate = False l = logging.getLogger('stevedore') l.setLevel(logging.INFO) l.propagate = False self.useFixture(fixtures.NestedTempfile()) self.subprocesses = [] def LoggingPopenFactory(*args, **kw): p = LoggingPopen(*args, **kw) self.subprocesses.append(p) return p self.statsd = StatsdFixture() self.useFixture(self.statsd) # note, use rather than localhost to avoid getting ipv6 # see: https://github.com/jsocol/pystatsd/issues/61 os.environ['STATSD_HOST'] = '' os.environ['STATSD_PORT'] = str(self.statsd.port) self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('subprocess.Popen', LoggingPopenFactory)) self.setUpFakes() def setUpFakes(self): clouds_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', 'clouds.yaml') self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch( 'openstack.config.loader.CONFIG_FILES', [clouds_path])) def wait_for_threads(self): # Wait until all transient threads (node launches, deletions, # etc.) are all complete. Whitelist any long-running threads. whitelist = ['MainThread', 'NodePool', 'NodePool Builder', 'fake-provider', 'fake-provider1', 'fake-provider2', 'fake-provider3', 'CleanupWorker', 'DeletedNodeWorker', 'StatsWorker', 'pydevd.CommandThread', 'pydevd.Reader', 'pydevd.Writer', ] while True: done = True for t in threading.enumerate(): if t.name.startswith("Thread-"): # Kazoo continue if t.name.startswith("worker "): # paste web server continue if t.name.startswith("UploadWorker"): continue if t.name.startswith("BuildWorker"): continue if t.name.startswith("CleanupWorker"): continue if t.name.startswith("PoolWorker"): continue if t.name not in whitelist: done = False if done: return time.sleep(0.1) def assertReportedStat(self, key, value=None, kind=None): """Check statsd output Check statsd return values. A ``value`` should specify a ``kind``, however a ``kind`` may be specified without a ``value`` for a generic match. Leave both empy to just check for key presence. :arg str key: The statsd key :arg str value: The expected value of the metric ``key`` :arg str kind: The expected type of the metric ``key`` For example - ``c`` counter - ``g`` gauge - ``ms`` timing - ``s`` set """ if value: self.assertNotEqual(kind, None) start = time.time() while time.time() < (start + 5): # Note our fake statsd just queues up results in a queue. # We just keep going through them until we find one that # matches, or fail out. If statsd pipelines are used, # large single packets are sent with stats separated by # newlines; thus we first flatten the stats out into # single entries. stats = itertools.chain.from_iterable( [s.decode('utf-8').split('\n') for s in self.statsd.stats]) for stat in stats: k, v = stat.split(':') if key == k: if kind is None: # key with no qualifiers is found return True s_value, s_kind = v.split('|') # if no kind match, look for other keys if kind != s_kind: continue if value: # special-case value|ms because statsd can turn # timing results into float of indeterminate # length, hence foiling string matching. if kind == 'ms': if float(value) == float(s_value): return True if value == s_value: return True # otherwise keep looking for other matches continue # this key matches return True time.sleep(0.1) raise Exception("Key %s not found in reported stats" % key) class BuilderFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def __init__(self, configfile, cleanup_interval, securefile=None): super(BuilderFixture, self).__init__() self.configfile = configfile self.securefile = securefile self.cleanup_interval = cleanup_interval self.builder = None def setUp(self): super(BuilderFixture, self).setUp() self.builder = builder.NodePoolBuilder( self.configfile, secure_path=self.securefile) self.builder.cleanup_interval = self.cleanup_interval self.builder.build_interval = .1 self.builder.upload_interval = .1 self.builder.dib_cmd = 'nodepool/tests/fake-image-create' self.builder.start() self.addCleanup(self.cleanup) def cleanup(self): self.builder.stop() class DBTestCase(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(DBTestCase, self).setUp() self.log = logging.getLogger("tests") self.setupZK() def setup_config(self, filename, images_dir=None, context_name=None): if images_dir is None: images_dir = fixtures.TempDir() self.useFixture(images_dir) build_log_dir = fixtures.TempDir() self.useFixture(build_log_dir) configfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', filename) (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(configfile, 'rb') as conf_fd: config = conf_fd.read().decode('utf8') data = config.format(images_dir=images_dir.path, build_log_dir=build_log_dir.path, context_name=context_name, zookeeper_host=self.zookeeper_host, zookeeper_port=self.zookeeper_port, zookeeper_chroot=self.zookeeper_chroot) os.write(fd, data.encode('utf8')) os.close(fd) self._config_images_dir = images_dir self._config_build_log_dir = build_log_dir validator = ConfigValidator(path) validator.validate() return path def replace_config(self, configfile, filename): self.log.debug("Replacing config with %s", filename) new_configfile = self.setup_config(filename, self._config_images_dir) os.rename(new_configfile, configfile) def setup_secure(self, filename): # replace entries in secure.conf configfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures', filename) (fd, path) = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(configfile, 'rb') as conf_fd: config = conf_fd.read().decode('utf8') data = config.format( zookeeper_host=self.zookeeper_host, zookeeper_port=self.zookeeper_port, zookeeper_chroot=self.zookeeper_chroot) os.write(fd, data.encode('utf8')) os.close(fd) return path def wait_for_config(self, pool): for x in range(300): if pool.config is not None: return time.sleep(0.1) def waitForImage(self, provider_name, image_name, ignore_list=None): while True: self.wait_for_threads() image = self.zk.getMostRecentImageUpload(image_name, provider_name) if image: if ignore_list and image not in ignore_list: break elif not ignore_list: break time.sleep(1) self.wait_for_threads() return image def waitForUploadRecordDeletion(self, provider_name, image_name, build_id, upload_id): while True: self.wait_for_threads() uploads = self.zk.getUploads(image_name, build_id, provider_name) if not uploads or upload_id not in [u.id for u in uploads]: break time.sleep(1) self.wait_for_threads() def waitForImageDeletion(self, provider_name, image_name, match=None): while True: self.wait_for_threads() image = self.zk.getMostRecentImageUpload(image_name, provider_name) if not image or (match and image != match): break time.sleep(1) self.wait_for_threads() def waitForBuild(self, image_name, build_id, states=None): if states is None: states = (zk.READY,) base = "-".join([image_name, build_id]) while True: self.wait_for_threads() build = self.zk.getBuild(image_name, build_id) if build and build.state in states: break time.sleep(1) # We should only expect a dib manifest with a successful build. while build.state == zk.READY: self.wait_for_threads() files = builder.DibImageFile.from_image_id( self._config_images_dir.path, base) if files: break time.sleep(1) self.wait_for_threads() return build def waitForBuildDeletion(self, image_name, build_id): base = "-".join([image_name, build_id]) while True: self.wait_for_threads() files = builder.DibImageFile.from_image_id( self._config_images_dir.path, base) if not files: break time.sleep(1) while True: self.wait_for_threads() # Now, check the disk to ensure we didn't leak any files. matches = glob.glob('%s/%s.*' % (self._config_images_dir.path, base)) if not matches: break time.sleep(1) while True: self.wait_for_threads() build = self.zk.getBuild(image_name, build_id) if not build: break time.sleep(1) self.wait_for_threads() def waitForNodeDeletion(self, node): while True: exists = False for n in self.zk.nodeIterator(): if node.id == n.id: exists = True break if not exists: break time.sleep(1) def waitForInstanceDeletion(self, manager, instance_id): while True: servers = manager.listNodes() if not (instance_id in [s.id for s in servers]): break time.sleep(1) def waitForNodeRequestLockDeletion(self, request_id): while True: exists = False for lock_id in self.zk.getNodeRequestLockIDs(): if request_id == lock_id: exists = True break if not exists: break time.sleep(1) def waitForNodes(self, label, count=1): while True: self.wait_for_threads() ready_nodes = self.zk.getReadyNodesOfTypes([label]) if label in ready_nodes and len(ready_nodes[label]) == count: break time.sleep(1) self.wait_for_threads() return ready_nodes[label] def waitForNodeRequest(self, req, states=None): ''' Wait for a node request to transition to a final state. ''' if states is None: states = (zk.FULFILLED, zk.FAILED) while True: req = self.zk.getNodeRequest(req.id) if req.state in states: break time.sleep(1) return req def useNodepool(self, *args, **kwargs): secure_conf = kwargs.pop('secure_conf', None) args = (secure_conf,) + args pool = launcher.NodePool(*args, **kwargs) pool.cleanup_interval = .5 pool.delete_interval = .5 self.addCleanup(pool.stop) return pool def useWebApp(self, *args, **kwargs): app = webapp.WebApp(*args, **kwargs) self.addCleanup(app.stop) return app def useBuilder(self, configfile, securefile=None, cleanup_interval=.5): self.useFixture( BuilderFixture(configfile, cleanup_interval, securefile) ) def setupZK(self): f = ZookeeperServerFixture() self.useFixture(f) self.zookeeper_host = f.zookeeper_host self.zookeeper_port = f.zookeeper_port kz_fxtr = self.useFixture(ChrootedKazooFixture( self.zookeeper_host, self.zookeeper_port)) self.zookeeper_chroot = kz_fxtr.zookeeper_chroot self.zk = zk.ZooKeeper(enable_cache=False) host = zk.ZooKeeperConnectionConfig( self.zookeeper_host, self.zookeeper_port, self.zookeeper_chroot ) self.zk.connect([host]) self.addCleanup(self.zk.disconnect) def printZKTree(self, node): def join(a, b): if a.endswith('/'): return a + b return a + '/' + b data, stat = self.zk.client.get(node) self.log.debug("Node: %s" % (node,)) if data: self.log.debug(data) for child in self.zk.client.get_children(node): self.printZKTree(join(node, child)) class IntegrationTestCase(DBTestCase): def setUpFakes(self): pass