Upload logs to a swift container This uploads logs to an OpenStack Object Store (Swift) container. **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_site_upload_logs :default: true Controls when logs are uploaded. true, the default, means always upload logs. false means never upload logs. 'failure' means to only upload logs when the job has failed. .. note:: Intended to be set by admins via site-variables. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_log_cloud_config Complex argument which contains the cloud configuration in os-cloud-config (clouds.yaml) format. It is expected that this argument comes from a `Secret`. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_log_partition :default: false If set to true, then the first component of the log path will be removed from the object name and added to the container name, so that logs for different changes are distributed across a large number of containers. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_log_container :default: logs This role will create containers which do not already exist. If partitioning is not enabled, this is the name of the container which will be used. If partitioning is enabled, then this will be used as the prefix for the container name which will be separated from the partition name by an underscore. For example, "logs_42" would be the container name for partition 42. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_log_container_public :default: true If the container is created, should it be created with global read ACLs. If the container already exists, it will not be modified. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_log_delete_after :default: 15552000 Number of seconds to delete objects after upload. Default is 6 months (15552000 seconds) and if set to 0 X-Delete-After will not be set. .. zuul:rolevar:: zuul_log_path :default: Generated by the role `set-zuul-log-path-fact` Prepend this path to the object names when uploading.