- job: name: nodepool-zuul-functional parent: tox description: | Test that zuul works with current nodepool sources. This test runs the zuul project ``nodepool`` environment. pre-run: playbooks/nodepool-zuul-functional/pre.yaml post-run: playbooks/nodepool-zuul-functional/post.yaml required-projects: - zuul/nodepool - zuul/zuul vars: zuul_work_dir: "{{ zuul.projects['opendev.org/zuul/zuul'].src_dir }}" tox_envlist: nodepool - job: name: nodepool-functional-openstack-base description: | Test Nodepool with an OpenStack. Sets up a working OpenStack system, builds an image, launches a node, and verifies SSH access to the node. .. zuul:jobvar:: nodepool_extra_packages :type: list A list of extra packages to install at the start of the job (i.e., anything needed for the DIB build). .. zuul:jobvar:: nodepool_diskimage :type: dict .. zuul:jobvar:: base_element The base element to use when building the disk image. .. zuul:jobvar:: elements-dir :type: string Path to directory with external elements .. zuul:jobvar:: extra_elements :type: list :default: [] List of extra DIB elements to be added to image configuration. .. zuul:jobvar:: release The release number or name to use with the base element. .. zuul:jobvar:: mirror The URL for the package mirror to use when building the disk image. This is optional. .. zuul:jobvar:: env-vars :type: dict A dictionary of environment variables and values to add to the DIB environment when building the image. .. zuul:jobvar:: nodepool_debug Boolean flag to enable debug logging for the nodepool builder and launcher services. By default we log at INFO level and higher. This enables DEBUG and higher. This is optional. timeout: 5400 required-projects: - zuul/nodepool pre-run: playbooks/nodepool-functional-openstack/pre.yaml run: playbooks/nodepool-functional-openstack/run.yaml post-run: playbooks/nodepool-functional-openstack/post.yaml vars: zuul_copy_output: /var/log/nodepool: logs - job: name: nodepool-functional-openstack description: Test Nodepool with an OpenStack parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-base vars: &nodepool_diskimage_vars nodepool_extra_packages: - rpm - yum-utils nodepool_diskimage: base_element: centos-minimal release: 8 mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/centos" env-vars: DIB_SIMPLE_INIT_NETWORKMANAGER: '1' - job: name: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base description: Test Nodepool and OpenStack, with some projects from source parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-base required-projects: - name: github.com/sqlalchemy/dogpile.cache - name: opendev/glean - name: zuul/nodepool - name: openstack/diskimage-builder - name: openstack/openstacksdk - job: name: nodepool-functional-openstack-src description: Test Nodepool and OpenStack, with some projects from source parent: nodepool-functional-openstack-src-base vars: *nodepool_diskimage_vars - job: description: | Test that nodepool works with kubernetes. name: nodepool-functional-k8s pre-run: playbooks/nodepool-functional-k8s/pre.yaml run: playbooks/nodepool-functional-k8s/run.yaml post-run: playbooks/nodepool-functional-k8s/post.yaml nodeset: ubuntu-xenial required-projects: - zuul/nodepool - job: description: | Test that nodepool works with openshift. name: nodepool-functional-openshift pre-run: playbooks/nodepool-functional-openshift/pre.yaml run: playbooks/nodepool-functional-openshift/run.yaml nodeset: nodes: - name: cluster label: centos-7 - name: launcher label: fedora-30 required-projects: - zuul/nodepool - secret: name: nodepool-dockerhub data: username: zuulzuul password: !encrypted/pkcs1-oaep - VV5m4XbsYvAz0/7T+WoIypvD3ijRsPYrGo4O5JuOHt6TX14s9B1KddeMwnabEEKapPdbb cwqbzFKoHRMi8DdXiDKxrgbTSC1jb3BvKq7XE0/xF4Bq2dM+r3yDnXS6a7BuijSqFSiMG /9bf0jqEAWXWCvbYUAxKOklJIRLjcKywCP5CulmW6EV8f1Iya8Y7UGpjGyL34FVQuc52Y 5MLp+Dra95pvBJMgikbu7LtMPCXOMctUFBpwNArCjWKGhz00UZwyAmsbPPHwQWb+884ZP v9zi2FuRAL+rn4DRVwyIw28ZdCEr5F5EkZon3lSIhikhdQIyHPtW8VwMJTL4RxBdmgcEt +zZBbLlOU+0AHPGLlO/yQNvHeSzwY9pe2oIGuqSu3h6zp6Y0NIE/Q0VpiIXWpOAnLOmno uOd3j9tZ1beol2mg4Yk7rOaXu1Fvtfhd1K3LpLzEbiGzCMIEZuFHU2ZInAbUmtm0BtbDa /bYvI9dB/uqA2xgse5rVMa++v3AfWJTJhFY/wBU4fHOWlFBUZKFuSoijUcWMfnfMMyU2B A5CQKhv4Wmtzbvo/oneYkwFOTYaPNj2DS0BcFJFkR8FZDYmTBPnKoBH5wpwwnrzPOpCMa L21z+Vp1Vce1XCsaOduMrmZDvuQcK1YOKIIUeElAQw8GuwTfcXqekoPvp54SeE= - job: name: nodepool-build-image parent: opendev-build-docker-image description: Build Docker images. dependencies: - opendev-buildset-registry requires: - python-builder-3.8-container-image - python-base-3.8-container-image provides: nodepool-container-image vars: &nodepool_image_vars docker_images: - context: . repository: zuul/nodepool target: nodepool arch: - linux/amd64 - linux/arm64 - context: . repository: zuul/nodepool-launcher target: nodepool-launcher arch: - linux/amd64 - linux/arm64 - context: . repository: zuul/nodepool-builder target: nodepool-builder arch: - linux/amd64 - linux/arm64 - job: name: nodepool-upload-image parent: opendev-upload-docker-image description: Build Docker images and upload to Docker Hub. requires: - python-builder-3.8-container-image - python-base-3.8-container-image provides: nodepool-container-image vars: *nodepool_image_vars secrets: - name: docker_credentials