James E. Blair 7bbdfdc9fd Update ZooKeeper class connection methods
This updates the ZooKeeper class to inherit from ZooKeeperBase
and utilize its connection methods.

It also moves the connection loss detection used by the builder
to be more localized and removes unused methods.

Change-Id: I6c9dbe17976560bc024f74cd31bdb6305d51168d
2022-06-29 07:46:34 -07:00

2458 lines
85 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import copy
import abc
import json
import logging
import time
import uuid
from kazoo import exceptions as kze
from kazoo.recipe.lock import Lock
from kazoo.recipe.cache import TreeCache, TreeEvent
from kazoo.recipe.election import Election
from nodepool import exceptions as npe
from nodepool.logconfig import get_annotated_logger
from nodepool.zk.components import COMPONENT_REGISTRY
from nodepool.zk import ZooKeeperBase
# States:
# We are building this image (or node) but it is not ready for use.
BUILDING = 'building'
# The image is being uploaded.
UPLOADING = 'uploading'
# The image/upload/node is ready for use.
READY = 'ready'
# The image/upload/node should be deleted.
DELETING = 'deleting'
# The build failed.
FAILED = 'failed'
# Node request is submitted/unhandled.
REQUESTED = 'requested'
# Node request has been processed successfully.
FULFILLED = 'fulfilled'
# Node request is being worked.
PENDING = 'pending'
# Node is being tested
TESTING = 'testing'
# Node is being used
IN_USE = 'in-use'
# Node has been used
USED = 'used'
# Node is being held
HOLD = 'hold'
# Initial node state
INIT = 'init'
# Aborted due to a transient error like overquota that should not count as a
# failed launch attempt
ABORTED = 'aborted'
# The node has actually been deleted and the Znode should be deleted
DELETED = 'deleted'
# NOTE(Shrews): Importing this from nodepool.config causes an import error
# since that file imports this file.
def as_list(item):
if not item:
return []
if isinstance(item, list):
return item
return [item]
class ZooKeeperWatchEvent(object):
Class representing a watch trigger event.
This is mostly used to not pass the kazoo event object to the function
registered by the caller and maintain a consistent API. Attributes of
this object include::
* `type` - Event type. E.g., CREATED/DELETED
* `state` - Event state. E.g., CONNECTED
* `path` - Event path. E.g., /nodepool/image/trusty/request-build
* `image` - Image name this event is based on. E.g., trusty
def __init__(self, e_type, e_state, e_path, image):
self.type = e_type
self.state = e_state
self.path = e_path
# Pass image name so callback func doesn't need to parse from the path
self.image = image
class Serializable(abc.ABC):
Abstract base class for objects that will be stored in ZooKeeper.
def toDict(self):
Return a dictionary representation of the object.
def serialize(self):
Return a representation of the object as a string.
Used for storing the object data in ZooKeeper.
return json.dumps(self.toDict()).encode('utf8')
class BaseModel(Serializable):
VALID_STATES = set([])
def __init__(self, o_id):
if o_id:
# Call the setter for id so we can validate the incoming type. = o_id
# Bypass the setter for id to set the default.
self._id = None
self._state = None
self.state_time = None
self.stat = None
def id(self):
return self._id
def id(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError("'id' attribute must be a string type")
self._id = value
def state(self):
return self._state
def state(self, value):
if value not in self.VALID_STATES:
raise TypeError("'%s' is not a valid state" % value)
self._state = value
self.state_time = time.time()
def toDict(self):
Convert a BaseModel object's attributes to a dictionary.
d = {}
d['state'] = self.state
d['state_time'] = self.state_time
return d
def fromDict(self, d):
Set base attributes based on the given dict.
Unlike the derived classes, this should NOT return an object as it
assumes self has already been instantiated.
if 'state' in d:
self.state = d['state']
if 'state_time' in d:
self.state_time = d['state_time']
class ImageBuild(BaseModel):
Class representing a DIB image build within the ZooKeeper cluster.
Note that the 'builder' attribute used to be used to uniquely identify
the owner of an image build in ZooKeeper. Because hostname was used, if
it ever changed, then we would get orphaned znodes. The 'builder_id'
attribute was added as a replacement, keeping 'builder' to mean the
same thing (which is why this attribute is not called 'hostname' or
def __init__(self, build_id=None):
super(ImageBuild, self).__init__(build_id)
self._formats = []
self.builder = None # Hostname
self.builder_id = None # Unique ID
self.username = None
self.python_path = None
self.shell_type = None
def __repr__(self):
d = self.toDict()
d['id'] =
d['stat'] = self.stat
return '<ImageBuild %s>' % d
def formats(self):
return sorted(self._formats)
def formats(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise TypeError("'formats' attribute must be a list type")
self._formats = copy(value)
def addFormat(self, fmt):
def toDict(self):
Convert an ImageBuild object's attributes to a dictionary.
d = super(ImageBuild, self).toDict()
if self.builder is not None:
d['builder'] = self.builder
if self.builder_id is not None:
d['builder_id'] = self.builder_id
if len(self.formats):
d['formats'] = ','.join(self.formats)
d['username'] = self.username
d['python_path'] = self.python_path
d['shell_type'] = self.shell_type
return d
def fromDict(d, o_id=None):
Create an ImageBuild object from a dictionary.
:param dict d: The dictionary.
:param str o_id: The object ID.
:returns: An initialized ImageBuild object.
o = ImageBuild(o_id)
super(ImageBuild, o).fromDict(d)
o.builder = d.get('builder')
o.builder_id = d.get('builder_id')
o.username = d.get('username', 'zuul')
o.python_path = d.get('python_path', '/usr/bin/python2')
o.shell_type = d.get('shell_type')
# Only attempt the split on non-empty string
if d.get('formats', ''):
o.formats = d.get('formats', '').split(',')
return o
class ImageBuildRequest(object):
"""Class representing a manual build request.
This doesn't need to derive from BaseModel since this class exists only
to aggregate information about a build request.
def __init__(self, image_name, pending, state_time):
self.image_name = image_name
self.state_time = state_time
self.pending = pending
def __repr__(self):
return "<ImageBuildRequest {}>".format(self.image_name)
class ImageUpload(BaseModel):
Class representing a provider image upload within the ZooKeeper cluster.
def __init__(self, build_id=None, provider_name=None, image_name=None,
upload_id=None, username=None, python_path=None,
super(ImageUpload, self).__init__(upload_id)
self.build_id = build_id
self.provider_name = provider_name
self.image_name = image_name
self.format = None
self.username = username
self.python_path = python_path
self.shell_type = shell_type
self.external_id = None # Provider ID of the image
self.external_name = None # Provider name of the image
def __repr__(self):
d = self.toDict()
d['id'] =
d['build_id'] = self.build_id
d['provider_name'] = self.provider_name
d['image_name'] = self.image_name
d['format'] = self.format
return '<ImageUpload %s>' % d
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, ImageUpload):
return ( == and
self.provider_name == other.provider_name and
self.build_id == other.build_id and
self.image_name == other.image_name and
self.format == other.format)
return False
def toDict(self):
Convert an ImageUpload object's attributes to a dictionary.
d = super(ImageUpload, self).toDict()
d['external_id'] = self.external_id
d['external_name'] = self.external_name
d['format'] = self.format
d['username'] = self.username
d['python_path'] = self.python_path
d['shell_type'] = self.shell_type
return d
def fromDict(d, build_id, provider_name, image_name, upload_id):
Create an ImageUpload object from a dictionary.
