diff --git a/doc/source/dib-roles.rst b/doc/source/dib-roles.rst
index ff0876931..691b8f4b5 100644
--- a/doc/source/dib-roles.rst
+++ b/doc/source/dib-roles.rst
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ Diskimage-Builder Roles
 .. zuul:autorole:: ensure-dib
 .. zuul:autorole:: build-diskimage
+.. zuul:autorole:: convert-diskimage
diff --git a/roles/convert-diskimage/README.rst b/roles/convert-diskimage/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21223eea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/convert-diskimage/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+This role converts diskimages from one format to other using the qemu-img tool.
+Currently, only Ubuntu and Debian distributions are supported.
+**Role variables**
+.. zuul:rolevar:: convert_diskimage_source_image
+   The path to the source image file.
+.. zuul:rolevar::  convert_diskimage_target_image
+   The path of the desired target image file.
+.. zuul:rolevar::  convert_diskimage_target_image_formats
+   :type: list
+   The desired formats of the target image.
+   Supported values are "raw" and "qcow2".
diff --git a/roles/convert-diskimage/tasks/main.yaml b/roles/convert-diskimage/tasks/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90278289b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/convert-diskimage/tasks/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+- name: Make sure the role is run on Debian or Ubuntu
+  fail:
+    msg: "This role supports Debian and Ubuntu distributions only"
+  when: ansible_distribution not in ["Debian", "Ubuntu"]
+- name: Make sure required variables are set
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - convert_diskimage_source_image is defined
+      - convert_diskimage_target_image is defined
+      - convert_diskimage_target_formats is defined
+- name: Make sure target formats are supported
+  assert:
+    that: zj_format in convert_diskimage_supported_formats
+  loop: "{{ convert_diskimage_target_formats }}"
+  loop_control:
+    loop_var: zj_format
+- name: Install qemu tools
+  become: true
+  package:
+    state: present
+    name: qemu-utils
+- name: Convert image to the given formats
+  command: >
+    qemu-img convert {{ convert_diskimage_source_image }}
+    -O {{ zj_format }} {{ convert_diskimage_target_image }}.{{ zj_format }}
+  loop: "{{ convert_diskimage_target_formats }}"
+  loop_control:
+    loop_var: zj_format
diff --git a/roles/convert-diskimage/vars/main.yaml b/roles/convert-diskimage/vars/main.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59735240e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roles/convert-diskimage/vars/main.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  - raw
+  - qcow2
diff --git a/test-playbooks/diskimage-builder/convert-diskimage.yaml b/test-playbooks/diskimage-builder/convert-diskimage.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ff307be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-playbooks/diskimage-builder/convert-diskimage.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+- hosts: all
+  roles:
+    - ensure-dib
+    - role: build-diskimage
+      build_diskimage_image_name: foo-ubuntu-image
+      build_diskimage_formats: ["raw"]
+      build_diskimage_elements: ["vm", "ubuntu"]
+      environment:
+        DIB_RELEASE: "noble"
+    - role: convert-diskimage
+      convert_diskimage_source_image: "/home/zuul/dib-images/foo-ubuntu-image.raw"
+      convert_diskimage_target_image: "/home/zuul/dib-images/foo-ubuntu-image"
+      convert_diskimage_target_formats: ["qcow2"]
+  tasks:
+    - name: Gather image file info
+      stat:
+        path: "/home/zuul/dib-images/foo-ubuntu-image.qcow2"
+      register: image_file
+    - name: Assert image file exists
+      assert:
+        that: image_file.stat.exists
diff --git a/zuul-tests.d/diskimage-builder-roles.yaml b/zuul-tests.d/diskimage-builder-roles.yaml
index b29b9bff9..2140f26a2 100644
--- a/zuul-tests.d/diskimage-builder-roles.yaml
+++ b/zuul-tests.d/diskimage-builder-roles.yaml
@@ -116,6 +116,67 @@
         - name: ubuntu-noble
           label: ubuntu-noble
+- job:
+    name: zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage
+    description: Test the convert-diskimage role
+    files:
+      - roles/convert-diskimage/.*
+      - test-playbooks/diskimage-builder/.*
+    run: test-playbooks/diskimage-builder/convert-diskimage.yaml
+    required-projects:
+      - openstack/diskimage-builder
+    tags: debuntu-platforms
+- job:
+    name: zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage-debian-bookworm
+    description: Test the convert-diskimage role on debian-bookworm
+    parent: zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage
+    tags: auto-generated
+    nodeset:
+      nodes:
+        - name: debian-bookworm
+          label: debian-bookworm
+- job:
+    name: zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage-debian-bullseye
+    description: Test the convert-diskimage role on debian-bullseye
+    parent: zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage
+    tags: auto-generated
+    nodeset:
+      nodes:
+        - name: debian-bullseye
+          label: debian-bullseye
+- job:
+    name: zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage-ubuntu-focal
+    description: Test the convert-diskimage role on ubuntu-focal
+    parent: zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage
+    tags: auto-generated
+    nodeset:
+      nodes:
+        - name: ubuntu-focal
+          label: ubuntu-focal
+- job:
+    name: zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage-ubuntu-jammy
+    description: Test the convert-diskimage role on ubuntu-jammy
+    parent: zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage
+    tags: auto-generated
+    nodeset:
+      nodes:
+        - name: ubuntu-jammy
+          label: ubuntu-jammy
+- job:
+    name: zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage-ubuntu-noble
+    description: Test the convert-diskimage role on ubuntu-noble
+    parent: zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage
+    tags: auto-generated
+    nodeset:
+      nodes:
+        - name: ubuntu-noble
+          label: ubuntu-noble
 - project:
       jobs: &id001
@@ -129,6 +190,11 @@
         - zuul-jobs-test-build-diskimage-ubuntu-focal
         - zuul-jobs-test-build-diskimage-ubuntu-jammy
         - zuul-jobs-test-build-diskimage-ubuntu-noble
+        - zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage-debian-bookworm
+        - zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage-debian-bullseye
+        - zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage-ubuntu-focal
+        - zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage-ubuntu-jammy
+        - zuul-jobs-test-convert-diskimage-ubuntu-noble
       jobs: *id001