secret: nodepool-dockerhub pass-to-parent: true - job: name: nodepool-promote-image parent: opendev-promote-docker-image description: Promote previously uploaded Docker images. vars: *nodepool_image_vars secrets: - name: docker_credentials secret: nodepool-dockerhub pass-to-parent: true # NOTE(ianw) : kept separate as these aren't intended to be released - job: name: nodepool-build-image-siblings dependencies: - opendev-buildset-registry parent: opendev-build-docker-image description: Build container images, with required projects as sibling from source required-projects: - zuul/nodepool - openstack/diskimage-builder - openstack/openstacksdk requires: - python-builder-3.8-container-image - python-base-3.8-container-image provides: nodepool-siblings-container-image vars: zuul_work_dir: "{{ zuul.projects['opendev.org/zuul/nodepool'].src_dir }}" docker_images: - context: . repository: zuul/nodepool-launcher target: nodepool-launcher tags: - siblings siblings: - opendev.org/openstack/openstacksdk - context: . repository: zuul/nodepool-builder target: nodepool-builder tags: - siblings siblings: - opendev.org/openstack/openstacksdk - opendev.org/openstack/diskimage-builder - job: name: nodepool-functional-container-openstack-base abstract: true description: | Test Nodepool containers with an OpenStack. This is similar to nodepool-functional-openstack-base, but uses containers to deploy nodepool. Note this is an abstract job and does not define an image to build and test, and you should not inherit directly from this job. If you wish to build the nodepool containers with released dependencies, you should inherit from nodepool-functional-container-openstack-release-base and define nodepool_diskimage for the image to build and test. If you wish to build the nodepool containers with dependencies installed from source, you should inherit from nodepool-functional-container-openstack-siblings-base and define nodepool_diskimage for the image build and test. timeout: 5400 required-projects: - zuul/nodepool pre-run: playbooks/nodepool-functional-container-openstack/pre.yaml run: playbooks/nodepool-functional-container-openstack/run.yaml post-run: playbooks/nodepool-functional-container-openstack/post.yaml vars: zuul_copy_output: /var/log/nodepool: logs - job: name: nodepool-functional-container-openstack-release-base abstract: true description: | Test Nodepool containers and OpenStack, against released dependencies. Note, this job does not define an image to build. It should be inherited from and nodepool_diskimage defined. parent: nodepool-functional-container-openstack-base dependencies: - nodepool-build-image required-projects: - name: opendev/glean # note, installed by dib - name: zuul/nodepool - job: name: nodepool-functional-container-openstack-release description: | Test Nodepool containers and OpenStack, with released projects This builds, uploads and boots a CentOS 8 image into a OpenStack cloud. parent: nodepool-functional-container-openstack-release-base vars: nodepool_diskimage: base_element: centos-minimal release: 8 mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/centos" env-vars: DIB_SIMPLE_INIT_NETWORKMANAGER: '1' - job: name: nodepool-functional-container-openstack-siblings-base abstract: true description: | Test Nodepool containers and OpenStack, with some projects from source Note, this job does not define an image to build. It should be inherited from and nodepool_diskimage defined. parent: nodepool-functional-container-openstack-base dependencies: - nodepool-build-image-siblings required-projects: - name: opendev/glean # note, installed by dib - name: zuul/nodepool vars: nodepool_container_tag: ':siblings' - job: name: nodepool-functional-container-openstack-siblings description: | Test Nodepool containers and OpenStack, with some projects from source This builds, uploads and boots a CentOS 8 image into a OpenStack cloud. parent: nodepool-functional-container-openstack-siblings-base vars: nodepool_diskimage: base_element: centos-minimal release: 8 mirror: "http://{{ zuul_site_mirror_fqdn }}/centos" env-vars: DIB_SIMPLE_INIT_NETWORKMANAGER: '1' - project: check: jobs: - opendev-buildset-registry - nodepool-build-image - nodepool-build-image-siblings - zuul-tox-docs - tox-pep8 - tox-py35: nodeset: ubuntu-xenial - tox-py38 - nodepool-zuul-functional: voting: false - nodepool-functional-openstack: vars: nodepool_debug: true - nodepool-functional-openstack-src: vars: nodepool_debug: true - nodepool-functional-container-openstack-release - nodepool-functional-container-openstack-siblings - nodepool-functional-k8s - nodepool-functional-openshift - zuul-quick-start: requires: zuul-container-image dependencies: nodepool-build-image - build-python-release gate: jobs: - nodepool-upload-image - zuul-tox-docs - tox-pep8 - tox-py35: nodeset: ubuntu-xenial - tox-py38 - nodepool-functional-openstack - nodepool-functional-openstack-src - nodepool-functional-k8s - nodepool-functional-openshift - zuul-quick-start: requires: zuul-container-image dependencies: nodepool-upload-image - build-python-release promote: jobs: - nodepool-promote-image - zuul-promote-docs - opendev-promote-python release: jobs: - opendev-release-python - zuul-publish-tox-docs