:param dict d: The dictionary.
:param str build_id: The build ID.
:param str provider_name: The provider name.
:param str image_name: The image name.
:param str upload_id: The upload ID.
:returns: An initialized ImageUpload object.
o = ImageUpload(build_id, provider_name, image_name, upload_id)
super(ImageUpload, o).fromDict(d)
o.external_id = d.get('external_id')
o.external_name = d.get('external_name')
o.format = d.get('format')
o.username = d.get('username', 'zuul')
o.python_path = d.get('python_path', '/usr/bin/python2')
o.shell_type = d.get('shell_type')
return o
class NodeRequestLockStats(object):
Class holding the stats of a node request lock znode.
This doesn't need to derive from BaseModel since this class exists only
to associate the znode stats with the lock.
def __init__(self, lock_id=None):
self.lock_id = lock_id
self.stat = None
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, NodeRequestLockStats):
return (self.lock_id == other.lock_id)
return False
def __repr__(self):
return '<NodeRequestLockStats %s>' % self.lock_id
class NodeRequest(BaseModel):
Class representing a node request.
def __init__(self, id=None):
super(NodeRequest, self).__init__(id)
self.lock = None
self.declined_by = []
self.node_types = []
self.nodes = []
self.reuse = True
# The identity of the requestor; used in reporting statistics
self.requestor = None
# Opaque data for use by the requestor (unused by Nodepool)
self.requestor_data = None
self.provider = None
self.relative_priority = 0
self.event_id = None
self.created_time = None
self.tenant_name = None
def __repr__(self):
d = self.toDict()
d['id'] =
d['stat'] = self.stat
return '<NodeRequest %s>' % d
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, NodeRequest):
return ( == and
self.declined_by == other.declined_by and
self.node_types == other.node_types and
self.nodes == other.nodes and
self.reuse == other.reuse and
self.requestor == other.requestor and
self.requestor_data == other.requestor_data and
self.provider == other.provider and
self.relative_priority == other.relative_priority and
self.created_time == other.created_time and
self.tenant_name == other.tenant_name)
return False
def priority(self):
# Sort requests by queue priority, then, for all requests at
# the same priority, use the relative_priority field to
# further sort, then finally, the submission order.
precedence, sequence ='-')
return precedence, self.relative_priority, sequence
def toDict(self):
Convert a NodeRequest object's attributes to a dictionary.
d = super(NodeRequest, self).toDict()
d['declined_by'] = self.declined_by
d['node_types'] = self.node_types
d['nodes'] = self.nodes
d['reuse'] = self.reuse
d['requestor'] = self.requestor
d['requestor_data'] = self.requestor_data
d['provider'] = self.provider
d['relative_priority'] = self.relative_priority
d['event_id'] = self.event_id
d['created_time'] = self.created_time
d['tenant_name'] = self.tenant_name
return d
def fromDict(d, o_id=None):
Create a NodeRequest object from a dictionary.
:param dict d: The dictionary.
:param str o_id: The object ID.
:returns: An initialized NodeRequest object.
o = NodeRequest(o_id)
super(NodeRequest, o).fromDict(d)
return o
def updateFromDict(self, d):
self.declined_by = d.get('declined_by', [])
self.node_types = d.get('node_types', [])
self.nodes = d.get('nodes', [])
self.reuse = d.get('reuse', True)
self.requestor = d.get('requestor')
self.requestor_data = d.get('requestor_data')
self.provider = d.get('provider')
self.relative_priority = d.get('relative_priority', 0)
self.event_id = d.get('event_id')
self.created_time = d.get('created_time')
self.tenant_name = d.get('tenant_name')
class Node(BaseModel):
Class representing a launched node.
def __init__(self, id=None):
super(Node, self).__init__(id)
self.lock = None = None
self.provider = None
self.pool = None
self.__type = []
self.allocated_to = None = None
self.region = None
self.public_ipv4 = None
self.private_ipv4 = None
self.public_ipv6 = None
self.host_id = None
self.interface_ip = None
self.connection_type = None
self.connection_port = 22
self.shell_type = None
self.image_id = None
self.launcher = None
self.created_time = None
self.external_id = None
self.hostname = None
self.comment = None
self.user_data = None
self.hold_job = None
self.username = None
self.host_keys = []
self.hold_expiration = None
self.resources = None
self.attributes = None
self.python_path = None
self.tenant_name = None
self.driver_data = None
self.requestor = None
def __repr__(self):
d = self.toDict()
d['id'] =
d['stat'] = self.stat
return '<Node %s>' % d
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Node):
return ( == and == and
self.state == other.state and
self.state_time == other.state_time and
self.provider == other.provider and
self.pool == other.pool and
self.type == other.type and
self.allocated_to == other.allocated_to and == and
self.region == other.region and
self.public_ipv4 == other.public_ipv4 and
self.private_ipv4 == other.private_ipv4 and
self.public_ipv6 == other.public_ipv6 and
self.host_id == other.host_id and
self.interface_ip == other.interface_ip and
self.image_id == other.image_id and
self.launcher == other.launcher and
self.created_time == other.created_time and
self.external_id == other.external_id and
self.hostname == other.hostname and
self.comment == other.comment and
self.user_data == other.user_data and
self.hold_job == other.hold_job and
self.username == other.username and
self.connection_type == other.connection_type and
self.connection_port == other.connection_port and
self.shell_type == other.shell_type and
self.host_keys == other.host_keys and
self.hold_expiration == other.hold_expiration and
self.resources == other.resources and
self.attributes == other.attributes and
self.python_path == other.python_path and
self.tenant_name == other.tenant_name and
self.driver_data == other.driver_data and
self.requestor == other.requestor)
return False
def type(self):
return self.__type
def type(self, value):
# Using as_list() here helps us to transition from existing Nodes
# in the ZooKeeper database that still use string.
self.__type = as_list(value)
def toDict(self):
Convert a Node object's attributes to a dictionary.
d = super(Node, self).toDict()
d['cloud'] =
d['provider'] = self.provider
d['pool'] = self.pool
d['type'] = self.type
d['allocated_to'] = self.allocated_to
d['az'] =
d['region'] = self.region
d['public_ipv4'] = self.public_ipv4
d['private_ipv4'] = self.private_ipv4
d['public_ipv6'] = self.public_ipv6
d['host_id'] = self.host_id
d['interface_ip'] = self.interface_ip
d['connection_port'] = self.connection_port
# TODO(tobiash): ssh_port is kept for backwards compatibility reasons
# to zuul. It should be removed after some deprecation time.
d['ssh_port'] = self.connection_port
d['image_id'] = self.image_id
d['launcher'] = self.launcher
d['created_time'] = self.created_time
d['external_id'] = self.external_id
d['hostname'] = self.hostname
d['comment'] = self.comment
d['user_data'] = self.user_data
d['hold_job'] = self.hold_job
d['host_keys'] = self.host_keys
d['username'] = self.username
d['connection_type'] = self.connection_type
d['connection_port'] = self.connection_port
d['shell_type'] = self.shell_type
d['hold_expiration'] = self.hold_expiration
d['resources'] = self.resources
d['attributes'] = self.attributes
d['python_path'] = self.python_path
d['tenant_name'] = self.tenant_name
d['driver_data'] = self.driver_data
d['requestor'] = self.requestor
return d
def fromDict(d, o_id=None):
Create a Node object from a dictionary.
