# Jobs listed in js-jobs.rst. - job: name: nodejs-npm parent: unittests description: | Base job for javascript operations Responds to these variables: .. zuul:jobvar:: npm_command :default: build Command to pass to npm. .. zuul:jobvar:: node_version :default: 6 The version of Node to use. .. zuul:jobvar: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} Path to operate in. .. zuul:jobvar: javascript_content_dir :default: dist Directory, relative to zuul_work_dir, holding build content. pre-run: playbooks/javascript/pre.yaml run: playbooks/javascript/run.yaml post-run: playbooks/javascript/post.yaml vars: npm_command: build - job: name: build-javascript-tarball parent: nodejs-npm description: | Build a source tarball for a Javascript project Responds to these variables: .. zuul:jobvar:: node_version :default: 6 The version of Node to use. .. zuul:jobvar: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} Path to operate in. .. zuul:jobvar: javascript_content_dir :default: dist Directory, relative to zuul_work_dir, holding build content. vars: npm_command: pack - job: name: build-javascript-content parent: nodejs-npm description: | Build javascript web content as it should be deployed. Responds to these variables: .. zuul:jobvar:: npm_command :default: build Command to pass to npm. .. zuul:jobvar:: node_version :default: 6 The version of Node to use. .. zuul:jobvar: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} Path to operate in. .. zuul:jobvar: javascript_content_dir :default: dist Directory, relative to zuul_work_dir, holding build content. success-url: npm/html/ - job: name: build-javascript-content-tarball parent: nodejs-npm description: | Build an archive of javascript web content as it should be deployed. Responds to these variables: .. zuul:jobvar:: npm_command :default: build Command to pass to npm. .. zuul:jobvar:: node_version :default: 6 The version of Node to use. .. zuul:jobvar: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} Path to operate in. .. zuul:jobvar: javascript_content_dir :default: dist Directory, relative to zuul_work_dir, holding build content. .. zuul:jobvar: create_tarball_directory Create a tarball with the contents of create_tarball_directory (relative to zuul_work_dir). post-run: playbooks/javascript/tarball.yaml - job: name: nodejs-npm-run-test parent: nodejs-npm description: | Run test using nodejs. This test also starts Xvfb for run time tests. Responds to these variables: .. zuul:jobvar:: node_version :default: 6 The version of Node to use. .. zuul:jobvar: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} Path to operate in. .. zuul:jobvar: javascript_content_dir :default: dist Directory, relative to zuul_work_dir, holding build content. pre-run: playbooks/javascript/pre-test.yaml vars: npm_command: test - job: name: nodejs-npm-run-lint parent: nodejs-npm description: | Run lint using nodejs. Responds to these variables: .. zuul:jobvar:: node_version :default: 6 The version of Node to use. .. zuul:jobvar: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} Path to operate in. .. zuul:jobvar: javascript_content_dir :default: dist Directory, relative to zuul_work_dir, holding build content. vars: npm_command: lint - job: name: nodejs-npm-run-docs parent: nodejs-npm description: | Run docs using nodejs. Responds to these variables: .. zuul:jobvar:: node_version :default: 6 The version of Node to use. .. zuul:jobvar: zuul_work_dir :default: {{ zuul.project.src_dir }} Path to operate in. post-run: playbooks/tox/docs-post.yaml success-url: html/ vars: npm_command: docs