If ARA is enabled, generates a report or saves a copy of the ARA database. **Role Variables** .. zuul:rolevar:: ara_report_run :default: ``true`` Whether to run this role or not. Possible values: - ``true`` (always run) - ``false`` (never run) - ``failure`` (only run when there has been a failure) .. zuul:rolevar:: ara_database_path :default: ``{{ zuul.executor.work_root }}/.ara/ansible.sqlite`` Absolute path where the ARA database is expected on the control node. This should be where the ansible-playbook execution had ARA save the host, task and result data if you provided a custom location through ``ARA_DATABASE`` or an ``ansible.cfg`` file. .. zuul:rolevar:: ara_report_type :default: ``html`` Possible values: - ``html`` - ``database`` ``html`` will have ARA generate and save a statically generated HTML report inside ``ara_report_path``. ``database`` will only save the raw ARA sqlite database inside ``ara_report_path``. The database can then be downloaded by users or loaded dynamically by the ``ara-wsgi-sqlite`` middleware. See the `ARA documentation`_ for details. .. _ARA documentation: https://ara.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced.html .. zuul:rolevar:: ara_compress_html :default: ``true`` When report_type is 'html', whether to compress the ARA HTML output or not. .. tip:: Make sure the web server is configured to set the required mimetypes_ in order to serve gzipped content properly. .. _mimetypes: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci/tree/templates/logs.vhost.erb?id=5fe1f3d2d5e40c2458721e7dcf8631d62ea2525f#n24 .. zuul:rolevar:: ara_report_path :default: ``ara`` This path is relative to the root of the log directory. When report_type is 'html' directory where the HTML report will be generated. When report_type is 'database', directory where the database is saved.