:param dict d: The dictionary.
:param str o_id: The object ID.
:returns: An initialized Node object.
o = Node(o_id)
super(Node, o).fromDict(d)
return o
def updateFromDict(self, d):
Updates the Node object from a dictionary
:param dict d: The dictionary
super().fromDict(d) = d.get('cloud')
self.provider = d.get('provider')
self.pool = d.get('pool')
self.type = d.get('type')
self.allocated_to = d.get('allocated_to') = d.get('az')
self.region = d.get('region')
self.public_ipv4 = d.get('public_ipv4')
self.private_ipv4 = d.get('private_ipv4')
self.public_ipv6 = d.get('public_ipv6')
self.host_id = d.get('host_id')
self.interface_ip = d.get('interface_ip')
self.connection_port = d.get('connection_port', d.get('ssh_port', 22))
self.image_id = d.get('image_id')
self.launcher = d.get('launcher')
self.created_time = d.get('created_time')
self.external_id = d.get('external_id')
self.hostname = d.get('hostname')
self.comment = d.get('comment')
self.user_data = d.get('user_data')
self.hold_job = d.get('hold_job')
self.username = d.get('username', 'zuul')
self.connection_type = d.get('connection_type')
self.host_keys = d.get('host_keys', [])
hold_expiration = d.get('hold_expiration')
if hold_expiration is not None:
# We try to force this to an integer value because we do
# relative second based age comparisons using this value
# and those need to be a number type.
self.hold_expiration = int(hold_expiration)
except ValueError:
# Coercion to int failed, just use default of 0,
# which means no expiration
self.hold_expiration = 0
self.hold_expiration = hold_expiration
self.resources = d.get('resources')
self.attributes = d.get('attributes')
self.python_path = d.get('python_path')
self.shell_type = d.get('shell_type')
self.tenant_name = d.get('tenant_name')
self.driver_data = d.get('driver_data')
self.requestor = d.get('requestor')
class ZooKeeper(ZooKeeperBase):
Class implementing the ZooKeeper interface.
This class uses the facade design pattern to keep common interaction
with the ZooKeeper API simple and consistent for the caller, and
limits coupling between objects. It allows for more complex interactions
by providing direct access to the client connection when needed (though
that is discouraged). It also provides for a convenient entry point for
testing only ZooKeeper interactions.
Most API calls reference an image name only, as the path for the znode
for that image is calculated automatically. And image names are assumed
to be unique.
log = logging.getLogger("nodepool.zk.ZooKeeper")
IMAGE_ROOT = "/nodepool/images"
LAUNCHER_ROOT = "/nodepool/launchers"
NODE_ROOT = "/nodepool/nodes"
REQUEST_ROOT = "/nodepool/requests"
REQUEST_LOCK_ROOT = "/nodepool/requests-lock"
ELECTION_ROOT = "/nodepool/elections"
# Log zookeeper retry every 10 seconds
retry_log_rate = 10
def __init__(self, client, enable_cache=True):
Initialize the ZooKeeper object.
self._last_retry_log = 0
self._node_cache = None
self._request_cache = None
self._cached_nodes = {}
self._cached_node_requests = {}
self.enable_cache = enable_cache
self.node_stats_event = None
if self.client.connected:
# =======================================================================
# Private Methods
# =======================================================================
def _onConnect(self):
if self.enable_cache:
self._node_cache = TreeCache(self.kazoo_client, self.NODE_ROOT)
self._request_cache = TreeCache(self.kazoo_client,
def _onDisconnect(self):
if self._node_cache is not None:
self._node_cache = None
if self._request_cache is not None:
self._request_cache = None
def _electionPath(self, election):
return "%s/%s" % (self.ELECTION_ROOT, election)
def _imagePath(self, image):
return "%s/%s" % (self.IMAGE_ROOT, image)
def _imageBuildRequestPath(self, image):
return "%s/request-build" % self._imagePath(image)
def _imageBuildsPath(self, image):
return "%s/builds" % self._imagePath(image)
def _imagePausePath(self, image):
return "%s/pause" % self._imagePath(image)
def _imageBuildNumberPath(self, image, build_number):
return "%s/%s" % (self._imageBuildsPath(image), build_number)
def _imageBuildLockPath(self, image):
return "%s/lock" % self._imageBuildsPath(image)
def _imageBuildNumberLockPath(self, image, build_number):
return "%s/lock" % self._imageBuildNumberPath(image, build_number)
def _imageProviderPath(self, image, build_number):
return "%s/%s/providers" % (self._imageBuildsPath(image),
def _imageUploadPath(self, image, build_number, provider):
return "%s/%s/providers/%s/images" % (self._imageBuildsPath(image),
def _imageUploadLockPath(self, image, build_number, provider):
return "%s/lock" % self._imageUploadPath(image, build_number,
def _imageUploadNumberLockPath(self, image, build_number, provider,
return "%s/%s/lock" % (
self._imageUploadPath(image, build_number, provider),
def _launcherPath(self, launcher):
return "%s/%s" % (self.LAUNCHER_ROOT, launcher)
def _nodePath(self, node):
return "%s/%s" % (self.NODE_ROOT, node)
def _nodeLockPath(self, node):
return "%s/%s/lock" % (self.NODE_ROOT, node)
def _requestPath(self, request):
return "%s/%s" % (self.REQUEST_ROOT, request)
def _requestLockPath(self, request):
return "%s/%s" % (self.REQUEST_LOCK_ROOT, request)
def _bytesToDict(self, data):
return json.loads(data.decode('utf8'))
def _getImageBuildLock(self, image, blocking=True, timeout=None):
lock_path = self._imageBuildLockPath(image)
lock = Lock(self.kazoo_client, lock_path)
have_lock = lock.acquire(blocking, timeout)
except kze.LockTimeout:
raise npe.TimeoutException(
"Timeout trying to acquire lock %s" % lock_path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
have_lock = False
self.log.error("Image build not found for locking: %s", image)
# If we aren't blocking, it's possible we didn't get the lock
# because someone else has it.
if not have_lock:
raise npe.ZKLockException("Did not get lock on %s" % lock_path)
return lock
def _getImageBuildNumberLock(self, image, build_number,
blocking=True, timeout=None):
lock_path = self._imageBuildNumberLockPath(image, build_number)
lock = Lock(self.kazoo_client, lock_path)
have_lock = lock.acquire(blocking, timeout)
except kze.LockTimeout:
raise npe.TimeoutException(
"Timeout trying to acquire lock %s" % lock_path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
have_lock = False
self.log.error("Image build number not found for locking: %s, %s",
build_number, image)
