# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from collections import OrderedDict import json import time from prettytable import PrettyTable # General notes: # # All the _list functions should return a tuple # # ([ {obj}, {obj}, ...], headers_table) # # The headers_table is an OrderedDict that maps the fields in the # returned objs to pretty-printable headers. Each obj in the list # should be a dictionary with fields as described by the # headers_table. # # e.g. # # headers_table = OrderedDict({ # 'key1': 'Key One', # 'key2': 'Key Two'}) # objs = [ { 'key1': 'value', 'key2': 123 }, # { 'key1': 'value2', 'key2': 456 } ] # return(objs, headers_table) # # The output() function takes this tuple result and a format to # produce results for consumption by the caller. def age(timestamp): now = time.time() dt = now - timestamp m, s = divmod(dt, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) d, h = divmod(h, 24) return '%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d' % (d, h, m, s) def _to_pretty_table(objs, headers_table, fields): '''Construct a pretty table output :param objs: list of output objects :param headers_table: list of (key, desr) header tuples :param fields: list of fields to show; None means all :return str: text output ''' if fields: headers_table = OrderedDict( [h for h in headers_table.items() if h[0] in fields]) headers = headers_table.values() t = PrettyTable(headers) t.align = 'l' for obj in objs: values = [] for k in headers_table: if fields and k not in fields: continue if k == 'age' or k.endswith('_age') and obj[k] is not None: try: obj_age = age(int(obj[k])) except ValueError: # already converted obj_age = obj[k] values.append(obj_age) else: if isinstance(obj[k], list): values.append(','.join(obj[k])) elif obj[k] is None: values.append('') else: values.append(obj[k]) t.add_row(values) return t def output(results, fmt, fields=None): '''Generate output for webapp results :param results: tuple (objs, headers) as returned by various _list functions :param fmt: select from ascii pretty-table or json :param fields: list of fields to show in pretty-table output ''' objs, headers_table = results if fmt == 'pretty': t = _to_pretty_table(objs, headers_table, fields) return str(t) elif fmt == 'json': return json.dumps(objs) else: raise ValueError('Unknown format "%s"' % fmt) def node_list(zk, node_id=None): headers_table = [ ("id", "ID"), ("provider", "Provider"), ("label", "Label"), ("server_id", "Server ID"), ("public_ipv4", "Public IPv4"), ("ipv6", "IPv6"), ("state", "State"), ("age", "Age"), ("locked", "Locked"), ("pool", "Pool"), ("hostname", "Hostname"), ("private_ipv4", "Private IPv4"), ("AZ", "AZ"), ("username", "Username"), ("connection_port", "Port"), ("launcher", "Launcher"), ("allocated_to", "Allocated To"), ("hold_job", "Hold Job"), ("comment", "Comment"), ("user_data", "User Data"), ("driver_data", "Driver Data"), ] headers_table = OrderedDict(headers_table) def _get_node_values(node): locked = "unlocked" if zk.enable_cache: if node.lock_contenders: locked = "locked" else: if zk.getNodeLockContenders(node): locked = "locked" values = [ node.id, node.provider, node.type, node.external_id, node.public_ipv4, node.public_ipv6, node.state, age(node.state_time), locked, node.pool, node.hostname, node.private_ipv4, node.az, node.username, node.connection_port, node.launcher, node.allocated_to, node.hold_job, node.comment, node.user_data, node.driver_data, ] return values objs = [] if node_id: node = zk.getNode(node_id) if node: values = _get_node_values(node) objs.append(dict(zip(headers_table.keys(), values))) else: cached_ids = zk.enable_cache for node in zk.nodeIterator(cached_ids=cached_ids): values = _get_node_values(node) objs.append(dict(zip(headers_table.keys(), values))) return (objs, headers_table) def dib_image_list(zk): headers_table = OrderedDict([ ("id", "ID"), ("image", "Image"), ("builder", "Builder"), ("formats", "Formats"), ("state", "State"), ("age", "Age")]) objs = [] for image_name in zk.getImageNames(): paused = zk.getImagePaused(image_name) for build_no in zk.getBuildNumbers(image_name): build = zk.getBuild(image_name, build_no) if build: state = paused and 'paused' or build.state objs.append({'id': '-'.join([image_name, build_no]), 'image': image_name, 'builder': build.builder, 'formats': build.formats, 'state': state, 'age': int(build.state_time) }) return (objs, headers_table) def image_status(zk): headers_table = OrderedDict([ ("image", "Image"), ("paused", "Paused"), ("build_request", "Build Request"), ("build_request_age", "Build Request Age") ]) objs = [] for image_name in zk.getImageNames(): request = zk.getBuildRequest(image_name) paused = zk.getImagePaused(image_name) if request: age = int(request.state_time) req = 'pending' if request.pending else 'building' else: age = None req = None objs.append({ "image": image_name, "paused": bool(paused), "build_request": req, "build_request_age": age, }) return (objs, headers_table) def image_list(zk): headers_table = OrderedDict([ ("id", "Build ID"), ("upload_id", "Upload ID"), ("provider", "Provider"), ("image", "Image"), ("external_name", "Provider Image Name"), ("external_id", "Provider Image ID"), ("state", "State"), ("age", "Age")]) objs = [] for image_name in zk.getImageNames(): for build_no in zk.getBuildNumbers(image_name): for provider in zk.getBuildProviders(image_name, build_no): for upload_no in zk.getImageUploadNumbers( image_name, build_no, provider): upload = zk.getImageUpload(image_name, build_no, provider, upload_no) if not upload: continue values = [build_no, upload_no, provider, image_name, upload.external_name, upload.external_id, upload.state, int(upload.state_time)] objs.append(dict(zip(headers_table.keys(), values))) return (objs, headers_table) def request_list(zk): headers_table = OrderedDict([ ("id", "Request ID"), ("relative_priority", "Priority"), ("state", "State"), ("requestor", "Requestor"), ("node_types", "Node Types"), ("nodes", "Nodes"), ("declined_by", "Declined By"), ("event_id", "Event ID"), ]) objs = [] for req in zk.nodeRequestIterator(): values = [req.id, req.relative_priority, req.state, req.requestor, req.node_types, req.nodes, req.declined_by, req.event_id] objs.append(dict(zip(headers_table.keys(), values))) return (objs, headers_table) def label_list(zk): headers_table = OrderedDict([ ("label", "Label"), ]) objs = [] # Walk all launchers, find the labels they support and stick it # all in a set. # NOTE(ianw): maybe add to each entry a list of which # launchers support the label? labels = set() launcher_pools = zk.getRegisteredPools() for launcher_pool in launcher_pools: labels.update(set(launcher_pool.supported_labels)) for label in labels: objs.append({'label': label}) return (objs, headers_table)