Push artifacts to the intermediate registry This role will push any images built by :zuul:role:`build-docker-image` or :zuul:role:`build-container-image` into an intermediate registry. Run this in a trusted post-playbook at the end of a job after the image build. This requires the :zuul:role:`run-buildset-registry` role already applied. It also requires an externally managed "intermediate" registry operating for the use of Zuul, and it requires "skopeo" and "socat" to be installed on the Zuul executors. **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: buildset_registry Information about the registry, as returned by :zuul:role:`run-buildset-registry`. .. zuul:rolevar:: host The host (IP address) of the registry. .. zuul:rolevar:: port The port on which the registry is listening. .. zuul:rolevar:: username The username used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth. .. zuul:rolevar:: password The password used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth. .. zuul:rolevar:: cert The (self-signed) certificate used by the registry. .. zuul:rolevar:: intermediate_registry Information about the registry. This is expected to be provided as a secret. .. zuul:rolevar:: host The host (IP address) of the registry. .. zuul:rolevar:: port The port on which the registry is listening. .. zuul:rolevar:: username The username used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth. .. zuul:rolevar:: password The password used to access the registry via HTTP basic auth. .. zuul:rolevar:: docker_images :type: list A list of images built. Each item in the list should have: .. zuul:rolevar:: repository The name of the target repository for the image. .. zuul:rolevar:: tags :type: list :default: ['latest'] A list of tags to be added to the image. .. zuul:rolevar:: container_images :type: list A list of images built. Each item in the list should have: .. zuul:rolevar:: repository The name of the target repository for the image. .. zuul:rolevar:: tags :type: list :default: ['latest'] A list of tags to be added to the image.