# If we aren't blocking, it's possible we didn't get the lock
# because someone else has it.
if not have_lock:
raise npe.ZKLockException("Did not get lock on %s" % lock_path)
return lock
def _getImageUploadNumberLock(self, image, build_number, provider,
upload_number, blocking=True, timeout=None):
lock_path = self._imageUploadNumberLockPath(image, build_number,
provider, upload_number)
lock = Lock(self.kazoo_client, lock_path)
have_lock = lock.acquire(blocking, timeout)
except kze.LockTimeout:
raise npe.TimeoutException(
"Timeout trying to acquire lock %s" % lock_path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
have_lock = False
self.log.error("Image upload number %s not found for locking: "
"%s, %s, %s",
upload_number, build_number, provider, image)
# If we aren't blocking, it's possible we didn't get the lock
# because someone else has it.
if not have_lock:
raise npe.ZKLockException("Did not get lock on %s" % lock_path)
return lock
def _getImageUploadLock(self, image, build_number, provider,
blocking=True, timeout=None):
lock_path = self._imageUploadLockPath(image, build_number, provider)
lock = Lock(self.kazoo_client, lock_path)
have_lock = lock.acquire(blocking, timeout)
except kze.LockTimeout:
raise npe.TimeoutException(
"Timeout trying to acquire lock %s" % lock_path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
have_lock = False
self.log.error("Image upload not found for locking: %s, %s, %s",
build_number, provider, image)
# If we aren't blocking, it's possible we didn't get the lock
# because someone else has it.
if not have_lock:
raise npe.ZKLockException("Did not get lock on %s" % lock_path)
return lock
def logConnectionRetryEvent(self):
Kazoo retry callback
now = time.monotonic()
if now - self._last_retry_log >= self.retry_log_rate:
self.log.warning("Retrying zookeeper connection")
self._last_retry_log = now
# =======================================================================
# Public Methods and Properties
# =======================================================================
def connected(self):
return self.client.connected
def suspended(self):
return self.client.suspended
def lost(self):
return self.client.lost
def disconnect(self):
Close the ZooKeeper cluster connection.
You should call this method if you used connect() to establish a
cluster connection.
def resetHosts(self, hosts):
Reset the ZooKeeper cluster connection host list.
:param str host_list: A ZK host list
def imageBuildLock(self, image, blocking=True, timeout=None):
Context manager to use for locking image builds.
Obtains a write lock for the specified image.
:param str image: Name of the image to lock
:param bool blocking: Whether or not to block on trying to
acquire the lock
:param int timeout: When blocking, how long to wait for the lock
to get acquired. None, the default, waits forever.
:raises: TimeoutException if we failed to acquire the lock when
blocking with a timeout. ZKLockException if we are not blocking
and could not get the lock, or a lock is already held.
lock = None
lock = self._getImageBuildLock(image, blocking, timeout)
if lock:
def imageBuildNumberLock(self, image, build_number,
blocking=True, timeout=None):
Context manager to use for locking _specific_ image builds.
Obtains a write lock for the specified image build number. This is
used for locking a build number during the cleanup phase of the
:param str image: Name of the image
:param str build_number: The image build number to lock.
:param bool blocking: Whether or not to block on trying to
acquire the lock
:param int timeout: When blocking, how long to wait for the lock
to get acquired. None, the default, waits forever.
:raises: TimeoutException if we failed to acquire the lock when
blocking with a timeout. ZKLockException if we are not blocking
and could not get the lock, or a lock is already held.
lock = None
lock = self._getImageBuildNumberLock(image, build_number,
blocking, timeout)
if lock:
def imageUploadLock(self, image, build_number, provider,
blocking=True, timeout=None):
Context manager to use for locking image uploads.
Obtains a write lock for the specified image upload.
:param str image: Name of the image.
:param str build_number: The image build number.
:param str provider: The provider name owning the image.
:param bool blocking: Whether or not to block on trying to
acquire the lock
:param int timeout: When blocking, how long to wait for the lock
to get acquired. None, the default, waits forever.
:raises: TimeoutException if we failed to acquire the lock when
blocking with a timeout. ZKLockException if we are not blocking
and could not get the lock, or a lock is already held.
lock = None
lock = self._getImageUploadLock(image, build_number, provider,
blocking, timeout)
if lock:
def imageUploadNumberLock(self, image_upload, blocking=True, timeout=None):
Context manager to use for locking _specific_ image uploads.
Obtains a write lock for the specified image upload number.
:param ImageUpload image_upload: The object describing the upload
to lock.
:param bool blocking: Whether or not to block on trying to
acquire the lock
:param int timeout: When blocking, how long to wait for the lock
to get acquired. None, the default, waits forever.
:raises: TimeoutException if we failed to acquire the lock when
blocking with a timeout. ZKLockException if we are not blocking
and could not get the lock, or a lock is already held.
lock = None
lock = self._getImageUploadNumberLock(image_upload.image_name,
blocking, timeout)
if lock:
def getImageNames(self):
Retrieve the image names in Zookeeper.
:returns: A list of image names or the empty list.
path = self.IMAGE_ROOT
images = self.kazoo_client.get_children(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return []
return sorted(images)
def getImagePaused(self, image):
Return the pause flag for an image.
:returns: A boolean indicating if the image is paused.
path = self._imagePausePath(image)
data, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return False
return True
def setImagePaused(self, image, paused):
Set or clear the pause flag for an image.
path = self._imagePausePath(image)
if paused:
except kze.NodeExistsError:
except kze.NoNodeError:
def getBuildNumbers(self, image):
Retrieve the builds available for an image.
:param str image: The image name.
:returns: A list of image build numbers or the empty list.
path = self._imageBuildsPath(image)
builds = self.kazoo_client.get_children(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return []
builds = [x for x in builds if x != 'lock']
return builds
def getBuildProviders(self, image, build_number):
Retrieve the providers which have uploads for an image build.
:param str image: The image name.
:param str build_number: The image build number.
:returns: A list of provider names or the empty list.
path = self._imageProviderPath(image, build_number)
providers = self.kazoo_client.get_children(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return []
return sorted(providers)
def getImageUploadNumbers(self, image, build_number, provider):
Retrieve upload numbers for a provider and image build.
:param str image: The image name.
:param str build_number: The image build number.
:param str provider: The provider name owning the image.
:returns: A list of upload numbers or the empty list.
path = self._imageUploadPath(image, build_number, provider)
uploads = self.kazoo_client.get_children(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return []
uploads = [x for x in uploads if x != 'lock']
return uploads
def getBuild(self, image, build_number):
Retrieve the image build data.
:param str image: The image name.
:param str build_number: The image build number.
:returns: An ImageBuild object, or None if not found.
path = self._imageBuildsPath(image) + "/%s" % build_number
data, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return None
d = ImageBuild.fromDict(self._bytesToDict(data), build_number)
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
self.log.exception('Error loading json data from image build %s',
return None
d.stat = stat
return d
def getBuilds(self, image, states=None):
Retrieve all image build data matching any given states.
:param str image: The image name.
:param list states: A list of build state values to match against.
