# Copyright 2018 Red Hat # Copyright 2022 Acme Gating, LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import logging import math import cachetools.func import urllib.parse import time import re import boto3 from nodepool.driver.utils import QuotaInformation, RateLimiter from nodepool.driver import statemachine def tag_dict_to_list(tagdict): # TODO: validate tag values are strings in config and deprecate # non-string values. return [{"Key": k, "Value": str(v)} for k, v in tagdict.items()] def tag_list_to_dict(taglist): if taglist is None: return {} return {t["Key"]: t["Value"] for t in taglist} class AwsInstance(statemachine.Instance): def __init__(self, instance, quota): super().__init__() self.external_id = instance.id self.metadata = tag_list_to_dict(instance.tags) self.private_ipv4 = instance.private_ip_address self.private_ipv6 = None self.public_ipv4 = instance.public_ip_address self.public_ipv6 = None self.az = '' self.quota = quota for iface in instance.network_interfaces[:1]: if iface.ipv6_addresses: v6addr = iface.ipv6_addresses[0] self.public_ipv6 = v6addr['Ipv6Address'] self.interface_ip = (self.public_ipv4 or self.public_ipv6 or self.private_ipv4 or self.private_ipv6) def getQuotaInformation(self): return self.quota class AwsResource(statemachine.Resource): def __init__(self, metadata, type, id): super().__init__(metadata) self.type = type self.id = id class AwsDeleteStateMachine(statemachine.StateMachine): VM_DELETING = 'deleting vm' NIC_DELETING = 'deleting nic' PIP_DELETING = 'deleting pip' DISK_DELETING = 'deleting disk' COMPLETE = 'complete' def __init__(self, adapter, external_id, log): self.log = log super().__init__() self.adapter = adapter self.external_id = external_id def advance(self): if self.state == self.START: self.instance = self.adapter._deleteInstance( self.external_id, self.log) self.state = self.VM_DELETING if self.state == self.VM_DELETING: self.instance = self.adapter._refreshDelete(self.instance) if self.instance is None: self.state = self.COMPLETE if self.state == self.COMPLETE: self.complete = True class AwsCreateStateMachine(statemachine.StateMachine): INSTANCE_CREATING = 'creating instance' INSTANCE_RETRY = 'retrying instance creation' COMPLETE = 'complete' def __init__(self, adapter, hostname, label, image_external_id, metadata, retries, log): self.log = log super().__init__() self.adapter = adapter self.retries = retries self.attempts = 0 self.image_external_id = image_external_id self.metadata = metadata self.tags = label.tags.copy() or {} self.tags.update(metadata) self.tags['Name'] = hostname self.hostname = hostname self.label = label self.public_ipv4 = None self.public_ipv6 = None self.nic = None self.instance = None def advance(self): if self.state == self.START: self.external_id = self.hostname self.instance = self.adapter._createInstance( self.label, self.image_external_id, self.tags, self.hostname, self.log) self.quota = self.adapter._getQuotaForInstanceType( self.instance.instance_type) self.state = self.INSTANCE_CREATING if self.state == self.INSTANCE_CREATING: self.instance = self.adapter._refresh(self.instance) if self.instance.state["Name"].lower() == "running": self.state = self.COMPLETE elif self.instance.state["Name"].lower() == "terminated": if self.attempts >= self.retries: raise Exception("Too many retries") self.attempts += 1 self.instance = self.adapter._deleteInstance( self.external_id, self.log) self.state = self.INSTANCE_RETRY else: return if self.state == self.INSTANCE_RETRY: self.instance = self.adapter._refreshDelete(self.instance) if self.instance is None: self.state = self.START return if self.state == self.COMPLETE: self.complete = True return AwsInstance(self.instance, self.quota) class AwsAdapter(statemachine.Adapter): IMAGE_UPLOAD_SLEEP = 30 def __init__(self, provider_config): self.log = logging.getLogger( f"nodepool.AwsAdapter.{provider_config.name}") self.provider = provider_config # The standard rate limit, this might be 1 request per second self.rate_limiter = RateLimiter(self.provider.name, self.provider.rate) # Non mutating requests can be made more often at 10x the rate # of mutating requests by default. self.non_mutating_rate_limiter = RateLimiter(self.provider.name, self.provider.rate * 10.0) self.image_id_by_filter_cache = cachetools.TTLCache( maxsize=8192, ttl=(5 * 60)) self.aws = boto3.Session( region_name=self.provider.region_name, profile_name=self.provider.profile_name) self.ec2 = self.aws.resource('ec2') self.ec2_client = self.aws.client("ec2") self.s3 = self.aws.resource('s3') self.s3_client = self.aws.client('s3') self.aws_quotas = self.aws.client("service-quotas") # In listResources, we reconcile AMIs which appear to be # imports but have no nodepool