- name: Install packages become: yes package: name: - python-docker - openssl - python-passlib state: present when: "'python3' not in ansible_python_interpreter" - name: Install packages become: yes package: name: - python3-docker - openssl - python3-passlib state: present when: "'python3' in ansible_python_interpreter" - name: Ensure registry volume directories exists file: state: directory path: "{{ buildset_registry_root }}/{{ item }}" loop: - tls - conf - name: Generate registry secrets set_fact: registry_password: "{{ lookup('password', '/dev/null') }}" registry_secret: "{{ lookup('password', '/dev/null') }}" - name: Write registry config template: src: registry.yaml.j2 dest: "{{ buildset_registry_root }}/conf/registry.yaml" - name: Generate a TLS key for the registry command: "openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout {{ buildset_registry_root }}/tls/cert.key -out {{ buildset_registry_root }}/tls/cert.pem -days 365 -nodes -subj '/C=US/ST=California/L=Oakland/O=Company Name/OU=Org/CN={{ ansible_host }}' -addext 'subjectAltName = DNS:zuul-jobs.buildset-registry,DNS:{{ ansible_host }},IP:{{ ansible_host }},IP:'" - name: Read TLS certificate slurp: src: "{{ buildset_registry_root }}/tls/cert.pem" register: certificate - name: Decode TLS certificate set_fact: certificate: "{{ certificate.content | b64decode }}" - name: Start the buildset registry docker_container: name: "{{ (buildset_registry_port == 5000) | ternary('buildset_registry', 'buildset_registry_' + buildset_registry_port|string) }}" image: zuul/zuul-registry:latest state: started restart_policy: always ports: - "{{ buildset_registry_port }}:5000" volumes: - "{{ buildset_registry_root }}/tls:/tls" - "{{ buildset_registry_root }}/conf:/conf" - name: Set registry information fact set_fact: buildset_registry: host: "{{ ansible_host }}" port: "{{ buildset_registry_port }}" username: zuul password: "{{ registry_password }}" cert: "{{ certificate }}" - name: Return registry information to Zuul zuul_return: data: buildset_registry: "{{ buildset_registry }}"