A value of None will disable state matching and just return
all builds.
:returns: A list of ImageBuild objects.
path = self._imageBuildsPath(image)
builds = self.kazoo_client.get_children(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return []
matches = []
for build in builds:
if build == 'lock': # skip the build lock node
data = self.getBuild(image, build)
if states is None:
elif data and data.state in states:
return matches
def getMostRecentBuilds(self, count, image, state=None):
Retrieve the most recent image build data with the given state.
:param int count: A count of the most recent builds to return.
Use None for all builds.
:param str image: The image name.
:param str state: The build state to match on. Use None to
ignore state
:returns: A list of the most recent ImageBuild objects matching the
given state, or an empty list if there were no builds matching
the state. You may get less than 'count' entries if there were
not enough matching builds.
states = None
if state:
states = [state]
builds = self.getBuilds(image, states)
if not builds:
return []
builds.sort(key=lambda x: x.state_time, reverse=True)
return builds[:count]
def storeBuild(self, image, build_data, build_number=None):
Store the image build data.
The build data is either created if it does not exist, or it is
updated in its entirety if it does not. There is no partial updating.
The build data is expected to be represented as a dict. This dict may
contain any data, as appropriate.
If a build number is not supplied, then a new build node/number is
created. The new build number is available in the return value.
.. important: You should have the image locked before calling this
:param str image: The image name for which we have data.
:param ImageBuild build_data: The build data.
:param str build_number: The image build number.
:returns: A string for the build number that was updated.
# Append trailing / so the sequence node is created as a child node.
build_path = self._imageBuildsPath(image) + "/"
if build_number is None:
path = self.kazoo_client.create(
build_number = path.split("/")[-1]
path = build_path + build_number
self.kazoo_client.set(path, build_data.serialize())
return build_number
def getImageUpload(self, image, build_number, provider, upload_number):
Retrieve the image upload data.
:param str image: The image name.
:param str build_number: The image build number.
:param str provider: The provider name owning the image.
:param str upload_number: The image upload number.
:returns: An ImageUpload object, or None if not found.
:raises: ZKException if the image upload path is not found.
path = self._imageUploadPath(image, build_number, provider)
path = path + "/%s" % upload_number
data, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return None
d = ImageUpload.fromDict(self._bytesToDict(data),
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
self.log.exception('Error loading json data from image upload %s',
return None
d.stat = stat
return d
def getUploads(self, image, build_number, provider, states=None):
Retrieve all image upload data matching any given states.
:param str image: The image name.
:param str build_number: The image build number.
:param str provider: The provider name owning the image.
:param list states: A list of upload state values to match against.
A value of None will disable state matching and just return
all uploads.
:returns: A list of ImageUpload objects.
path = self._imageUploadPath(image, build_number, provider)
uploads = self.kazoo_client.get_children(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return []
matches = []
for upload in uploads:
if upload == 'lock':
data = self.getImageUpload(image, build_number, provider, upload)
if not data:
if states is None:
elif data.state in states:
return matches
def getMostRecentBuildImageUploads(self, count, image, build_number,
provider, state=None):
Retrieve the most recent image upload data with the given state.
:param int count: A count of the most recent uploads to return.
Use None for all uploads.
:param str image: The image name.
:param str build_number: The image build number.
:param str provider: The provider name owning the image.
:param str state: The image upload state to match on. Use None to
ignore state.
:returns: A tuple with the most recent upload number and dictionary of
upload data matching the given state, or None if there was no
upload matching the state.
states = None
if state:
states = [state]
uploads = self.getUploads(image, build_number, provider, states)
if not uploads:
return []
uploads.sort(key=lambda x: x.state_time, reverse=True)
return uploads[:count]
def getMostRecentImageUpload(self, image, provider,
Retrieve the most recent image upload data with the given state.
:param str image: The image name.
:param str provider: The provider name owning the image.
:param str state: The image upload state to match on.
:returns: An ImageUpload object matching the given state, or
None if there is no recent upload.
recent_data = None
for build_number in self.getBuildNumbers(image):
path = self._imageUploadPath(image, build_number, provider)
uploads = self.kazoo_client.get_children(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
uploads = []
for upload in uploads:
if upload == 'lock': # skip the upload lock node
data = self.getImageUpload(
image, build_number, provider, upload)
if not data or data.state != state:
elif (recent_data is None or
recent_data.state_time < data.state_time):
recent_data = data
return recent_data
def storeImageUpload(self, image, build_number, provider, image_data,
Store the built image's upload data for the given provider.
The image upload data is either created if it does not exist, or it
is updated in its entirety if it does not. There is no partial
updating. The image data is expected to be represented as a dict.
This dict may contain any data, as appropriate.
If an image upload number is not supplied, then a new image upload
node/number is created. The new upload number is available in the
return value.
:param str image: The image name for which we have data.
:param str build_number: The image build number.
:param str provider: The provider name owning the image.
:param ImageUpload image_data: The image data we want to store.
:param str upload_number: The image upload number to update.
:returns: A string for the upload number that was updated.
:raises: ZKException for an invalid image build.
# We expect the image builds path to already exist.
build_path = self._imageBuildsPath(image)
if not self.kazoo_client.exists(build_path):
raise npe.ZKException(
"Cannot find build %s of image %s" % (build_number, image)
# Generate a path for the upload. This doesn't have to exist yet
# since we'll create new provider/upload ID znodes automatically.
# Append trailing / so the sequence node is created as a child node.
upload_path = self._imageUploadPath(
image, build_number, provider) + "/"
if upload_number is None:
path = self.kazoo_client.create(
upload_number = path.split("/")[-1]
path = upload_path + upload_number
self.kazoo_client.set(path, image_data.serialize())
return upload_number
def hasBuildRequest(self, image):
Check if an image has a pending build request.
:param str image: The image name to check.
:returns: True if request is pending, False otherwise
path = self._imageBuildRequestPath(image)
if self.kazoo_client.exists(path) is not None:
return True
return False
def _latestImageBuildStat(self, image):
builds = self.getBuildNumbers(image)
if not builds:
latest_build, *_ = builds
builds_path = self._imageBuildNumberPath(image, latest_build)
return self.kazoo_client.exists(builds_path)
def getBuildRequest(self, image):
"""Get a build request for the given image.
:param str image: The image name to check.
:returns: An ImagebuildRequest object, or None if not found
path = self._imageBuildRequestPath(image)
_, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
pending = True
lock_path = self._imageBuildLockPath(image)
lock_stat = self.kazoo_client.exists(lock_path)
if lock_stat and lock_stat.children_count:
build_stat = self._latestImageBuildStat(image)
# If there is a lock, but no build we assume that the build
# will was not yet created.
pending = (
build_stat is None or
build_stat.created < lock_stat.created
return ImageBuildRequest(image, pending, stat.created)
def submitBuildRequest(self, image):
Submit a request for a new image build.
:param str image: The image name.
path = self._imageBuildRequestPath(image)
def removeBuildRequest(self, image):
Remove an image build request.
:param str image: The image name to check.
path = self._imageBuildRequestPath(image)
except kze.NoNodeError:
def deleteBuild(self, image, build_number):
Delete an image build from ZooKeeper.