tags, however it's possible # that these aren't nodepool images. If we determine that's # the case, we'll add their ids here so we don't waste our # time on that again. self.not_our_images = set() self.not_our_snapshots = set() def getCreateStateMachine(self, hostname, label, image_external_id, metadata, retries, log): return AwsCreateStateMachine(self, hostname, label, image_external_id, metadata, retries, log) def getDeleteStateMachine(self, external_id, log): return AwsDeleteStateMachine(self, external_id, log) def listResources(self): self._tagAmis() self._tagSnapshots() for instance in self._listInstances(): if instance.state["Name"].lower() == "terminated": continue yield AwsResource(tag_list_to_dict(instance.tags), 'instance', instance.id) for volume in self._listVolumes(): if volume.state.lower() == "deleted": continue yield AwsResource(tag_list_to_dict(volume.tags), 'volume', volume.id) for ami in self._listAmis(): if ami.state.lower() == "deleted": continue yield AwsResource(tag_list_to_dict(ami.tags), 'ami', ami.id) for snap in self._listSnapshots(): if snap.state.lower() == "deleted": continue yield AwsResource(tag_list_to_dict(snap.tags), 'snapshot', snap.id) if self.provider.object_storage: for obj in self._listObjects(): with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: tags = self.s3_client.get_object_tagging( Bucket=obj.bucket_name, Key=obj.key) yield AwsResource(tag_list_to_dict(tags['TagSet']), 'object', obj.key) def deleteResource(self, resource): self.log.info(f"Deleting leaked {resource.type}: {resource.id}") if resource.type == 'instance': self._deleteInstance(resource.id) if resource.type == 'volume': self._deleteVolume(resource.id) if resource.type == 'ami': self._deleteAmi(resource.id) if resource.type == 'snapshot': self._deleteSnapshot(resource.id) if resource.type == 'object': self._deleteObject(resource.id) def listInstances(self): for instance in self._listInstances(): if instance.state["Name"].lower() == "terminated": continue quota = self._getQuotaForInstanceType(instance.instance_type) yield AwsInstance(instance, quota) def getQuotaLimits(self): with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: self.log.debug("Getting quota limits") response = self.aws_quotas.get_service_quota( ServiceCode='ec2', QuotaCode='L-1216C47A' ) cores = response['Quota']['Value'] return QuotaInformation(cores=cores, default=math.inf) def getQuotaForLabel(self, label): return self._getQuotaForInstanceType(label.instance_type) def uploadImage(self, provider_image, image_name, filename, image_format, metadata, md5, sha256): self.log.debug(f"Uploading image {image_name}") # Upload image to S3 bucket_name = self.provider.object_storage['bucket-name'] bucket = self.s3.Bucket(bucket_name) object_filename = f'{image_name}.{image_format}' extra_args = {'Tagging': urllib.parse.urlencode(metadata)} with open(filename, "rb") as fobj: with self.rate_limiter: bucket.upload_fileobj(fobj, object_filename, ExtraArgs=extra_args) # Import image as AMI self.log.debug(f"Importing {image_name}") import_image_task = self._import_image( Architecture=provider_image.architecture, DiskContainers=[ { 'Format': image_format, 'UserBucket': { 'S3Bucket': bucket_name, 'S3Key': object_filename, } }, ], TagSpecifications=[ { 'ResourceType': 'import-image-task', 'Tags': tag_dict_to_list(metadata), }, ] ) task_id = import_image_task['ImportTaskId'] paginator = self._get_paginator('describe_import_image_tasks') done = False while not done: time.sleep(self.IMAGE_UPLOAD_SLEEP) with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: for page in paginator.paginate(ImportTaskIds=[task_id]): for task in page['ImportImageTasks']: if task['Status'].lower() in ('completed', 'deleted'): done = True break self.log.debug(f"Deleting {image_name} from S3") with self.rate_limiter: self.s3.Object(bucket_name, object_filename).delete() if task['Status'].lower() != 'completed': raise Exception(f"Error uploading image: {task}") # Tag the AMI try: with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: ami = self.ec2.Image(task['ImageId']) with self.rate_limiter: ami.create_tags(Tags=task['Tags']) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error tagging AMI:") # Tag the snapshot try: with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: snap = self.ec2.Snapshot( task['SnapshotDetails'][0]['SnapshotId']) with self.rate_limiter: snap.create_tags(Tags=task['Tags']) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error tagging snapshot:") self.log.debug(f"Upload of {image_name} complete as {task['ImageId']}") # Last task returned from paginator above return task['ImageId'] def deleteImage(self, external_id): snaps = set() self.log.debug(f"Deleting image {external_id}") for ami in self._listAmis(): if ami.id == external_id: for bdm in ami.block_device_mappings: snapid = bdm.get('Ebs', {}).get('SnapshotId') if snapid: snaps.add(snapid) self._deleteAmi(external_id) for snapshot_id in snaps: self._deleteSnapshot(snapshot_id) # Local implementation below def _tagAmis(self): # There is no way to tag imported AMIs, so this routine # "eventually" tags them. We look for any AMIs without tags # which correspond to import tasks, and we copy the tags from # those import tasks to the AMI. for ami in self._listAmis(): if (ami.name.startswith('import-ami-') and not ami.tags and ami.id not in self.not_our_images): # This image was imported but has no tags, which means # it's either not a nodepool image, or it's a new one # which doesn't have tags yet. Copy over any tags # from the import task; otherwise, mark it as an image # we can ignore in future runs. task = self._getImportImageTask(ami.name) tags = tag_list_to_dict(task.get('Tags')) if (tags.get('nodepool_provider_name') == self.provider.name): # Copy over tags self.log.debug( f"Copying tags from import task {ami.name} to AMI") with self.rate_limiter: ami.create_tags(Tags=task['Tags']) else: self.not_our_images.add(ami.id) def _tagSnapshots(self): # See comments for _tagAmis for snap in self._listSnapshots(): if ('import-ami-' in snap.description and not snap.tags and snap.id not in self.not_our_snapshots): match = re.match(r'.*?(import-ami-\w*)', snap.description) if not match: self.not_our_snapshots.add(snap.id) continue task_id = match.group(1) task = self._getImportImageTask(task_id) tags = tag_list_to_dict(task.get('Tags')) if (tags.get('nodepool_provider_name') == self.provider.name): # Copy over tags self.log.debug( f"Copying tags from import task {task_id} to snapshot") with self.rate_limiter: snap.create_tags(Tags=task['Tags']) else: self.not_our_snapshots.add(snap.id) def _getImportImageTask(self, task_id): paginator = self._get_paginator('describe_import_image_tasks') with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: for page in paginator.paginate(ImportTaskIds=[task_id]): for task in page['ImportImageTasks']: # Return the first and only task return task def _getQuotaForInstanceType(self, instance_type): itype = self._getInstanceType(instance_type) cores = itype['InstanceTypes'][0]['VCpuInfo']['DefaultCores'] ram = itype['InstanceTypes'][0]['MemoryInfo']['SizeInMiB'] return QuotaInformation(cores=cores, ram=ram, instances=1) @cachetools.func.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _getInstanceType(self, instance_type): with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: self.log.debug( f"Getting information for instance type {instance_type}") return self.ec2_client.describe_instance_types( InstanceTypes=[instance_type]) def _refresh(self, obj): for instance in self._listInstances(): if instance.id == obj.id: return instance return obj def _refreshDelete(self, obj): if obj is None: return obj for instance in self._listInstances(): if instance.id == obj.id: if instance.state["Name"].lower() == "terminated": return None return instance return None @cachetools.func.ttl_cache(maxsize=1, ttl=10) def _listInstances(self): with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter( self.log.debug, "Listed instances"): return list(self.ec2.instances.all()) @cachetools.func.ttl_cache(maxsize=1, ttl=10) def _listVolumes(self): with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: return list(self.ec2.volumes.all()) @cachetools.func.ttl_cache(maxsize=1, ttl=10) def _listAmis(self): # Note: this is overridden in tests due to the filter with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: return list(self.ec2.images.filter(Owners=['self'])) @cachetools.func.ttl_cache(maxsize=1, ttl=10) def _listSnapshots(self): # Note: this is overridden in tests due to the filter with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: return list(self.ec2.snapshots.filter(OwnerIds=['self'])) @cachetools.func.ttl_cache(maxsize=1, ttl=10) def _listObjects(self): bucket_name = self.provider.object_storage.get('bucket-name') if not bucket_name: return [] bucket = self.s3.Bucket(bucket_name) with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: return list(bucket.objects.all()) def _getLatestImageIdByFilters(self, image_filters): # Normally we would decorate this method, but our cache key is # complex, so we serialize it to JSON and manage the cache # ourselves. cache_key = json.dumps(image_filters) val = self.image_id_by_filter_cache.get(cache_key) if val: return val with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: res = list(self.ec2_client.describe_images( Filters=image_filters ).get("Images")) images = sorted( res, key=lambda k: k["CreationDate"], reverse=True ) if not images: raise Exception( "No cloud-image (AMI) matches supplied image filters") else: val = images[0].get("ImageId") self.image_id_by_filter_cache[cache_key] = val return val def _getImageId(self, cloud_image): image_id = cloud_image.image_id image_filters = cloud_image.image_filters if image_filters is not None: return self._getLatestImageIdByFilters(image_filters) return image_id @cachetools.func.