- hosts: all tasks: - name: Add project atomic PPA become: true apt_repository: repo: ppa:projectatomic/ppa - name: Install packages become: true package: name: - skopeo state: present # This happens in the pre-playbook of the # opendev-buildset-registry job. Since we're testing these roles # in opendev, and we're running a second buildset registry, we # need to do the same here for it. - name: Open the IPv4 port for the second buildset registry become: true iptables: action: insert chain: openstack-INPUT destination_port: '9000' jump: ACCEPT match: tcp ctstate: NEW protocol: tcp ip_version: ipv4 - name: Open the IPv6 port for the second buildset registry become: true iptables: action: insert chain: openstack-INPUT destination_port: '9000' jump: ACCEPT match: tcp ctstate: NEW protocol: tcp ip_version: ipv6