Any provider uploads for this build must be deleted before the build
node can be deleted.
:param str image: The image name.
:param str build_number: The image build number to delete.
:returns: True if the build is successfully deleted or did not exist,
False if the provider uploads still exist.
path = self._imageBuildsPath(image)
path = path + "/%s" % build_number
# Verify that no upload znodes exist.
for prov in self.getBuildProviders(image, build_number):
if self.getImageUploadNumbers(image, build_number, prov):
return False
# NOTE: Need to do recursively to remove lock znodes
self.kazoo_client.delete(path, recursive=True)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return True
def deleteUpload(self, image, build_number, provider, upload_number):
Delete an image upload from ZooKeeper.
:param str image: The image name.
:param str build_number: The image build number.
:param str provider: The provider name owning the image.
:param str upload_number: The image upload number to delete.
path = self._imageUploadPath(image, build_number, provider)
path = path + "/%s" % upload_number
# NOTE: Need to do recursively to remove lock znodes
self.kazoo_client.delete(path, recursive=True)
except kze.NoNodeError:
def getRegisteredPools(self):
Get a list of all launcher pools that have registered with ZooKeeper.
:returns: A list of PoolComponent objects, or empty list if none
are found.
return list(COMPONENT_REGISTRY.registry.all(kind='pool'))
def getNodeRequests(self):
Get the current list of all node requests in priority sorted order.
:returns: A list of request nodes.
requests = self.kazoo_client.get_children(self.REQUEST_ROOT)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return []
return sorted(requests)
def getNodeRequestLockIDs(self):
Get the current list of all node request lock ids.
lock_ids = self.kazoo_client.get_children(self.REQUEST_LOCK_ROOT)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return []
return lock_ids
def getNodeRequestLockStats(self, lock_id):
Get the data for a specific node request lock.
Note that there is no user data set on a node request lock znode. The
main purpose for this method is to get the ZK stat data for the lock
so we can inspect it and use it for lock deletion.
:param str lock_id: The node request lock ID.
:returns: A NodeRequestLockStats object.
path = self._requestLockPath(lock_id)
data, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return None
d = NodeRequestLockStats(lock_id)
d.stat = stat
return d
def deleteNodeRequestLock(self, lock_id):
Delete the znode for a node request lock id.
:param str lock_id: The lock ID.
path = self._requestLockPath(lock_id)
self.kazoo_client.delete(path, recursive=True)
except kze.NoNodeError:
def getNodeRequest(self, request, cached=False):
Get the data for a specific node request.
:param str request: The request ID.
:param cached: True if cached node requests should be returned.
:returns: The request data, or None if the request was not found.
if cached:
d = self._cached_node_requests.get(request)
if d:
return d
# If we got here we either didn't use the cache or the cache didn't
# have the request (yet). Note that even if we use caching we need to
# do a real query if the cached data is empty because the request data
# might not be in the cache yet when it's listed by the get_children
# call.
path = self._requestPath(request)
data, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return None
d = NodeRequest.fromDict(self._bytesToDict(data), request)
d.stat = stat
return d
def updateNodeRequest(self, request):
Update the data of a node request object in-place
:param request: the node request object to update
path = self._requestPath(
data, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(path)
if data:
d = self._bytesToDict(data)
d = {}
request.stat = stat
def storeNodeRequest(self, request, priority="100"):
Store a new or existing node request.
:param NodeRequest request: The node request to update.
:param str priority: Priority of a new request. Ignored on updates.
if not
if not request.event_id:
request.event_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
path = "%s/%s-" % (self.REQUEST_ROOT, priority)
path = self.kazoo_client.create(
makepath=True) = path.split("/")[-1]
# Validate it still exists before updating
if not self.getNodeRequest(
raise Exception(
"Attempt to update non-existing request %s" % request)
path = self._requestPath(
self.kazoo_client.set(path, request.serialize())
def deleteNodeRequest(self, request):
Delete a node request.
:param NodeRequest request: The request to delete.
if not
path = self._requestPath(
except kze.NoNodeError:
def lockNodeRequest(self, request, blocking=True, timeout=None):
Lock a node request.
This will set the `lock` attribute of the request object when the
lock is successfully acquired. Also this will update the node request
with the latest data after acquiring the lock in order to guarantee
that it has the latest state if locking was successful.
:param NodeRequest request: The request to lock.
:param bool blocking: Whether or not to block on trying to
acquire the lock
:param int timeout: When blocking, how long to wait for the lock
to get acquired. None, the default, waits forever.
:raises: TimeoutException if we failed to acquire the lock when
blocking with a timeout. ZKLockException if we are not blocking
and could not get the lock, or a lock is already held.
log = get_annotated_logger(self.log, event_id=request.event_id,
path = self._requestLockPath(
lock = Lock(self.kazoo_client, path)
have_lock = lock.acquire(blocking, timeout)
except kze.LockTimeout:
raise npe.TimeoutException(
"Timeout trying to acquire lock %s" % path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
have_lock = False
log.error("Request not found for locking: %s", request)
# If we aren't blocking, it's possible we didn't get the lock
# because someone else has it.
if not have_lock:
raise npe.ZKLockException("Did not get lock on %s" % path)
request.lock = lock
# Do an in-place update of the node request so we have the latest data
def unlockNodeRequest(self, request):
Unlock a node request.
The request must already have been locked.
:param NodeRequest request: The request to unlock.
:raises: ZKLockException if the request is not currently locked.
if request.lock is None:
raise npe.ZKLockException(
"Request %s does not hold a lock" % request)
request.lock = None
def lockNode(self, node, blocking=True, timeout=None,
ephemeral=True, identifier=None):
Lock a node.
This will set the `lock` attribute of the Node object when the
lock is successfully acquired. Also this will update the node with the
latest data after acquiring the lock in order to guarantee that it has
the latest state if locking was successful.
:param Node node: The node to lock.
:param bool blocking: Whether or not to block on trying to
acquire the lock
:param int timeout: When blocking, how long to wait for the lock
to get acquired. None, the default, waits forever.
:param bool ephemeral: Whether to use an ephemeral lock. Unless
you have a really good reason, use the default of True.
:param bool identifier: Identifies the lock holder. The default
of None is usually fine.
:raises: TimeoutException if we failed to acquire the lock when
blocking with a timeout. ZKLockException if we are not blocking
and could not get the lock, or a lock is already held.
path = self._nodeLockPath(
lock = Lock(self.kazoo_client, path, identifier)
have_lock = lock.acquire(blocking, timeout, ephemeral)
except kze.LockTimeout:
raise npe.TimeoutException(
"Timeout trying to acquire lock %s" % path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
have_lock = False
self.log.error("Node not found for locking: %s", node)
# If we aren't blocking, it's possible we didn't get the lock
# because someone else has it.
if not have_lock:
raise npe.ZKLockException("Did not get lock on %s" % path)
node.lock = lock
# Do an in-place update of the node so we have the latest data.
def unlockNode(self, node):
Unlock a node.
The node must already have been locked.
:param Node node: The node to unlock.