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _getImage(self, image_id): with self.non_mutating_rate_limiter: return self.ec2.Image(image_id) def _createInstance(self, label, image_external_id, tags, hostname, log): if image_external_id: image_id = image_external_id else: image_id = self._getImageId(label.cloud_image) args = dict( ImageId=image_id, MinCount=1, MaxCount=1, KeyName=label.key_name, EbsOptimized=label.ebs_optimized, InstanceType=label.instance_type, NetworkInterfaces=[{ 'AssociatePublicIpAddress': label.pool.public_ipv4, 'DeviceIndex': 0}], TagSpecifications=[ { 'ResourceType': 'instance', 'Tags': tag_dict_to_list(tags), }, { 'ResourceType': 'volume', 'Tags': tag_dict_to_list(tags), }, ] ) if label.pool.security_group_id: args['NetworkInterfaces'][0]['Groups'] = [ label.pool.security_group_id ] if label.pool.subnet_id: args['NetworkInterfaces'][0]['SubnetId'] = label.pool.subnet_id if label.pool.public_ipv6: args['NetworkInterfaces'][0]['Ipv6AddressCount'] = 1 if label.userdata: args['UserData'] = label.userdata if label.iam_instance_profile: if 'name' in label.iam_instance_profile: args['IamInstanceProfile'] = { 'Name': label.iam_instance_profile['name'] } elif 'arn' in label.iam_instance_profile: args['IamInstanceProfile'] = { 'Arn': label.iam_instance_profile['arn'] } # Default block device mapping parameters are embedded in AMIs. # We might need to supply our own mapping before lauching the instance. # We basically want to make sure DeleteOnTermination is true and be # able to set the volume type and size. image = self._getImage(image_id) # TODO: Flavors can also influence whether or not the VM spawns with a # volume -- we basically need to ensure DeleteOnTermination is true. # However, leaked volume detection may mitigate this. if hasattr(image, 'block_device_mappings'): bdm = image.block_device_mappings mapping = bdm[0] if 'Ebs' in mapping: mapping['Ebs']['DeleteOnTermination'] = True if label.volume_size: mapping['Ebs']['VolumeSize'] = label.volume_size if label.volume_type: mapping['Ebs']['VolumeType'] = label.volume_type # If the AMI is a snapshot, we cannot supply an "encrypted" # parameter if 'Encrypted' in mapping['Ebs']: del mapping['Ebs']['Encrypted'] args['BlockDeviceMappings'] = [mapping] with self.rate_limiter(log.debug, "Created instance"): log.debug(f"Creating VM {hostname}") instances = self.ec2.create_instances(**args) log.debug(f"Created VM {hostname} as instance {instances[0].id}") return instances[0] def _deleteInstance(self, external_id, log=None): if log is None: log = self.log for instance in self._listInstances(): if instance.id == external_id: break else: log.warning(f"Instance not found when deleting {external_id}") return None with self.rate_limiter(log.debug, "Deleted instance"): log.debug(f"Deleting instance {external_id}") instance.terminate() return instance def _deleteVolume(self, external_id): for volume in self._listVolumes(): if volume.id == external_id: break else: self.log.warning(f"Volume not found when deleting {external_id}") return None with self.rate_limiter(self.log.debug, "Deleted volume"): self.log.debug(f"Deleting volume {external_id}") volume.delete() return volume def _deleteAmi(self, external_id): for ami in self._listAmis(): if ami.id == external_id: break else: self.log.warning(f"AMI not found when deleting {external_id}") return None with self.rate_limiter: self.log.debug(f"Deleting AMI {external_id}") ami.deregister() return ami def _deleteSnapshot(self, external_id): for snap in self._listSnapshots(): if snap.id == external_id: break else: self.log.warning(f"Snapshot not found when deleting {external_id}") return None with self.rate_limiter: self.log.debug(f"Deleting Snapshot {external_id}") snap.delete() return snap def _deleteObject(self, external_id): bucket_name = self.provider.object_storage.get('bucket-name') with self.rate_limiter: self.log.debug(f"Deleting object {external_id}") self.s3.Object(bucket_name, external_id).delete() # These methods allow the tests to patch our use of boto to # compensate for missing methods in the boto mocks. def _import_image(self, *args, **kw): return self.ec2_client.import_image(*args, **kw) def _get_paginator(self, *args, **kw): return self.ec2_client.get_paginator(*args, **kw) # End test methods