test-upload-logs-swift: Add missing template for test

I forgot to "git add" this file in

Change-Id: Ia6af42a7d9062fa7895f3b6901a0fa1e8646e8b9
This commit is contained in:
Ian Wienand 2019-11-01 14:51:12 +11:00
parent ce67cef122
commit 9a8cc2a1c0
1 changed files with 57 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Download all logs
# To use this file
# curl "{{ base_url }}/download-logs.sh" | bash
# Logs will be copied in a temporary directory as described in the
# output. Set DOWNLOAD_DIR to an empty directory if you wish to
# override this.
BASE_URL={{ base_url }}
function log {
echo "$(date -Iseconds) | $@"
function save_file {
local file="$1"
curl -s --compressed --create-dirs -o "${file}" "${BASE_URL}/${file}"
# Using --compressed we will send an Accept-Encoding: gzip header
# and the data will come to us across the network compressed.
# However, sometimes things like OpenStack's log server will send
# .gz files (as stored on its disk) uncompressed, so we check if
# this really looks like an ASCII file and rename for clarity.
if [[ "${file}" == *.gz ]]; then
local type=$(file "${file}")
if [[ "${type}" =~ "ASCII text" ]] || [[ "${type}" =~ "Unicode text" ]]; then
local new_name=${file%.gz}
log "Renaming to ${new_name}"
mv "${file}" "${new_name}"
if [[ -z "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}" ]]; then
DOWNLOAD_DIR=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir zuul-logs.XXXXXX)
log "Saving logs to ${DOWNLOAD_DIR}"
pushd "${DOWNLOAD_DIR}" > /dev/null
{% set total_files = file_list | length %}
{% for file in file_list %}
log "Getting ${BASE_URL}/{{ '%-80s'|format(file) }} [ {{ '%04d'|format(loop.index) }} / {{ '%04d'|format(total_files) }} ]"
save_file "{{ file }}"
{% endfor %}
popd >/dev/null
log "Download complete!"