:raises: ZKLockException if the node is not currently locked.
if node.lock is None:
raise npe.ZKLockException("Node %s does not hold a lock" % node)
node.lock = None
def forceUnlockNode(self, node):
Forcibly unlock a node.
:param Node node: The node to unlock.
path = self._nodeLockPath(
self.kazoo_client.delete(path, recursive=True)
except kze.NoNodeError:
def getNodeLockContenders(self, node):
Return the contenders for a node lock.
path = self._nodeLockPath(
lock = Lock(self.kazoo_client, path)
return lock.contenders()
def getNodes(self):
Get the current list of all nodes.
:returns: A list of nodes.
return self.kazoo_client.get_children(self.NODE_ROOT)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return []
def getNode(self, node, cached=False):
Get the data for a specific node.
:param str node: The node ID.
:param bool cached: True if the data should be taken from the cache.
:returns: The node data, or None if the node was not found.
if cached:
d = self._cached_nodes.get(node)
if d:
return d
# We got here we either didn't use the cache or the cache didn't
# have the node (yet). Note that even if we use caching we need to
# do a real query if the cached data is empty because the node data
# might not be in the cache yet when it's listed by the get_children
# call.
path = self._nodePath(node)
data, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
return None
if not data:
return None
d = Node.fromDict(self._bytesToDict(data), node) = node
d.stat = stat
return d
def updateNode(self, node):
Update the data of a node object in-place
:param node: The node object
path = self._nodePath(
data, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(path)
if data:
d = self._bytesToDict(data)
# The node exists but has no data so use empty dict.
d = {}
node.stat = stat
def storeNode(self, node):
Store an new or existing node.
If this is a new node, then will be set with the newly created
node identifier. Otherwise, is used to identify the node to
:param Node node: The Node object to store.
if not
node_path = "%s/" % self.NODE_ROOT
# We expect a new node to always have a state already set, so
# use that state_time for created_time for consistency. But have
# this check, just in case.
if node.state_time:
node.created_time = node.state_time
node.created_time = time.time()
path = self.kazoo_client.create(
makepath=True) = path.split("/")[-1]
path = self._nodePath(
self.kazoo_client.set(path, node.serialize())
def watchNode(self, node, callback):
'''Watch an existing node for changes.
:param Node node: The node object to watch.
:param callable callback: A callable object that will be invoked each
time the node is updated. It is called with two arguments (node,
deleted) where 'node' is the same argument passed to this method,
and 'deleted' is a boolean which is True if the node no longer
exists. The callback should return False when further updates are
no longer necessary.
def _callback_wrapper(data, stat):
if data is not None:
deleted = data is None
return callback(node, deleted)
path = self._nodePath(
self.kazoo_client.DataWatch(path, _callback_wrapper)
def deleteRawNode(self, node_id):
Delete a znode for a Node.
This is used to forcefully delete a Node znode that has somehow
ended up without any actual data. In most cases, you should be using
deleteNode() instead.
path = self._nodePath(node_id)
self.kazoo_client.delete(path, recursive=True)
except kze.NoNodeError:
def deleteNode(self, node):
Delete a node.
:param Node node: The Node object representing the ZK node to delete.
if not
path = self._nodePath(
# Set the node state to deleted before we start deleting
# anything so that we can detect a race condition where the
# lock is removed before the node deletion occurs.
node.state = DELETED
self.kazoo_client.set(path, node.serialize())
def getReadyNodesOfTypes(self, labels, cached=True):
Query ZooKeeper for unused/ready nodes.
:param list labels: The node types we want.
:returns: A dictionary, keyed by node type, with lists of Node objects
that are ready, or an empty dict if none are found. A node may
appear more than once under different labels if it is tagged with
those labels.
ret = {}
for node in self.nodeIterator(cached=cached):
if node.state != READY or node.allocated_to:
for label in labels:
if label in node.type:
if label not in ret:
ret[label] = []
return ret
def deleteOldestUnusedNode(self, provider_name, pool_name):
Deletes the oldest unused (READY+unlocked) node for a provider's pool.
If we discover that this provider pool already has a node that is
being deleted, and whose state is less than 5 minutes old, do nothing.
:param str provider_name: Name of the provider.
:param str pool_name: Pool name for the given provider.
:returns: True if a delete was requested, False otherwise.
def age(timestamp):
now = time.time()
dt = now - timestamp
m, s = divmod(dt, 60)
h, m = divmod(m, 60)
d, h = divmod(h, 24)
return '%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d' % (d, h, m, s)
candidates = []
for node in self.nodeIterator():
if node.provider == provider_name and node.pool == pool_name:
# A READY node that has been allocated will not be considered
# a candidate at this point. If allocated_to gets reset during
# the cleanup phase b/c the request disappears, then it can
# become a candidate.
if node.state == READY and not node.allocated_to:
elif (node.state == DELETING and
(time.time() - node.state_time / 1000) < MAX_DELETE_AGE
return False
candidates.sort(key=lambda n: n.state_time)
for node in candidates:
self.lockNode(node, blocking=False)
except npe.ZKLockException:
# Make sure the state didn't change on us
if node.state != READY:
self.log.debug("Deleting unused node %s (age: %s)",, age(node.state_time))
node.state = DELETING
except Exception:
"Error attempting to update unused node %s:",
# If we got here, we found and requested a delete for the
# oldest unused node.
return True
return False
def nodeIterator(self, cached=True, cached_ids=False):
Utility generator method for iterating through all nodes.
:param bool cached: True if the data should be taken from the cache.
:param bool cached_ids: True if the node IDs should be taken from the
if cached_ids:
# get a copy of the keys view to avoid runtime errors in the event
# the _cached_nodes dict gets updated while iterating
node_ids = list(self._cached_nodes.keys())
node_ids = self.getNodes()
for node_id in node_ids:
node = self.getNode(node_id, cached=cached)
if node:
yield node
def nodeRequestLockStatsIterator(self):
Utility generator method for iterating through all nodes request locks.
for lock_id in self.getNodeRequestLockIDs():
lock_stats = self.getNodeRequestLockStats(lock_id)
if lock_stats:
yield lock_stats
def nodeRequestIterator(self, cached=True):
Utility generator method for iterating through all nodes requests.
for req_id in self.getNodeRequests():
req = self.getNodeRequest(req_id, cached=cached)
if req:
yield req
def countPoolNodes(self, provider_name, pool_name):
Count the number of nodes that exist for the given provider pool.
:param str provider_name: The provider name.
:param str pool_name: The pool name.
count = 0
for node in self.nodeIterator():
if node.provider == provider_name and node.pool == pool_name:
count = count + 1
return count
def getProviderBuilds(self, provider_name):
Get all builds for a provider for each image.
:param str provider_name: The provider name.
:returns: A dict of lists of build IDs, keyed by image name.
provider_builds = {}
image_names = self.getImageNames()
for image in image_names:
build_numbers = self.getBuildNumbers(image)
for build in build_numbers:
providers = self.getBuildProviders(image, build)
for p in providers:
if p == provider_name:
if image not in provider_builds:
provider_builds[image] = []
return provider_builds
def getProviderUploads(self, provider_name):
Get all uploads for a provider for each image.
:param str provider_name: The provider name.
:returns: A dict, keyed by image name and build ID, of a list of
ImageUpload objects.
provider_uploads = {}
image_names = self.getImageNames()
for image in image_names:
build_numbers = self.getBuildNumbers(image)
for build in build_numbers:
# If this build is not valid for this provider, move along.
if provider_name not in self.getBuildProviders(image, build):
# We've determined that we at least have a build for this
# provider so init with an empty upload list.
if image not in provider_uploads:
provider_uploads[image] = {}
provider_uploads[image][build] = []
# Add any uploads we might have for this provider.
uploads = self.getUploads(image, build, provider_name)
for upload in uploads:
return provider_uploads
def getProviderNodes(self, provider_name):
Get all nodes for a provider.
:param str provider_name: The provider name.
:returns: A list of Node objects.
provider_nodes = []
for node in self.nodeIterator():
if node.provider == provider_name:
return provider_nodes
def removeProviderBuilds(self, provider_name, provider_builds):
Remove ZooKeeper build data for a provider.
:param str provider_name: The provider name.
:param dict provider_builds: Data as returned by getProviderBuilds().
for image, builds in provider_builds.items():
for build in builds:
path = self._imageProviderPath(image, build)
path = "%s/%s" % (path, provider_name)
self.kazoo_client.delete(path, recursive=True)
except kze.NoNodeError:
def removeProviderNodes(self, provider_name, provider_nodes):
Remove ZooKeeper node data for a provider.
:param str provider_name: The provider name.
:param dict provider_nodes: Data as returned by getProviderNodes().
for node in provider_nodes:
def cacheFaultListener(self, e):
def nodeCacheListener(self, event):
except Exception:
self.log.exception("Exception in node cache update for event: %s",
def _nodeCacheListener(self, event):
if hasattr(event.event_data, 'path'):
# Ignore root node
path = event.event_data.path
if path == self.NODE_ROOT:
# Ignore lock nodes
if '/lock' in path:
# Ignore any non-node related events such as connection events here
if event.event_type not in (TreeEvent.NODE_ADDED,
path = event.event_data.path
node_id = path.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
if event.event_type in (TreeEvent.NODE_ADDED, TreeEvent.NODE_UPDATED):
# Nodes with empty data are invalid so skip add or update these.
if not
# Perform an in-place update of the already cached node if possible
d = self._bytesToDict(
old_node = self._cached_nodes.get(node_id)
if old_node:
if event.event_data.stat.version <= old_node.stat.version:
# Don't update to older data
if old_node.lock:
# Don't update a locked node
old_node.stat = event.event_data.stat
node = Node.fromDict(d, node_id)
node.stat = event.event_data.stat
self._cached_nodes[node_id] = node
# set the stats event so the stats reporting thread can act upon it
if self.node_stats_event is not None:
elif event.event_type == TreeEvent.NODE_REMOVED:
del self._cached_nodes[node_id]
except KeyError:
# If it's already gone, don't care
# set the stats event so the stats reporting thread can act upon it
if self.node_stats_event is not None:
def setNodeStatsEvent(self, event):
self.node_stats_event = event
def requestCacheListener(self, event):
except Exception:
"Exception in request cache update for event: %s",
def _requestCacheListener(self, event):
if hasattr(event.event_data, 'path'):
# Ignore root node
path = event.event_data.path
if path == self.REQUEST_ROOT:
# Ignore lock nodes
if '/lock' in path:
# Ignore any non-node related events such as connection events here
if event.event_type not in (TreeEvent.NODE_ADDED,
path = event.event_data.path
request_id = path.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
if event.event_type in (TreeEvent.NODE_ADDED, TreeEvent.NODE_UPDATED):
# Requests with empty data are invalid so skip add or update these.
if not
# Perform an in-place update of the cached request if possible
d = self._bytesToDict(
old_request = self._cached_node_requests.get(request_id)
if old_request:
if event.event_data.stat.version <= old_request.stat.version:
# Don't update to older data
if old_request.lock:
# Don't update a locked node request
old_request.stat = event.event_data.stat
request = NodeRequest.fromDict(d, request_id)
request.stat = event.event_data.stat
self._cached_node_requests[request_id] = request
elif event.event_type == TreeEvent.NODE_REMOVED:
del self._cached_node_requests[request_id]
except KeyError:
# If it's already gone, don't care
def getStatsElection(self, identifier):
path = self._electionPath('stats')
return Election(self.kazoo_client, path, identifier)
def exportImageData(self):
Export the DIB image and upload data from ZK for backup purposes.
ret = {}
for image_name in self.getImageNames():
paused = self.getImagePaused(image_name)
if paused:
paused_path = self._imagePausePath(image_name)
ret[paused_path] = ''
for build_no in self.getBuildNumbers(image_name):
build_path = self._imageBuildsPath(image_name) + "/" + build_no
build_data, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(build_path)
except kze.NoNodeError:
ret[build_path] = build_data.decode('utf8')
for provider_name in self.getBuildProviders(image_name,
for upload_no in self.getImageUploadNumbers(
image_name, build_no, provider_name):
upload_path = self._imageUploadPath(
image_name, build_no, provider_name) + "/"
upload_path += upload_no
upload_data, stat = self.kazoo_client.get(
except kze.NoNodeError:
ret[upload_path] = upload_data.decode('utf8')
return ret
def importImageData(self, import_data):
'''Import the DIB image and upload data to ZK.
This makes no guarantees about locking; it is expected to be
run on a quiescent system with no daemons running.
# We do some extra work to ensure that the sequence numbers
# don't collide. ZK sequence numbers are stored in the parent
# node and ZK isn't smart enough to avoid collisions if there
# are missing entries. So if we restore build 1, and then the
# builder later wants to create a new build, it will attempt
# to create build 1, and fail since the node already exists.
# NB: The behavior is slightly different for sequence number 1
# vs others; if 2 is the lowest number, then ZK will create
# node 0 and 1 before colliding with 2. This is further
# complicated in the nodepool context since we create lock
# entries under the build/upload znodes which also seem to
# have an effect on the counter.
# Regardless, if we pre-create sequence nodes up to our
# highest node numbers for builds and uploads, we are
# guaranteed that the next sequence node created will be
# greater. So we look at all the sequence nodes in our import
# data set and pre-create sequence nodes up to that number.
highest_num = {}
# 0 1 2 3 4 5
# /nodepool/images/fake-image/builds/0000000002/
# 6 7 8 9
# providers/fake-provider/images/0000000001
for path, data in import_data.items():
parts = path.split('/')
if len(parts) == 6:
key = '/'.join(parts[:5])
num = int(parts[5])
highest_num[key] = max(highest_num.get(key, num), num)
if len(parts) == 10:
key = '/'.join(parts[:9])
num = int(parts[9])
highest_num[key] = max(highest_num.get(key, num), num)
for path, num in highest_num.items():
for x in range(num):
node = self.kazoo_client.create(
path + '/', makepath=True, sequence=True)
# If this node isn't in our import data, go ahead and
# delete it.
if node not in import_data:
for path, data in import_data.items():
# We may have already created a node above; in that
# case, just set the data on it.
if self.kazoo_client.exists(path):